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General Education Office

General Education Office. LA.121 / LA1301 English 1 Unit 3 – Staying in Hotels. Staying in Hotels. After unit 3, you will be able to: Check into a hotel. Leave and take a message Request housekeeping services. Staying in Hotels. Can you name recognise these hotel brands?.

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General Education Office

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  1. General Education Office LA.121 / LA1301 English 1 Unit 3 – Staying in Hotels

  2. Staying in Hotels After unit 3, you will be able to: • Check into a hotel. • Leave and take a message • Request housekeeping services

  3. Staying in Hotels Can you name recognise these hotel brands?

  4. Staying in Hotels • What are the benefits of making online hotel • reservations? • What is the best hotel that you have stayed in?(Discuss in Pairs)

  5. Staying in Hotels Vocabulary: Hotel room types and features Read and Listen. The listen again and repeat. • smoking 4 a double room 7 a queen size bed • non-smoking 5 a suite 8 a king size bed • a single room 6 a twin bed 9 a rollaway bed

  6. Staying in Hotels C Photo Story Read and listen to someone checking out of a hotel. D Focus on Language Find an underlined work or expression in the Photo Story with the same meaning as each of the following. 1 pay with 2 help 3 leaving 4 OK 5 only 6 soon

  7. Staying in Hotels E Think and explain All the following statements are false, Explain how you know they are false. The guest is staying for a few more days. The guest has complaints about the hotel. The guest pays the bill in cash. The shuttle is arriving in an hour.

  8. Staying in Hotels F PairworkMatch each picture with a hotel service from the website on Page 26. “Wake up service is important. If you oversleep, you can miss a meeting or a tour.” 1 ___________________ 2 ___________________ 3 ___________________ 4 ___________________ 5 ___________________ 6 ___________________ 7 ___________________ 8 ___________________ 9 ___________________

  9. Staying in Hotels – Check into a Hotel Grammar – had better Use had better and the base form of a verb to warn of a possible negative result. It is stronger form of advice then should. They’d better make a reservation right away. (The hotel is almost full.) You’d better not check out late. (There is a late check out fee.) Remember: To give a suggestion or advice, use should and the base form of a verb. You should make reservations right away. She shouldn’t forget her passport. The negative form shouldn’t is more common in questions than had better. Shouldn’t we call the airline first? We’d better. There could be delays. We’d better not. There’s no time.

  10. Staying in Hotels – Check into a Hotel Grammar – Practice Complete the conversations. Use a verb from the box and a contraction of had better or had better not, depending on the meaning. arrive ask be call hurry walk • A: Is the gift shop still open? • B: Yes, it is. But you _had better hurry__. It closes in five minutes. • A: When does the sales meeting begin? • B: At 2.00 sharp. We ____________ late. • A: Do you think I could walk to the museum from here? • B: Well it looks like rain. You ____________ . • You should take a taxi instead. • A: Do you think we could get a table at Carlo’s for dinner on Friday? • B: Well it’s pretty busy. You ____________ the concierge to make a • reservation for you.

  11. Staying in Hotels – Check into a Hotel Grammar – Practice Complete the conversations. Use a verb from the box and a contraction of had better or had better not, depending on the meaning. arrive ask be call hurry walk • A: Hello front desk? I’m trying to connect to the Internet but I can’t seem to • get online. • B: I’m so sorry. I ____________ the business centre for you. They can send • someone up to check it. • 6 A: Is the fitness center open early tomorrow? • B: Yes. It opens at 7.00. But you ____________ early. • It gets very crowded after 7.30.

  12. Staying in Hotels – Check into a Hotel Conversation Model A) Read and listen to someone checking into a hotel. A: Hi. I’m checking in. The name’s Baker. B: Let’s see. That’s a double for two nights. Non-smoking? A: That’s right. B: May I have your credit card? A: Here you go. By the way, is the restaurant still open? B: It is. But you’d better hurry. It closes at 9.00. B) Rhythm and Intonation Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation model with a partner.

  13. Staying in Hotels – Check into a Hotel Conversation Model C) Listening Comprehension Listen to guest checking into a hotel. Complete the information about what each guest needs.

  14. Staying in Hotels – Check into a Hotel Now you can: Check into a hotel. Pairwork Use the conversation model. Choose room types and durations. Imagine the time is now 8.30pm. A: Hi. I’m checking in. The name’s __________ . B: Let’s see. That’s a __________ for __________ night(s). Non- smoking? A: __________ . B: May I have your credit card? A: __________ . By the way, is the __________ still open? B: __________ . Gift Shop 8am to 9pm Business Centre 9am to 5pm Fitness Centre 6am to 9pm Sauna 11am to 8pm

  15. Staying in Hotels – Leave and take a message Conversation Model A) Read and listen to someone leave a message. A: Hello? I’d like to speak to Anne Smith. She’s a guest. B: I’ll ring that room for you…. I’m sorry. She’s not answering, Would you like to leave a message? A: Yes. Please tell her Tim Klein called. I’ll meet her at the hotel at three this afternoon. B: Is that all? A: Yes, thanks B) Rhythm and Intonation Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation model with a partner.

  16. Staying in Hotels – Leave and take a message Grammar – The future with will Use will or won’t and the base form of a verb to talk about future plans. He will call back tomorrow. Will she meet us at the restaurant? We won’t be able to join you for lunch. Will they take a taxi to the hotel? Note: will / won’t be able to has the same meaning as can / can’t Wewon’t be able to joinyou for lunch. = We can’t join you for lunch. Remember: You can also talk about the future with be going to, the present continuous, or the present simple tense. I’m going to call again at 4.00. They’remeeting at noon at the hotel. She arrives on PanAir Flight 24 tomorrow.

  17. Staying in Hotels – Leave and take a message Grammar – Practice Complete the messages, using will or won’t and the base form of the verb. Use a contraction when possible. • Please tell Ms. Yamaz ______________ back later. • Please give Mr. Ballinger this message: • _____________ at the Clayton Hotel until after 5.00. • Could you please tell the concierge ____________ a dinner reservation • for four at the Three Seasons tonight at 7.00? • Tell Ms. Harris_____________________________ pick her up at the • airport before 6.00, please. • 5 Tell everyone ________________________ at 3.00 tomorrow, London time. • 6 Could you please tell Mrs Park. _______________ come in early tomorrow? I / call We / not / be I / need her brother / not / be able to the conference call / start she / have to

  18. Staying in Hotels – Leave and take a message Listening Comprehension Listen to the phone messages. Then listen again and complete each message slip, according to the information you hear. Use the future with will in each message. Phone Message For________________________ From: Mr Ms Mrs. Miss_________________ please call will call you again wants to see you returned your call Message: _________________________ _________________________________ Phone Message For________________________ From: Mr Ms Mrs. Miss_________________ please call will call you again wants to see you returned your call Message: _________________________ _________________________________ Phone Message For________________________ From: Mr Ms Mrs. Miss_________________ please call will call you again wants to see you returned your call Message: _________________________ _________________________________ Phone Message For________________________ From: Mr Ms Mrs. Miss_________________ please call will call you again wants to see you returned your call Message: _________________________ _________________________________

  19. Staying in Hotels – Check into a Hotel Now you can: Leave and take a message • Frame your ideas: on a separate sheet of paper, write four messages you could leave for someone • Pairwork • Change the conversation model, using your own messages. Your partner completes the message slip. • Thee change roles. • A: Hello? I’d like to speak to _____________ • B: I’m sorry. _________ Would you like to leave a message? • A: Yes. Please tell ______________ • B: Is that all? • A: __________________ Phone Message For________________________ From: Mr Ms Mrs. Miss_________________ please call will call you again wants to see you returned your call Message: _________________________ _________________________________ How do you spell your last name? Could you please repeat that?

  20. Staying in Hotels – Request housekeeping services Vocabulary. Hotel room amenities and services.Read and listen. The listen again and repeat. extra towels extra hangers skirt hangers an iron a hairdryer make up turn down pick up bring up a take way the room the beds the laundry newspaper the dishes

  21. Request Housekeeping Services B Expanding the Vocabulary. Complete the statements with other items you know. Then compare items with a partner. 1 We need extra ____________________ . 2 We also need ____________________ . 3 Could someone pick up my ____________________ ? 4 Could someone bring up ____________________ ? 5 Could someone take away the ____________________ ? • Ideas • Dirty towels • Breakfast/lunch/dinner • Bags / luggage • A coffeemaker • A rollaway bed • Laundry bags • (your own ideas)

  22. Request Housekeeping Services Listening Comprehension a) Listen for the main ideas. Decide if the guests are satisfied or not. Then explain your answers. Room 586  Satisfied  Not satisfied Room 587  Satisfied  Not satisfied b) Listen for the details. Listen again and complete each statement. Room 586 The guest wants someone to take away ____________, bring up _______________ and ________________. and pick up ___________________ . Room 587 The guest wants someone to _________ the __________ bring up _______________, and ___________________. the ___________________ .

  23. Request Housekeeping Services Pairwork A) Look at the pictures. With a partner discuss what you think each guest is saying. B) Roleplay. Roleplay a telephone conversation between one of the guests and hotel staff. Use your ideas from Exercise A. The change roles. Start like this: A: Hello. Room service. How can I help you? B: Hi, I’d like to order…… Be sure to recycle this language. Hotel staff Hello, (business center) Is everything ok? What’s the problem? I’m sorry to hear that. Let me check. You’d better hurry. Hotel guest Is the ________ still open? What time does the _________ close / open? Could someone __________ ? Can I make a reservation for __________? The ______ isn’t / aren’t working. I’d like to order _________ .

  24. Summary During these lessons, you have learnt how to: • Check into a hotel • Leave and take a message • Request housekeeping services

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