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The division’s stated objective and expected accomplishments for 2008 and 2009

This article discusses the objectives and accomplishments of UN-ESCWA in narrowing the digital divide and building an inclusive information society in Western Asia. It highlights the region's current challenges, regional initiatives, and international collaborations.

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The division’s stated objective and expected accomplishments for 2008 and 2009

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  1. Developing theInformation Society in Western Asia-------UN-ESCWA Activities during 2008-2009by Georges YounesRepresenting UN-ESCWA (ICTD)younesg@un.orgGeneva - 19 May 2009

  2. Agenda • The division’s stated objective and expected accomplishments for 2008 and 2009 • IS panorama in the ESCWA region • Some 2008-2009 activities • This year’s main IS event • Questions and answers

  3. ICTD: Objective for 2008-09 To narrow the digital divide and to build an inclusive, people-centred and development-oriented information society in accordance with internationally agreed development goals and objectives.

  4. Expected Accomplishments (a) Increased implementation of the Regional Plan of Action for Building the Information Society, particularly in relation to the information and communication technology sector (b) Enhanced capacity of member countries to provide e-services in Arabic targeting socio-economic development

  5. IS Panorama in Western Asia (2008) • 2008: Little improvement over past years • Region’s Internet penetration: 11.81% - world average: 22.04% (ITU figures) • Digital divide also exists within region (richer/poorer countries): Mobile penetration in UAE: 173%; Yemen: 14%

  6. Regional Plan of Action - WA • Original formulation of RPOA: 2005 • 10 programmes/38 projects • Partners: private sector, public sector, international organizations, regional organizations • 2006-2008: Formulation of Arab ICT Strategy and companion plan of action • Much of the RPOA was adopted “as-is” by the League of Arab States and backed by the Arab Telecommunications and Information Council of Ministers (ATICM) • RPOA update: June 2009 during WSIS follow-up conference in Damascus (more later)

  7. ISPER: Information Society Portal • Regional online tool for following up on the RPOA • Caters to Arabic and English speakers/ bilingual library • Real-time discussion forums

  8. National/Regional IS Profiles • Biennial publication “Regional Profile of the Information Society” compiled from “National Profiles” • All action lines covered in both publications • Include a chapter that highlights ICT achievements which may have an impact of the MDGs • Comparative analysis help Governments update/fine tune strategies and implementation plans • To iron out the kinks of past profiles, ESCWA held in November 2008 a “Consultative Workshop on the National Profiles in Western Asia” • Modified template to improve quality/accuracy

  9. Access to Information and Knowledge (1) • Access in rural areas remain one of the main obstacles • 3-year project (2006-2009) involving Regional Commissions (ESCWA as lead agency): “Knowledge Networks through ICT Access Points for Disadvantaged Communities” • Transformation of existing ICT access points/community telecentres into knowledge hubs • Knowledge hubs provide, develop, organize, share and disseminate knowledge to the communities they serve

  10. Access to Information and Knowledge (2) • 2008 activities • Design of the Knowledge Networks portal • Formulation of regional and global knowledge strategies • Training workshops for key staff of participating telecentres

  11. Capacity Building • ESCWA and UNESCO are partners in “ICT Education in Iraq” • Aimed at addressing problems related to education in a conflict zone • Work subdivision: • ESCWA: ICT infrastructure • UNESCO: Training and e-learning • 2008 activities: • Sessions on the formulation of education strategies • ICDL instructor training • Creation of courseware • Infrastructure and equipment for 5 training centres and 10 schools

  12. Enabling Environment • 2007 Study: “Models for Cyber Legislation” • 2008 Workshop: “Cyber Legislation and its Implementation in the ESCWA Region” • 2009 Project: “Harmonization of Cyber Legislations” • 2009 Study: “Building Trust in e-Services in the ESCWA Region”

  13. Cultural Diversity (1) • Arabic speakers: 5% of the world population • Arabic content on the Internet: 0.16% • Digital Arabic content (DAC) is a subject that is dear to the heart of policymakers in the Arab world • Field project: “Promotion of the Digital Arabic Content Industry through Incubation” • Partnership with 5 incubators in (1 in each) Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Yemen • Competition to select DAC projects to be incubated under the supervision of participating incubators

  14. Cultural Diversity (2) • Active involvement of ESCWA in the development of an “Arabic Domain Names System” (ADNS) • 2003: Creation of the “Arabic Domain Names Task Force” (ADNTF) • 2008: Collaborative efforts with global players (Afilias; PIR) to resolve outstanding issues • Involvement of communities and experts from diverse parts of the globe using Arabic script (e.g. Persian and Urdu)

  15. International & Regional Cooperation (1) • Many ESCWA initiatives have been carried out in partnership with international and regional organizations • Collaborative efforts are coordinated primarily with United Nations Regional Commissions, UN specialized agencies, UNDP regional offices the League of Arab States as well as governments of member countries

  16. International & Regional Cooperation (2) • “ESCWA Technology Center for Development” aims at supporting national and regional capacity-building in science, technology and innovation • A manifestation of regional cooperation and integration as it is based on a partnership between ESCWA and its member countries, particularly those who will host and partially fund the centre • Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Syria expressed interest in hosting the centre • Status: Final negotiations

  17. Financing Mechanisms • May 2009: a workshop on “Investment in the ICT Sector.” • The main objective of the workshop is to raise the awareness of member countries and to increase their understanding of policies, mechanisms and modalities that promote ICT investment and in the region • Participants included policymakers from investment authorities and ministries of ICT, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, investment bankers as well as representatives of investment companies.

  18. Measuring the Information Society • 2008: In collaboration with the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a training workshop on “Measuring ICT Indicators” • Theoretical and hands-on training on data collection of the core list of ICT indicators, including indicators on ICT infrastructure, access to and use of ICT by households and individuals, use of ICT by businesses, as well as on trade in ICT goods

  19. 2009 Main IS Event in Western Asia (1) Regional Follow-up to the Outcome of the World Summit on the Information Society 16-18 June 2009 Damascus, Syria

  20. 2009 Main IS Event in Western Asia (2) • Highlights implementation activities related to WSIS outcomes, the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) and the Arab ICT Strategy • An updated version of the RPOA including a list of new projects targeting the needs and realities of the Information Society for the period extending from 2009 to 2015 • A roadmap for the implementation and follow-up of future WSIS-related activities • The creation of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) Arab Region Network.

  21. 2009 Main IS Event in Western Asia (3)

  22. 2009 Main IS Event in Western Asia (4)

  23. 2009 Main IS Event in Western Asia (5)

  24. 2009 Main IS Event in Western Asia (6) Register for the Conference, by 1 June 2009 Registration form available at: http://www.escwa.un.org/information/meetingdetails.asp?referenceNum=850E

  25. Questions?

  26. Thank you Georges YounesRepresenting UN-ESCWA (ICTD)younesg@un.orgGeneva - 19 May 2009

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