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Economie Générale : Manuels de base. Joseph Stiglitz, Economics , 2° Edition, WW Norton, 1997. Traduction française. Pour la partie macroéconomique. Barel E., Beaux C., Kesler E., Sichel O., Economie politique contemporaine, A. Colin, dernière édition 200x.
Economie Générale : Manuels de base • Joseph Stiglitz, Economics, 2° Edition, WW Norton, 1997. • Traduction française. • Pour la partie macroéconomique. • Barel E., Beaux C., Kesler E., Sichel O., Economie politique contemporaine, A. Colin, dernière édition 200x.
Economie des marchés et de la concurrence : Manuels de base • Church J., Ware R., Industrial Organization: a Strategic Approach, Irwin McGraw Hill, 1999. • Tirole J., Théorie de l’Organisation Industielle. MIT Press, 1998. • Carlton D.W., Perloff J.M., Modern Industrial Organization, 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley, 1999. • Pepall L., Richards D., Norman G., Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Practice, 2nd Ed, South-Western College Publishing, 2002. • Hitt Michael, Duane Ireland, Robert Hostisson, Strategic Management, Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, 5th Edition, South-Western College Publishing, 2005. • McMillan J., Reinventing the Bazaar: A natural History of Markets, Norton, 2003. (En français, Du Bazar à la Corbeille, Pearson, 2003). • Ross Miller, Paving Wall Street, John Wiley, 2002
Economie de l’entreprise et des organisations : Manuels • Milgrom P., Roberts J., Economics, Organization, and Management, Prentice Hall, 1992. Traduction, Economie, Organisation et Management, PUG-De Boeck, 1997. • J.-J., Laffont, D. Martimort, The Theory of Incentives, The Principal-agent model, Princeton University Press, 2002. • Brickley J., Smith C., Zimmerman J., Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, 2° Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2001. • FitzRoy F., Acs Z., Gerlowski D., Management and Economics of Organization, Prentice Hall Europe, 1998. • Acs Z., Gerlowski D., Managerial Economics and Organization, Prentice Hall, 1996. • Douma S., Schreuder H., Economic Approaches to Organizations, Prentice Hall, 2° Ed., 1998.
Organisation : recueils d’articles classiques • Buckley P., Michie J. (ed.), Firms, Organizations, and Contracts, A reader in Industrial Organization, Oxford University Press. 1996. • Williamson O., Masten S., Transaction Costs Economics, 2 volumes. EE.
Organisation : Articles de synthèse • Gibbons R., “Incentives in Organizations”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1998, Vol. 12, # 4. • Holmström B., Roberts J., “The Bounderies of the Firm Revisited”, J EP, Idem. • Bolton P., Scharfstein D., “Corporate Finance, the Theory of the Firm, and Organization”, JEP, Idem. • Shleifer A., “State versus Private Ownership”, JEP, Idem. • Holmström B, Tirole J., Chapitre 2 – “The Theory of the Firm”, in Schmalensee R., Willig R., Handbook of Industrial Organization, North-Holland Elsevier, vol. 1, 1989. • Williamson O., “Transaction Cost Economics”, Idem. • Milgrom P., Roberts J., ‘Economic Theory of the Firm: Past, Present, an Future’. In Buckley et Mickie, op.cit.
(Brève) bibliographie d’auteurs français • Cahuc P., La nouvelle microéconomie, Repères, 1993. • Robé J-P, L’entreprise et le droit, Que sais-je ?, 1999. • Koenig G., De nouvelles théories pour gérer l’entreprise du XXI° siècle, Economica, 1999. • Ménard C., L’économie des organisations, Repères, 1990