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Introducing WCF

http://debugmode.net. DEBUGMODE_. Introducing WCF. Dhananjay Kumar. From Objects to Services. Object-Oriented. Polymorphism Encapsulation Subclassing. 1980s. Component-Based. Interface-based Dynamic Loading Runtime Metadata. 1990s. Service-Oriented. Message-based Schema+Contract

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Introducing WCF

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Presentation Transcript

  1. http://debugmode.net DEBUGMODE_ Introducing WCF Dhananjay Kumar

  2. From Objects to Services Object-Oriented Polymorphism Encapsulation Subclassing 1980s Component-Based Interface-based Dynamic Loading Runtime Metadata 1990s Service-Oriented Message-based Schema+Contract Binding via Policy 2000s

  3. WCF Unified framework for rapidly building service-oriented applications

  4. WCF Microsoft Innovation & Practice Team, MSCoE

  5. Message Services and Clients Client Service Message

  6. Endpoint Endpoint Endpoint Endpoints Client Service Message

  7. End Points Microsoft Innovation & Practice Team, MSCoE

  8. End Point

  9. C C C B B B A A A A+B+C Client Service Message Address Binding Contract (Where) (How) (What)

  10. Address (A) Every service is associated with a unique address.

  11. Address (A)

  12. Address (A)

  13. Address (A)

  14. Address (A)

  15. Binding (B)

  16. Binding (B)

  17. Binding (B) basicHttpBinding

  18. Binding (B) wsHttpBinding

  19. Binding (B) wsFederationHttpBinding

  20. Binding (B) webHttpBinding

  21. Binding (B) wsDualHttpBinding

  22. Binding (B) netTCPBinding

  23. Binding (B) netNamedPipeBinding

  24. Binding (B) netMSMQBinding

  25. Binding (B) netPeerTCPBinding

  26. Binding (B) basicHttpContextBinding

  27. Binding (B) Choosing Binding WCF To WCF No Yes Disconnected Calls No Yes Legacy ASMX Cross Machine No Yes No Yes WS Basic IPC TCP MSMQ

  28. Binding (B) Binding Classes

  29. Binding (B) Configuring Binding <endpoint address="Calculator" bindingSectionName="basicProfileBinding" bindingConfiguration="Binding1" contractType="ICalculator" /> <bindings> <basicProfileBinding> <binding configurationName="Binding1" hostnameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" transferTimeout="00:10:00" maxMessageSize="65536" messageEncoding="Text" textEncoding="utf-8" </binding></basicProfileBinding></bindings>

  30. Service Contract (C)

  31. Contract (C) Types of Contracts 31

  32. Contract (C) Service Contract

  33. Contract (C) Service Contract

  34. Contract (C) Service Contract

  35. Contract (C) Data Contract

  36. Contract (C) Data Contract

  37. Contract (C) Data Contract

  38. Contract (C) Message Contract

  39. Contract (C) Fault Contract

  40. Creating End Point

  41. Defining Endpoints <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0"> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service serviceType="CalculatorService"> <endpoint address="Calculator" bindingSectionName="basicProfileBinding" contractType="ICalculator" /> </service> </services> </system.serviceModel> </configuration>

  42. Multiple End Point

  43. Multiple End Point • <endpointaddress="http://localhost:8890/a" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="HotsingSamples.IService1"/> • <endpointaddress="http://localhost:8000/b" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="HotsingSamples.IService1"/> • <endpointaddress="net.tcp://localhost:8001/c" binding="netTcpBinding" contract="HotsingSamples.IService1"/>

  44. Hosting

  45. Creating WCF Service Defining .Net service interface to serve as the Service contract Implement Service Contract in .Net class as Service type and configure its behavior Configure the End Point where service will expose , by specifying A,B,C Host Service type in application using WCF hosting infrastructure At client side ,By using description of target End Point create PROXY. And write code against this Proxy.

  46. WCF basic task cycle

  47. Transport Encoder Protocol(s) Transport Encoder Protocol(s) Architecture: Messaging Runtime Service Contract andBehaviors Client Dispatcher Binding Address

  48. http://dhananjaykumar.net DEBUGMODE_ Q & A Dhananjay Kumar

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