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Six Weeks Outside Reading Assignment

Six Weeks Outside Reading Assignment. “Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” ~Edmund Burke~. Overview Dates Book List Book Descriptions MWDS Form Rhetorical Devices with Definitions Book report Options MLA Citation Generator http://www.citationmachine.net.

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Six Weeks Outside Reading Assignment

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  1. Six Weeks OutsideReading Assignment “Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” ~Edmund Burke~

  2. Overview Dates Book List Book Descriptions MWDS Form Rhetorical Devices with Definitions Book report Options MLA Citation Generator http://www.citationmachine.net Quick Links:

  3. Overview • The purpose of outside reading is to foster a personal habit of reading for pleasure. • To this end, you are asked to read two books per six weeks, and to compose a report about your chosen book. • We have provided a list of themed fiction and nonfiction books for each six weeks. However, it is up to you to choose which book you wish to read. The list is extensive. • The first book of each six weeks will be nonfiction, the second fiction.

  4. Outside Reading Reports • Once per six weeks, you must turn in a Major Works Data Sheet. (Form explained later in presentation.) • Once per six weeks, you will turn in an alternative project. • I will tell you which project is to be done each six weeks, though you may choose which project is done for which book. • The details of these book reports can also be found online. Read over them carefully, and well in advance, some of them are more time-consuming than you might expect.

  5. So when do I do what? • You must read one nonfiction book from the Approved List • You must read one fiction book from the Approved List. • You must prepare one MWDS • You must prepare one “Choice” book report, chosen as a class from specified options The way you combine the above books and reports is up to you, but you must turn in one book report every three weeks. Non- Fiction MWDS Fiction Choice Report

  6. Fall Semester: 1st six weeks: 9/6-9/9 9/22-9/27 When is it due?Every Three Weeks… but more specifically: About the Dates: Please note, the window for turning in the project opens on a Thursday, and closes on a THURSDAY, not Friday. If you are absent, for example, on Sept. 9th, the book report is late when you return as you had 7 days to turn it in. Do NOT wait until the last minute.

  7. So What Can I Read? • Each six weeks one of six themes will be assigned. • Each theme is a different tab on the spreadsheet below. • Choose one book from each list to read, Nonfiction first.

  8. So What’s On the Major Works Data Sheet? • MLA Citation: for now, use a citation generator • http://www.citationmachine.net • Basic Information: • Significance of Title: What does the title mean, how is it important? • Author’s Nationality: can influence a work as it is reflective of the author’s background; this is where they are from, not their race (answering with the author’s race will result in a 20 point deduction) • Setting: • Social Environment: how does the social setting influence the events? (ex: private high school, Southern Mississippi in 1825, Cold War Russia) • Plot: • Primary Mode of Discourse: Narration &Description, Process Analysis, Comparison & Contrast, Division & Classification, Definition, Cause & Effect, Persuasion & Argument • Point of View: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Person • Characters: Descriptions of three characters or figures from the book, and why they are important. • Rhetorical Strategies (four): (use Flip Chart &/or Rhetorical Devices PPT) • Strategy: Name of Device/Strategy • Text: Quote where it appears in the book • Function: What does it do? This is NOT a definition, but rather an explanation of its function in the text. • Author’s Purpose: Why did the author choose that specific strategy? How does it enhance the story? • Style: What are some of the distinguishing characteristics of the author’s style? • Theme: What is the theme of the book? • Category: Every six weeks your OR will have a category, which is it? And how does the book relate to that category? Answers MUST be TYPED

  9. And the “Choice” Book Reports? • One Choice Book Report will be assigned for each six weeks. • Though each book report is ‘assigned,’ each report has certain elements that can be tailored to your individual book or style. • Detailed instructions are on the embedded file on the next slide.

  10. Choice Book Reports Overview(overview ONLY, consult detailed instructions before attempting) • Book to Film: write a script with soundtrack, or create a Photo Story of your book • Dialectical Journal: a handwritten journal including summaries, questions, and rhetorical devices for each chapter • Collage: choose eight rhetorical devices to represent in pictures, and explain each choice (Glogster) • iSearch: write a research report on something from the book that piqued your curiosity. • Essay: one of four options for an AP style essay concerning the book’s theme and plot • Book Log: choose five logs (from twelve) to complete over your novel, creating a booklet • 54321 Poster: visual book report with specific elements

  11. Book Qualificationsaka: “What about this book that isn’t on the list?” Book Recommendations Must: • Fit the theme for the six weeks, and • Have a Lexile level of 1100 or greater, • See www.lexile.com for ratings. You can also search the library database according to lexile. • Be approved by me in advance. • Generally limited to books you are reading for other classes or adult novels that do not have lexile levels.

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