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IT Lightning Talks Share, Discuss, Innovate!. CERN ITTF, 31 January 2014. En light (e) ning talks?. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 - Qualsiasi / flickr. Why?. The need expressed in IT Survey(s). “…the need for more frequent and lightweight communication …”
IT Lightning TalksShare, Discuss, Innovate! CERN ITTF, 31 January 2014
Enlight(e)ning talks? CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 -Qualsiasi/flickr
The need expressed in IT Survey(s) “…the need for more frequent and lightweight communication…” “…encourage initiatives to engage the younger members of staff in exposing and sharing of ideas…” “…create an environment of an increased culture of sharing of ideas and innovation…” “…increase the opportunities for innovative ideas to emerge and be discussed...” (From IT Survey and PoW 2012 and 2013)
Sharing and innovation • Very talented people with ideas and potential, we should make the most of them • Encourage flow of ideas on different subjects • Use the potential to improve what we do and to do new useful things • Show that the CERN IT Department is a place where innovation happens
Sharing and innovation • Very talented people with ideas and potential, we should make the most of them • Encourage flow of ideas on different subjects • Use the potential to improve what we do and to do new useful things • Show that the CERN IT Department is a place where innovation happens
Communication within the Department • What are existing communication channels? • Which of them are top-down? Bottom-up? Cross-group? • Do we want more? Less? Different? • Do they cover all needs?
ITTF last week Two points raised from the audience: • Never use ‘git push --force’ • Why does CERN have several Organizations in github? (These were not questions to the speaker!)
Posters around CERN • Come, discover and experiment with RaspberryPi • Let’s exchange GPG signatures • Passionate about science and web? Innovate! Win!
Sometime early summer 2013… … it would be great to have a place to say: • Interested in creating a mobile app for the Open Days?
Corridor/lift/coffee/lunch chats • Who can advise me on JavaScript frameworks? • My best MOOC (free online course) ever! • Develop CERN phonebook for mobile web in 5 minutes • Google Glass at CERN - how will you react? • Before coming to CERN, I was involved with OWASP • I just started automatizing my house
Different scope • I need to talk with someone to • Share experience, seek feedback or advice, look for other people with similar interests, etc. • I have a brilliant idea to: • Improve existing IT services or activities • Develop new services within the IT Dep. or CERN • Start a revolution that will change the world forever We need to be ready for all of them!
Successful examples • White Area Lectures(IT/GD -> IT/SDC) https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WhiteAreas • demo+pizza lunch (IT/AIS, a couple of years ago) • tutorial/demo-style ITTFs – very popular e.g. “git best practices” last week • inverted CSC - since 2005 “Where students turn into teachers” • CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks
Not trying to replace…… they all have their purpose! C5 ITTF HEPiX SNOW / Service Desk Talking to your colleagues JIRA DCM etc. etc. Trying to fill a gap
What about ITTF? IT Technical Forum - very popular, useful and appreciated Has become the “de facto” channel for presenting ongoing activities However, it isperceived as an official and hierarchical communication channel: • “This is not the place to present my private project” • “I would need my group leader’s blessing” • “Speakers represent their groups” • “I don’t have enough to say for 30-45 minutes”
Same goals as for ITTF So, let’s add some events that explicitly are: • lightweight: come with anything, not necessarily serious or big • informal: share work-related as well as private interests/projects • open: present, but also ask, seek feedback or advice etc.
Many possible formats • PechaKucha(20 slides x 20 seconds) • Ignite (20 slides x 15 seconds) • Speed geeking(like speed dating ;-) • Unconferences(Barcamps, BoFs etc.) • Lightning Talks
What is a lightning talk • Very short (usually 5 minutes maximum) • Any topic (within the scope and relevant to the audience) • Several talks in a single session • Idea 15 years old, popular for ~10 years • so it’s the right time for us to jump on it! :-) CC BY 2.0 bgreenlee / flickr
IT Lightning Talks Let’s try: • 5-10 talks in a row, 5 minutes max each • a few times a year (once a month if there is interest?) • using ITTF slot (Friday 10am) • any topic related to the IT Department or to computing • coffee and snacks afterwards? – to encourage informal but more in-depth discussions while ideas are “hot”
Short-term follow-up Presenting/discussing is fine… but what next? • especially for discussing the ideas, collecting feedback, fleshing out possible projects, joining up in teams First step is to have a permanent trace of each talk: • Slides and/or summaries in Indico (or other central place) • with a reference • the person, the e-group • the project or activity web page • the corresponding JIRA ticket etc. Additionally need to provide a supporting tool or platform to enable further discussion and sharing after the ITLTs
Longer-term follow-up Expert coaching, business models, knowledge transfer, IPR, external funding, etc. Can openlab, IdeaLab, KT help? How? EC projects? Cross-group activities Approval and resources within IT Dep. Talk to experts Advantages, risks, costs Can become part of standard Group work Personal interactions, social/feeds/blogs tool
Benefits Encourage a culture of sharing, initiative, innovation, openness, creativity, engagement, thinking out-of-the-box … Improve, extend or add useful services Share your work/ideas, get feedback, find others interested Get experience presenting, add good stuff for CVs, … Learn something useful, thought-provoking, or at least cool Meet new people Change the world? Have fun!!
Open questions Conference ormeeting? Allow questions after each talk? … or rather encourage coffee discussions afterwards?
Open questions Maximum talk length: 5 minutes? … or allow also for longer talks? (up to 10 minutes? 15?) Follow-up/discussion online - which platform? social.cern.ch, TWiki, Drupal, JIRA, …
IT Lightning Talks For lightweight, informal,opencommunication First session: March 2014? Propose talks: lightning-talks@cern.ch by Feb 28th Thank you
All these would fit great! • Never use ‘git push --force’ • Why does CERN have several Organizations in github? • Come, discover and experiment with RaspberryPi • Let’s exchange GPG signatures • Passionate about science and web? Innovate! Win! • Interested in creating a mobile app for the Open Days? • Who can advise me on JavaScript frameworks? • My best MOOC (free online course) ever! • Develop CERN phonebook for mobile web in 5 minutes • Google Glass at CERN - how will you react? • Before coming to CERN, I was involved with OWASP • I just started automatizing my house
… and more: • I discovered this cool technology - anyone else using it? • I solved a common problem in an unusual way • I did … and it didn’t work – don’t repeat my mistake • Which platform or language would you chose to… • There is a new online service – very useful! • Look what I developed at home, just for fun! • I think CERN could… / IT Department should… • I have this idea for a project, what do others think? • I’ve heard about this new trend in computing… • Here’s a question I’ve been always asking myself • I predict than in 10 years everybody will…
Links • http://perl.plover.com/lt/osc2003/lightning-talks.html • http://software.ac.uk/home/cw11/giving-good-lightning-talk • http://www.perl.com/pub/2004/07/30/lightningtalk.html • http://businessofsoftware.org/2013/07/why-you-should-give-a-lightning-talk-2/
ACK Thanks to… • Maria Dimou • Francois Fluckiger • David Foster • Denise Heagerty • Nils Hoimyr • Stefan Lueders • Alberto Pace • Ignacio Reguero • … and many others for your suggestions, comments, vision, critics ;-)