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Heavy metals in safety vegetables in supermarkets in Bangkok. Haritchaya Nubsang Mahidol University. Introduction. Statement of problems. Types of vegetable. Brassica olcraca L.var.capitata L. (Cabbage). Brassica pekinensis Lour. (Chinese cabbage). Brassica alboglabra Bailey
Heavy metals in safety vegetables in supermarkets in Bangkok Haritchaya Nubsang Mahidol University
Types of vegetable Brassicaolcraca L.var.capitata L. (Cabbage) Brassicapekinensis Lour. (Chinese cabbage) Brassica alboglabra Bailey (Chinese Kale)
Types of vegetable BrassicachinensisJuslvarparachinensis (Bailey) Tsen & Lee (pakchoichinese cabbage) Ipomoea aguatica Forsk (water convolvulus)
Sampling Location Inner Bangkok Middle Bangkok Outer Bangkok Figure 1 Study Area
Sample Preparation and Analysis Wash sample Remove root Cut into small pieces Grind Store with the tempt. of 4 C
Heavy Metals Analysis Weigh sample Add 5 mL of HNO3 and 1 mL of H2O2 Digest Filter and diluted to 50 mL Analyze heavy metal using AAS
Heavy Metals Analysis - Calculated by the following equation (A-B) x V W Heavy metal concentration = Where: A = Concentration of heavy metal in digested sample in mg/L B = Concentration of heavy metal in method blank in mg/L V = Total digested volume at the end of digestion process in mL. W = Weight of vegetable sample in g
Heavy metals in vegetables Table 1 : Concentration of heavy metals in safety vegetables
Heavy metals in vegetables Figure 1: Concentration of heavy metals in vegetable samples
Lead in Vegetables Figure 2 : Concentration of Pb in vegetable samples
Chromium in Vegetables Figure 2 : Concentration of Cr in vegetable samples
Result and Discussion - Comparison to the limited value of some heavy metals required by the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand in 1986 - Comparison to the maximum levels of contaminants in food determined by the National Food Safety Standard in China