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CHAPTER 9. Aversive Control of Behavior: Punishment and Avoidance. Aversive Control of Behavior. Operant behavior is influenced by appetitive stimuli. Operant behavior can also be influenced by aversive stimuli. Operant behavior can: Produce aversive stimuli ( punishment )
CHAPTER 9 Aversive Control of Behavior: Punishment and Avoidance
Aversive Control of Behavior • Operant behavior is influenced by appetitive stimuli. • Operant behavior can also be influenced by aversive stimuli. • Operant behavior can: • Produce aversive stimuli (punishment) • Remove aversive stimuli (escape) • Prevent aversive stimuli (avoidance). • These three response-consequence relations have characteristic behavioral effects.
Aversive Control of Behavior • Aversive stimuli can also affect operant behavior when that behavior neither produces nor prevents them--when aversive stimuli occur independently of responding. • Most famous example is conditioned emotional response.
Conditioned Emotional Response • Rat must lever press to obtain food. • Rat receives periodic pairings of tone with electric shock. • Rat eventually press lever at a lower rate when tone is on than when it is off. • Phenomenon is called conditioned suppression or conditioned emotional response (CER; Estes & Skinner, 1941).
Conditioned Emotional Response • Degree of suppression is measured by suppression ratio. • If rate during CS is B and rate in absence of CS is A, then suppression can be assessed with ratio: B/(A+B). • If CS has no effect, then ratio is 0.5. • If CS totally suppresses responding, then ratio is 0.0.
Conditioned Emotional Response • With rats, food-reinforced lever presses may be suppressed in only a few trials. • In early trials, responding is suppressed in both presence and absence of CS. • Later, suppression is restricted to CS.
PUNISHMENT • Punishment represents second side of Thorndike’s Law of Effect. • Reward increases likelihood of behavior that produces it. • Punishment decreases likelihood of behavior that produces it.
PUNISHMENT • Is all we learned about positive reinforcement true, in mirror-image form, of punishment? • Perhaps not. • Any operant punishment situation is really a punishment plus reinforcement situation.
PUNISHMENT • For punishment to suppress operant responding, responses must already be occurring with some frequency. • For responses to occur, they must be producing reinforcement. • So, effect of punishment reflects interaction of two contingencies--reinforcement and punishment. • They jointly operate in most situations.
PUNISHMENT • Many factors influence effectiveness of punishment. • All testify to important role punishment plays in control of operant behavior.
PUNISHMENT: EFFECTIVNESS • Punishing only reinforced response is often not an effective procedure. • If you give organism an alternative, unpunished route to reinforcement, then effects of punishment are enhanced.
PUNISHMENT: EFFECTIVNESS • As intensity of punishing stimulus increases, degree of suppression increases. • If very intense shock is used, then suppression may be virtually complete.
PUNISHMENT: EFFECTIVNESS • Suppressive effect of intermediate shock intensity depends on animal’s past experience with shock. • If animal has experienced intensities going from mild to intermediate, then there will be little suppression. • If animal has experienced intensities going from severe to intermediate, then there will be substantial suppression.
PUNISHMENT: EFFECTIVNESS • For punishment to be maximally effective, it must immediately follow operant response. • As delay interval between response and punishment increases, amount of suppression decreases.
PUNISHMENT: EFFECTIVNESS • Punishment should be certain and follow each operant response. • When responses are punished intermittently, effectiveness of punishment procedure is reduced.
AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR • Much of our daily activity avoids aversive stimuli that would otherwise occur if we did not behave appropriately. • Reinforcer for avoidance is a nonevent--absence of something bad. • Poses a great theoretical puzzle. • What sustains avoidance responding? • How can a nonevent be a reinforcer?
AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR • Two basic avoidance conditioning procedures: • Discrete-Trial Signaled Avoidance • Operant chamber • Shuttle box • Shock Postponement • Shock-Shock (S-S) interval • Response-Shock (R-S) interval • Contains no explicit signal for shock
AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR • Both procedures sustain effective avoidance behavior. • Big question is: What maintains avoidance? • We next move to this theoretical matter.
THEORIES OF AVERSIVE CONTROL • Two-factor theory • Operant theory • Cognitive theory • Biological theory
Two-factor theory • Most influential theory of aversive control. • Initially formulated by O. H. Mowrer. • Later elaborated by R. L. Solomon. • Views punishment and avoidance as products of both Pavlovian and operant conditioning.
Two-factor theory • Consider discrete-trial, escape-avoidance procedure: • Tone is presented and followed by shock. • Animal initially learns to escape shock. • Reinforcer for escape responding is shock termination.
Two-factor theory • While escape is occurring, Pavlovian conditioning is also occurring. • On each trial, tone (CS) is paired with shock (US). • After a number of trials, tone should elicit fear just as shock. • Animal may now make escape response and end fear-provoking CS.
Two-factor theory • But, escape from CS is avoidance of US. • So, two-factor theory suggests that avoidance is not really avoidance at all. • Rather, it is escape from a stimulus that, through pairing with shock, has become fear provoking.
Two-factor theory • Two-factor theory cleverly avoids problem of having a nonevent (absence of shock) maintain avoidance. • Termination of CS, not absence of shock, maintains avoidance. • Because escape is crucial to successful avoidance, two-factor theory holds that both Pavlovian and operant factors influence and maintain avoidance.
Two-factor theory • Two-factor theory nicely explains discrete-trial signaled avoidance. • What about shock-postponement procedure? • Here, there is no obvious external signal for shock. • But, passage of time might become a CS and elicit fear CR.
Two-factor theory • Fear could be conditioned to time after last response. • Just after a response, fear should be low or nonexistent; as time passes without a response, fear should grow. • When fear is sufficiently intense, response should occur, and organism should escape fear; organism should also avoid shock as a happy by-product.
Two-factor theory • Animals do not respond randomly in time on shock-postponement tasks. • Rather, likelihood of response increases as time since last response increases. • Supports two-factor theory of avoidance in shock-postponement tasks.
Two-factor theory • In addition, animals do learn to fear CS in standard discrete-trial procedure. • Animals learn to make response that escapes CS. • Furthermore, CS suppresses lever pressing for food in CER situation. • Finally, CS+ for shock increases animal’s rate of avoidance responding, whereas CS- decreases response rate.
Two-factor theory • Despite supportive results, there have been challenges. • Herrnstein-Hineline procedure poses one such challenge. • On this procedure, rats learn to lever press if consequence of lever pressing is a reduction in overall frequency of shocks--not necessarily to zero.
Two-factor theory • In addition, fear CRs are not reliably observed in avoidance experiments. • Sometimes they are observed; sometimes they are not. • Sometimes when they are observed, they occur at wrong time.
Two-factor theory • More significantly, when shocker is disconnected, animals often continue to make avoidance responses for hundreds of trials. • Shouldn’t fear extinguish long before avoidance response ceases? • Conclusion: case for two-factor theory is mixed.
Operant theory • Just as reinforcement increases rate of responding, perhaps punishment decreases rate of responding. • Key premise of operant theory. • Key method behind operant theory is Herrnstein-Hineline procedure.
Operant theory • One timer delivered shocks at average rate of 6 per minute; other delivered shocks at average rate of 3 per minute. • For both timers, interval between shocks was random; a shock was just as likely 2 seconds after last shock as it was 2 minutes after last shock.
Operant theory • Only one timer at a time ran; animal’s responding determined which. • If no press, 6 shock per min timer ran; if press, 3 shock per min timer ran. • So, pressing shifted from timer that delivered shocks at higher rate to timer that delivered shocks at lower rate. • Each response activated low-rate timer until next shock occurred.
Operant theory • Despite such subtle consequences, 19/20 rats learned to respond reliably. • This result was seen as evidence that sufficient condition for avoidance learning is reduction in shock frequency.
Operant theory • But, on average, lever pressing was followed by longer shock-free time than any other responses rats perform. • Perhaps this feature of method, rather than shock frequency reduction, was responsible for avoidance learning.
Operant theory • To find out, Hineline (1970) trained rats on procedure in which presses delayed inevitable shocks. • Pressing within 2-sec opportunity temporally relocated shock that would have occurred 2 sec into 20-sec trial to 18-sec into trial.
Operant theory • Even though shock occurred once in every 20-sec trial, rats learned to press. • More amazingly, Hineline (1977) found that lever pressing established by shock delay could be maintained even when lever pressing increased number of shocks received.
Operant theory • So, shock delay may reinforce operant behavior to such a degree that it overrides positive contingency between operant responding and shock delivery. • This positive contingency should have punished rats’ lever pressing.
Operant theory • Despite these interesting results, operant theory is not considered a rich account of all known facts of avoidance. • It fails to account for: • Extinction of avoidance behavior. • Effect of CSs on avoidance behavior.
Cognitive theory • Essentially an effort to formalize intuitive account of avoidance. • Based on what an organism knows, expects, and desires. • Theory has cognitive and emotional premises.
Cognitive theory • Cognitive premises: • Animal prefers no shock to shock. • Animal expects no shock if it responds. • Animal expects shock if it doesn’t respond. • Expectancies are strengthened when they are confirmed and weakened when they are disconfirmed. • Probability of avoidance response increases as confirmation of second and third expectancies increases.
Cognitive theory • Emotional premises: • Fear conditioned to CS paired with shock. • Fear extinguished when CS not paired with shock.
Cognitive theory • Advocates of cognitive theory are pleased that intuitions can be put into coherent account of avoidance. • Critics point out empirical shortcomings of cognitive theory. • One concerns effects of superimposed CSs on avoidance responding; should have no influence if animals learn that responding has no effect during CS-US training.
Biological theory • Final theory is not a complete account. • Rather, it is an approach to avoidance learning that focuses on: • Repertoire of defensive responses with which members of different species are endowed. • Relation between these responses and those required in laboratory.
Biological theory • Each species has set of built-in defensive responses: species-specific defense reactions or SSDRs. • Common SSDRs include freezing, attacking, and fleeing. • When danger develops, organism will make one of its SSDRs. • If this response eliminates danger, then all is well.
Biological theory • If not, then animal will make another SSDR, and another, until one succeeds. • Only when all of animal’s defensive repertoire has been sampled and has been proven to be ineffective will non-SSDRs occur.
Biological theory • What determines speed of avoidance learning is particular response animal must make. • If response resembles an SSDR, then animal will learn quickly. • If response does not resemble an SSDR, then animal will learn slowly or not at all.
Biological theory • For rat, some avoidance responses may be learned in one or two trials; example is jumping out of box. • Other avoidance responses may require hundreds of trials for acquisition; example is familiar lever press. • These acquisition data support key notion of biological theory.
Biological theory • Appreciating interplay between biology and experience is important. • But, biological theory says little about avoidance behavior after acquisition. • Biological theorists, like Robert Bolles, acknowledge this point, but say that speed of learning is most critical result for an animal’s survival.