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WELCOME! Please do the following: • Turn on your speakers. • Access the chat box to type. • Say hello, share where you are from and what you teach. We will start shortly…ENJOY!
“The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) provide an OPPORTUNITY to increase professional teaching skills, abilities, dispositions and performance levels to benefit the students we serve. Ultimately, THEY will lead and sustain the health and existence of our democratic citizenry, global economy, health, freedom and prosperity of generations to come. EMBRACE the challenge and invitation to collaborate, to develop, and to inspire excellence through collective responsibility and accountability.” (Rae Adams, 2012)
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“…Committed to Evidence Based Excellence in Teaching, Learning, Leadership and Service.” Your Hosts Today National University School of Education NBCT Leadership Center Ronarae Adams, NBCT Director Sean McCarthy, NBCT Ambassador Joanna Murray, NBCT Ambassador 2012
LEANInto National Board Certification…TAKE ONE! Orientation WebinarSeptember, 2012 Professional Development for Educators with a Desire for Distinction
AGENDA • Background • Context for Learning • NB Certification • NB Take One • NU Take One! Together Initiative • WAVE access to resources • Registration for TOT
About National University • Second largest, private, nonprofit university in California • Sixteenth largest private, not-for-profit university in the US • WASC regional accreditation; NCATE 2013 • Multiple sites; headquarters in La Jolla, San Diego • 99 undergraduate and graduate degrees • Issues more teaching credentials in CA than any university, seven years running • NB Leadership Center
About the WAVE: NU-PTDC • Promote knowledge and use of national standards for teachers and principals through outreach, recruitment and support of NB candidates (InTASC, Common Core, NBPTS, Learning Forward) • BE the bridge for P12-IHE communication and access to information, scholarships, opportunities • Develop initiatives, programs, curriculum aligned with educational reforms and programs focused on congruent systems aimed to increase P12 learning • Develop partnerships and online collaboration (schools, IHEs, associations, organizations) • Virtual and PLCs, webinars, courses, communication • Inform, inspire and empower educators to evolve.
WE are accountable to them Do they deserve the effort and the collaboration it takes to EVOLVE and improve?
CONTEXT for Learning • National political landscape • Accreditation • Trend for P20 collaboration, cooperation • 2014—High school students prepared with Common Core enter college (faculty prepared?) • Global interaction/interdependence/economy
Critical Demands of Educators • Workforce needs = applyknowledge, reason analytically, solve problems, innovate • American society = increasingly diverse, technology driven, uneven playing fields • Increased demand for performance data= new agenda for teacher preparation educators and policymakers • Changing expectations= teacher preparation and licensing must evolve to meet learner needs
Education Stakeholders United… FEA/PDK CCSSO/SCEE (Common Core ) EACH student learns, anytime, anywhere NBPTS Learning Forward Lumina (Degree Profile) NEA/AFT CAEP/NCATE 21st Century Communities AACTE InTASC IHEs, P12 schools, districts families, communities Smarter Balanced; PARCC;TPAC Recruit, prepare, develop, reward, and serve an Evidence Driven Generation of Professional Educators
hgg ALL STUDENTS LEARN ALL STUDENTS LEARN P12 Schools, Teachers, Administrators NCATE Accreditation Families/Community Economy and Workforce Higher Education Democracy and American Dream Organizations, Associations, Legislation NBPTS (Core propositions, certificate fields, assessments TAKE ONE! Entries ) LUMINA Degree Profile Teacher Performance Assessments ALL STUDENTS LEARN ALL STUDENTS LEARN
Learn with Intent:An Integrated Standards and Literacy Approach THAT WORKS! REALLY?!? BRILLIANT!
The Perfect BLEND for Improvement • National Board = national standards, tools and processes to guide and measure instructional performance and student learning • Common Core content standards= benchmarks for P12 student learning • Learning Forward =standards for high quality professional learning OUTCOME= EVIDENCE of student learning/achievement (NCATE, ESEA, RTT, TPAC)
What Is National Board Certification? • A voluntary process established by NBPTS • Rigorous, performance-based assessment aimed to measure what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do • Demonstration of performances focused to improve student achievement • An advanced certification that complements a state license • Three years of teaching experience required for full certification candidacy • Take One! option • Open to all- public, private, charters 10
WHY? • NBPTS was organized in response to the research on low performing schools, kids and teachers. • Differentiated professional teaching standards were crafted to better reflect what accomplishedteachers should know and do, given subject disciplines that parallel developmental age ranges. • The NBPTS assessments were designed to measure how well teachers apply these national standards to improve their instruction and increase student learning.
WHY does it matter? • National Board Certified candidates and teachers demonstrate and provide evidence of performances that increase student learning and achievement; pre-service teachers and principals have access to tools NOW. • NB for principals has been launched and the pilot is underway (14 states, 600 of 1500 applicants). Principals have access to tools NOW. • Future Teachers (highschool) are learning about NB in coursework and conferences; NB distinction pathways are evolving to offer assurance of effective preparation to teach.
California Clear Credential Opportunity • (SB) 941 was signed by Governor Brown toward the end of last year and is in effect as of January of this year: • Holders of Single Subject Credentials, or equivalent previously issued general education teaching credentials may add another content subject area to their credential based on National Board Certification (NBC) in the new subject area • Holders of Single Subject Credentials, or equivalent previously issued general education teaching credentials, may earn a Multiple Subject Credential based on NBC in Early Childhood (ages 3-8)/Generalist or Middle Childhood (ages 7-12)/Generalist • Holders of Multiple Subject Credentials, or equivalent previously issued general education teaching credentials, may earn a Single Subject Credential based on NBC in a single subject content area • Check with your state department of education for credentialing options through NB certification
The Research… • National Board Certification makes a significant positive impact on teacher performance and student learning, engagement and achievement • Teachers who pursue certification show significant improvement in their teaching practice, whether they achieve certification or not • All else being equal, teachers who had achieved National Board Certification helped their students achieve larger testing gains than did colleagues without the certification 11
Five Core Propositions • Teachers are committed to students and their learning. • Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. • Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. • Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. • Teachers are members of learning communities. 13
Impact on Higher Education • CA- SB 241 add credentials with NBCT; CDETask Force on Educator Excellence Sept 2012 Report: NBC recommendations, pgs. 26-27, 54, 69,75 • NCATE Conceptual Framework and Continuum • Union Support; CETT, PAR • USDOE- Respect Project, ESEA Reauthorization, RTT (teacher and principal evaluations with “multiple measures” indicators) • PTA- demand for NBCTs
NU’s NCATE CF and NB Core Prop Alignment (2)Teamwork
NB “Crosswalk” Tools • Core Propositions • Certificate Field Standards • Architecture of Accomplished Teaching Cycle • NBCTs • Take One! Together (a place to start) • Online collaboration and shared resources • Vertical articulation, planning, assessment (high school and IHE Common Core is critical)
Focus is on Evidence Centered Teaching It’s All About ME Designed and authored by Rae Adams, 2010
National Board Certificates • Based on NATIONAL Standards • 16 subject areas (content areas) • Developmental ranges/ages • 25 Certificates 15
Professional Standards Based Practice NBCT CORE PROPOSITIONS 1-5:
National Board Certificate Areas Art • Early and Middle Childhood • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood Career and Technical Education • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood English as a New Language • Early and Middle Childhood • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood English Language Arts • Early Adolescence • Adolescence and Young Adulthood 16
National Board Certificate Areas Exceptional Needs Specialist • Early Childhood through Young Adulthood Generalist • Early Childhood • Middle Childhood Health • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood Library Media • Early Childhood through Young Adulthood Literacy: Reading – Language Arts • Early and Middle Childhood 17
National Board Certificate Areas Mathematics • Early Adolescence • Adolescence and Young Adulthood Music • Early and Middle Childhood • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood Physical Education • Early and Middle Childhood • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood 18
National Board Certificate Areas School Counseling • Early Childhood through Young Adulthood Science • Early Adolescence • Adolescence and Young Adulthood Social Studies – History • Early Adolescence • Adolescence and Young Adulthood World Languages Other than English • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood 19
Developmental Levels • Early Childhood (Ages 3-8) • Middle Childhood (Ages 7-12) • Early & Middle Childhood (Ages 3-12) • Early Childhood through Young Adulthood (Ages 3-18+) • Early Adolescence (Ages 11-15) • Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Ages 14-18+) • Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood (Ages 11-18+) 20
Portfolio Requirements Entry 1: Sequence of lessons that reflect a topic of study; emphasis on how you ASSESSstudent learning (formative, summative, feedback); documentation of student work samples 22
Portfolio Requirements Entry 2: Video ENGAGEMENT in learning (YOU with whole group) Entry 3: Video ENGAGEMENT in learning (student to student—small group) Evidence of interactions that produce learning 22
Portfolio Requirements Entry 4: PROFESSIONAL contributions—teamwork and partnerships with families/communities; as a learner; and as a leader/collaborator 22
The Portfolio • 4 “entries” (exercises) • Direct evidence of teaching performance is documented • Direct evidence of your work beyond the classroom is documented • Each entry is 12-15 pages, double spaced in length • Due March 31st each year • TAKE ONE! = Entry 2 or 3; April due date 21
Assessment Center • Six exercises-subject matter • 30 minutes to respond to each exercise • Administered at computer centers • Prepare for assessment center after the portfolio is completed • Complete by June each year • NOT required for TAKE ONE! 23
Scoring • Ten weighted scores • 4 portfolio entries • 6 assessment center prompts • Rubrics • Scored by peers • 275 points needed to reach certification • You may “bank” scores for two years and retake entries for a fee • TAKE ONE! earns a score and can be banked for two years for use in full certification, as desired. 24
So, what’s Take One! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XyA1q3Mg8k&feature=related (
TAKE ONE! is a “Slice” of NB Process The Full NBC assessment process consists of TEN exercises: 4 portfolio entries and 6, short, “on demand” content exercises. TAKE ONE! Is ONE of the TEN exercises. Always one of the Portfolio Entries. Designed and authored by Rae Adams, 2010
Develop ONE Video-Based Entry • Written Commentary (12 pages) • One Video Recording (15 minutes ) • Instructional Materials (4 pages) In your classroom, follow instructions to design and analyze a lesson and a video segment of your teaching using NB standards, rubrics and evidence guides.
SAMPLE of a PROMPT Entry 3: Facilitating Interactions: Small Groups(Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/English as a New Language) entry based on video evidence. In this entry, you submit a 15-minute video recording to demonstrate your practice and your ability to facilitate small interactive groups of linguistically and culturally diverse learners who are engaged in collaborative work. You provide evidence of how you foster the engagement of students in a meaningful English language activity in which students share ideas and listen attentively to each other. You provide a Written Commentary analyzing the video recording and instructional materials.
NU TOT Initiative • Common Core exploration, application within the context of a National Board Portfolio exercise ( prompt) and NB Standards. • Demonstrate alignment with Learning Forward professional standards for staff development. • Demonstrate student learning gains as a result of integrated standards in job embedded PD. • Access frames of support for guided inquiry.
Perfect Blend and Parallel Design • Common Core Values: higher level skills thinking skills, emphasis on writing, research, use of evidence, reading complex texts, complex problem-solving, reasoning, data management and communication, interdisciplinary-- use of language and math skills in content disciplines; collaboration • National Board Values : Metacognition, analysis of interactions, work products, evaluation of practice in light of conscious deliberate analytical, and reflective criteria; analysis of data; interdisciplinary approach required; demonstration of core content expertise in alignment with demonstration of developmental learning needs; collaboration in communities; • BOTH = gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize and report on information and ideas, conduct original research in order to answer questions or solve problems and to analyze and create text.
NU “TOT” Model? • Learn about the Common Core, as you consider your teaching performance in a job embedded inquiry… (Context for application) • Start with the Take One! Entry prompt and the parallel NB certificate standards • Move to the Common Core column to explore examples of suitable content to address the prompt (CC plus NB standards) • Apply the Architecture (AAT) to shape your instructional sequence • Use the TOT frames as “supports” to develop your commentary for any certificate field.