Fashion Friday: A Little Formal (and Functional) Fashion
newport international group news review
Last weekend, I went to a date night (oooh look at me). The date night/formal phenomenon is an interesting one. I mean, generally the activities that occur before and after the actual “event,” be it a classy buffet dinner or a tab at a bar that has a dog (true story), are more significant and more fun, unless you really like Chinese buffets or something (which I hope you don’t). However, this night as a whole got me thinking: there are randomly a lot of opportunities to dress up at Cornell.
In the daily life of a Cornellian, vile but warm clothing dominates out of necessity — this is no revelation, as I have complained about this countless times before, and one can easily (and unfortunately) see it for themselves every day. When the weekend creeps, though, not only do many of us drop to our knees and thank God for the end of the work-week, but we also prepare for these formal fetes that occur rather frequently. There are the generic sorority and fraternity events, and also countless other events around campus. The Herbert F. Johnson museum hosts really random yet intriguing gallery openings and displays, as well as theme nights. Murder mysteries? Mad Men? Fun (I’d go if there was a Bravo-Housewives theme or something, for the record)! The Hotel school hosts formals, too, and there are always random “masquerades” and “balls” going on here, at least according to the Facebook invites I receive. So, I have decided to set a few ground-rules and offer some guidelines for nailing your dressy rendezvous: fun, fashion (duh) and functionality are key. I am myself no expert (shout-out to my friend Courtney who has legitimately attended TWENTY ONE date nights and formals. I myself would recommend calling her if you need a really entertaining date), but I still hope I can help you all have the best time possible in your best ensemble. Or,
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