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Fise de evaluare pentru dezvoltarea copiilor predispusi spre discalculie la 3-6 ani. Worksheets for the development of children between 3 and 6 years predisposed to dyscalculia. Orientare stanga-dreapta. Left-Right Orientation. 2.
Fise de evaluare pentru dezvoltarea copiilor predispusi spre discalculiela 3-6 ani Worksheets for the development of children between 3 and 6 years predisposed to dyscalculia
Orientare stanga-dreapta Left-Right Orientation 2
-Coloreaza soriceii care alearga spre stanga,-Color the mice that run to the left side 3
-Deseneaza fum numai prin cosul din stanga al caselor mari,-Draw smoke only through the left chimney of the big houses 4
-Deseneaza cate o minge numai fetitelor care se uita spre dreapta, -Draw a ball only to the girls that look to the right side 5
-Incercuieste masinile care merg spre stanga-Encircle the cars that go to the left side 6
Directie Direction 7
-Ajuta baiatul sa ajunga la dovleac,trasand drumul…-Help the boy to get to the pumpkin ,draw the road 8
-Ajuta melcul,pisicuta si albinuta sa ajunga la capatul drumului trasand o linie,fara sa te opresti…-Help the snail, cat and bee get to the end of the road by drawing a line without stopping 9
-Coloreaza drumul catelusului la os…. -Color the puppy’s road to the bone 11
-Deseneaza o imagine identica pe punctele din dreptunghiul alaturat,-Draw an image identical to the one from the rectangle by uniting the dots 12
Sortare dupa criterii:forma,marime,culoare Sorting by certain criteria 13
-Incercuieste multimea de randunele,-Encircle the lot of swallows 14
-Incercuieste multimea pestisorilor,-Scrie in dreptunghi tot atatea linii verticale cate elemente are multimea pestisorilor,-Encircle the lot of fish-Write in the rectangle as many vertical lines as the number of fish 15
-Incercuieste cu rosu multimea merelor rosii,-Invercuieste cu verde multimea merelor verzi,-Incercuieste cu galben multimea merelor galbene,-Encircle with red the lot of red apples-Encircle with green the lot of green apples-Encircle with yellow the lot of yellow apples 16
-Incercuieste multimea merelor galbene si scrie in caseta din dreapta, tot atatea linii verticale cate mere are aceasta multime,-Incercuieste multimea merelor rosii si scrie in caseta din stanga, tot atatea linii verticale, cate mere sunt in aceasta multime,-Encircle the lot of yellow apples and write in the box below as may vertical lines as the number of yellow apples -Encircle the lot of red apples and write in the box below as may vertical lines as the number of red apples 17
-Incercuieste multimea triunghiurilor mici si albastre,-Taie cu o linie verticala toate triunghiurile mari,-Encircle the lot of small blue triangles -Cut using a vertical line all the big triangles 18
-Incercuieste multimea baloanelor mici,-Encircle the lot of small balloons 19
-Coloreaza dinozaurii mari,-Incercuieste dinozaurii mijlocii,-Taie cu o linie verticala dinozaurii mici,-Color the big dinosaurs -Encircle the middle dinosaurs-Cut the small dinosaurs using a vertical line 20
-Coloreaza numai cana mare,-Incercuieste cana mijlocie,- Color only the big cups- Encircle the middle cups 21
-Umple cu nisip numai galetusele mijlocii,-Fill with sand only the middle buckets 22
-Coloreaza cu rosu nasturii mari,cu albastru pe cei mijlocii si cu verde nasturii mici,-Scrie in caseta din dreapta-sus,tot atatea linii verticale cati nasturi mici ai gasit…-Color the big buttons in red, the middle ones with blue and the small buttons with green. -Write in the rectangle as many vertical lines as the number of small buttons you found. 23
Apartenenta la o multime Belonging to a lot 24
-Taie cu o linie verticala imaginea diferita din fiecare sir,-Care este locul imaginii taiate in sir?-Use a vertical line to cut the image that does not fit in the string-Which is the place of the image you cut from the string 25
-Uneste figura geometrica din caseta cu multimea careia ii apartine,-Motiveaza alegerea,-Match the geometrical figure from the box with the lot it belongs to -Justify your answer 26
-Uneste figura geometrica din caseta cu multimea careia ii apartine,-Motiveaza alegerea,-Match the geometrical figure from the box with the lot it belongs to -Justify your answer 27
Corespondenta intre multimi Correspondence between sets 28
-Formeaza perechi intre elementele celor doua multimi.-Cum poti face ca sa fie tot atatea?-Make pairs between the elements of the two lots -What can you do to create as many elements 29
-Formeaza perechi intre elementele celor doua multimi.Are fiecare albinuta floarea ei? Ce poti spune despre cele doua multimi?-Make pairs using the elements of the lots -Does every bee have his own flower?-What can you say about the two lots? 30
Corespondenta intre multimi si numere Correspondence between sets and numbers 31
-Deseneaza in dreptul fiecarei cifre tot atatea cercuri,-Draw as many circles as the figure shown 32
-Incercuieste cifra care arata cate cercuri sunt …-Encircle the figure that shows how many circles there are 7 5 9 3 6 33
-Coloreaza tot atatea patrate cate iti indica cifra,-Incercuieste cifra 3 din primul sir,-Incercuieste a patra cifra din cel de-al doilea sir.-Color as many squares as the figure below-Encircle the figure 3 from the first string-Encircle the fourth figure of the second string 34
-Incercuieste cifra care arata varsta ta,-Deseneaza in tort tot atatea lumanari cati ani ai implinit!-Encircle the figure that shows your age-Draw on the cake as many candles as old you are 35
Alcatuirea sirului numeric Composition of a numerical sequence 36
10 1 -Completeaza sirul numeric….-Complete the string… 8 3 5 37
-Cauta vecinii cifrelor indicatei ….-Search for the neigbhors of the following figures ______ _____ 8 _____ 5 _____ _____ _____ 2 _____ 1 _____ 38
-Completeaza sirul numeric….-Gaseste vecinii cifrelor scrise in cercurile albastre…..-Complete the string-Find the neigbhors of the figures in the blue circles 3 8 5 39
-Completeaza sirul numeric….. -Precizeaza ce fel de sir ai format… -Complete the string…-Tell what kind of string is it 10 2 8 4 6 40
Numarare-ordine crescatoare,descrescatoare Counting: Ascending and Descending order 41
-Colorand drumurile pe care cifrele sunt asezate in ordine crescatoare veti ajuta cainele sa ajunga la cusca lui,-By coloring the roads on which the numbers are in ascending order you will help the dog to get to his cage 42
-Coloreaza cu rosu creioanele asezate in ordine crescatoare,-Coloreaza cu verde creionul cel mai scurt al sirului din dreapta,-Color with red the pencils placed ascending-Color with green the smallest pencil from the string from the right side 43
-Spune in ce ordine sunt asezate cifrele,-Uneste fiecare cifra cu bradul potrivit pentru a realiza sirul crescator al brazilor,-Tell in which order are the numbers placed-Unite the numbers with the fir trees to create a ascending string of trees 44
Compunerea si descompunerea numerelor Composing and decomposing numbers 45
-Sa deseneze mana dreapta si sa scrie in caseta de mai jos,numarul total al degetelor celor doua maini…-Draw your right hand and write in the box below the total number of fingers from both hands 46
-Completeaza casetele cu cifrele corespunzatoare si compune numerele 4,5,7…-Complete the boxes with the matching figures and compose numbers 7 47
Scrierea si recunoasterea cifrelor Writing and recognizing figures 48
-Coloreaza cu galben patratele care contin aceeasi cifra cu cea indicata la inceputul fiecarui rand,-Color with yellow the squares that contain the same figure as the one from the beginning ofevery line 49
-Coloreaza cu rosu patratele in care cifra indicata la inceputul sirului este scrisa gresit,-Color with red the squares which contain the figure from the beginning of the line is written incorect, 50