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LEADING BARYON PRODUCTION IN ep COLLISION Lorenzo Rinaldi On behalf of ZEUS Collaboration. Introduction and experimental setup Leading Proton (LP) in DIS (EPS03) Leading Neutron (LN) p T 2 distribution in DIS and photoproduction, rescattering and absorption (NEW)
LEADING BARYON PRODUCTION IN ep COLLISION Lorenzo Rinaldi On behalf of ZEUS Collaboration • Introduction and experimental setup • Leading Proton (LP) in DIS (EPS03) • Leading Neutron (LN) pT2 distribution in DIS and photoproduction, rescattering and absorption (NEW) • Leading Neutron tagged D* production (ZEUS Coll., Phys. Lett. B 590 (2004) 143) • Conclusions
Introduction • Large fraction of events with a Leading Baryon (LB) in final state • Production mechanism still not clear • Model in use: Lepton variables Q2, W, x, y Vertex factorization p,IR,IP N,P LB variables: pT2, xL=ELB/Ep t=(p-p’)2 N,P p’ p’ Virtual particle exchange • LP: neutral iso-scalar iso-vector (p,IR,IP) • LN: charged iso-vector(p+,r+,...) • LB also from p fragmentation in double dissociative diffraction Standard fragmentation • LB from hadronization of p remnant • Implemented in MC models (Cluster, Lund strings...) L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
ZEUS leading baryon detectors Leading Proton Spectrometer (LPS) • 6 stations each made by 6 Silicon-detector planes • Stations inserted at 10sbeam from the proton beam during data taking • sxL < 1% spT2~ few MeV2 (better than p-beam spread ~ 50 - 100 MeV) L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
ZEUS leading baryon detectors 2 • Forward Neutron Calorimeter (FNC) • 10 lI Pb-sci. sandwich • s/E = 0.65%/√E • spT2 ~ MeV2 (dominated by p-beam spread) Forward Neutron Tracker (FNT) • Scintillator hodoscope at 1lI • sx,y= 0.23 cm sq= 22 mrad Beampipe hole FNT Kinematic regions covered by the angular acceptance of FNC Acceptance window (qn<0.75 mrad) L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading proton: cross section vs xL Herwig(1-xL)1.0 MEPS: (1-xL)1.0 Ariadne: (1-xL)1.4 DIS{ ~ Flat distribution below the diffractive peak • Montecarlo samples (standard fragmentation): • Herwig (cluster model) • MEPS (parton shower,SCI) • Ariadne (CDM) MonteCarlo models fail to describe the measured leading baryon xL spectrum. L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading proton: cross section vs pT2 Data distribution ~ exponential Fit to exponential in each xL bin: L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading proton: b-slopes No strong b-slope dependence of xL observed Also the pT2 is not well simulated. L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading proton summary • leading proton features have been measured with high precision • ~ flat cross section vs xL below the diffractive peak • approximate exponential fall of pT2 cross section • No visible dependence of pT2 slopes vs xL • Differences found with models predictions • Accurate measurement available for MC tunings And what about the neutrons? L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading Neutron: One-Pion-Exchange model • O.P.E. explains features of leading neutron data: • production rate • xL spectrum • factorization a(t) and F2(xL,t) model dependent pT2 slopes discriminate between production models (flux) L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading Neutron cross section vs pT2 in xL bins • Cross sections normalized to inclusive process • Fit to exponential in xL bins L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading Neutron b-slopes vs xL OPE models: • Dominant at 0.6<xL<0.9 • (non-) Reggeized flux, different form factors with different parameters • none of the models seem to decribe well the data Best models: • FMS-mono [Frankfurt, Mankiewicz, Strickman, Zeit. Phys.A334 (1989) 343] • FMS-dipole [Frankfurt, Mankiewicz, Strickman,Zeit. Phys.A334 (1989) 343] • GKS [Golec-Biernat, Kwiecinski, Szczurek,Phys. Rew.D56 (1997) 3955] • Bishari0 [Bishari, Phys. Lett.B38 (1972) 510] L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Rescattering model and absorption Model 1: (D’Alesio and Pirner, EPJ A7(2000) 109) • more absorption when photon size larger (small Q2) less neutrons detected in photoproduction • more absorption when mean p-n system size (‹rnp›) smaller at low xL less neutrons detected at low xL • more absorption fewer neutrons detected with higher pT2 larger b-slope expected in photoproduction Model 2: (Nikolaev,Speth and Zakharov, hep-ph/9708290) a=e,p • absorption from additional pomeron exchange • implies large uncertainties to pion pdf description L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Rescattering model: measurements • Comparison DIS and photoproduction: • LN in photoproduction cross section smaller than DIS (factorization violation) • At lower xL less neutrons observed in photoproduction • Same trend in rescattering (absorption) of D’Alesio and Pirner L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Rescattering model: DIS & photoproduction DIS Db>0 : Measurement consistent with predictions PHP Fit to exponential L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading Neutron tagged D* photoproduction Hard scale pT>1.9 GeV p+ soft scale pT<0.3 GeV n s=2.08+0.22(stat.) +0.12 -0.18 (syst.)+0.05(B.R) nb Information on interplay between soft and hard scales • Kinematic region: • Q2<1 GeV2 • 130<W<280 GeV • |h(D*)|<1.5 • pT(D*)>1.9 GeV • xL>0.2 • qn<0.8 epe’D*+nX D*+(D0K-p+)ps+ and c.c. L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Leading Neutron tagged D* photoproduction Standard Fragmentation OPE fi = parametrization of flux factor Ratio to inclusive processes Ratio LN tagged to inclusive D* production rD*=8.85+0.93(stat.)+0.48-0.61(syst.) % Ratio LN tagged to inclusive DIS rDIS=8.0+0.5 % Ratio LN tagged to inclusive PHP rPHP=5.7+0.4 % rPHP<rDIS≈rD* rescattering suppressed by the precence of a hard scale LN production models • Fragmentation models also fail to describe leading neutron • OPE gives a good description of data • OPE model sensitive to pion flux parametrisation L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production
Conclusion and outlook • High precision measurements on leading baryon available • Leading proton features well measured • High precision measurement of leading neutron pT2 slopes both in DIS and photoproduction • Absorption effects visible in data • Leading particles production mechanism is still not completely understood • Theoretical predictions differ from measurements • Need to improve leading baryon production models • New results input to tune the models L.Rinaldi - Leading Baryons Production