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If you are a landlord of a vacant building, there is still a risk of fire breaking out within it, and you need to carry out a landlord fire risk assessment in order to ensure that you have everything as secure as possible and that your building does not present a threat to others either near to it or connected to it. <br>
Ifyouarealandlordofavacantbuilding,thereisstillariskoffirebreaking out within it, and you need to carry out a landlord fire risk assessment in ordertoensurethatyouhaveeverythingassecureaspossibleandthatyour buildingdoesnotpresentathreattootherseitherneartoitorconnectedto it. In fact, as an empty building owner you have exactly the same legal responsibilitiesasyoudowithanoccupiedoneuntil it istakenoverbynew tenantsorowners. One big danger with an empty building is the entry of vandals or squatters whocancauseseriousdamagewhichwillcostalottorepairbeforeyoucan letthebuildingorselliton.Arsonandcriminaldamagearemorelikelyinan emptybuildingthananoccupiedone.Inaddition, whethervandalsorrough sleepers enter your building, you still have a duty of care to them and you couldberesponsibleifanyoneisinjuredwhileinyourpremises.
YourInsuranceCouldBeVoid On top of that, your insurance policy on the building will require certain safety precautions such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and so on, and your policy could become void if you are not compliant. Installing a fire alarm system is critical in order to provide an early warningifafireshouldbreakoutforanyreasonwhatsoever.Thelast thing that you want is for your building to burn down because you didn’thaveanoperatingfirealarmsystem. You may also want to add a security alarm and security lighting in ordertodeteranypeoplefrombreakingintothebuilding.
So, you certainly need to carry out a fire safety assessmentfor your own good. This will determine how many fire extinguishers you need, what type of extinguisher you should have, and where they should be situated. You should also install emergency lighting since, when a fire breaks out, the electricalsystemcanoftengodown. Furthermore, there is another reason why you should carry out a landlord fire risk assessment on an empty building and that is because when you are showing potential purchasers or tenants around it they will be far more likely to be impressed with the waythat you are taking care of it and therefore more interested to buy or rent it, rather than if the building is in poorconditionandhasobviouslynotbeenlookedafter.
contactus TheStableoffice,YoungOak WaterLane Oxton Notts Tel:01158963814 https://www.uk-fireriskassessments.co.uk/