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Unit Four Banquet Service. Contents. Contents. Teaching Objectives. Teaching Approaches. Teaching Focus. Time Allocations. Teaching Difficulties. Teaching Methods. Teaching Procedures. Students. Understand the types of banquet service. Students.
Contents Contents Teaching Objectives Teaching Approaches Teaching Focus Time Allocations Teaching Difficulties Teaching Methods Teaching Procedures
Students Understand the types of banquet service Students Get some cultural knowledge about banquet service Students Find ways to improve your writing skills about letters of complaints Teaching Objectives Students Master the basic words and expressions about banquet service Students Be familiar with some Chinese & Western dishes
Teaching Approaches Listening practice: 2 dialogues Speaking practice: 2 dialogues Introduce background information: types of banquet service Passage: Table Manners Homework Approaches Some words and expressions about banquet services Learn writing skills on how to write a letter of complaints
1 2 3 Table Manners Banquet Service Letter of complaints Focus on
Time Allocations Banquet Service Offering Banquet Service 2 periods Table Manners 2 periods A Conceptual Framework Writing A Letter of Complaints 2 periods
Teaching Difficulties The Some Usages New Useful Expressions Words Difficulties
Teaching Methods Exercises Discussing Methods Questions Teacher’s Explanations
Step1 Leading in Teaching Procedures Table Manners Why do people make mouth noises while eating? How do you drink your soup? Because they eat without closing their mouths. Don’t sip it, but swallow it all in one mouthful.
date n.约会对象 demonstratev.示范,证明,示威 dip v.浸,蘸,沾 downward adj. 向下的 efficiency n.效率,功效 elbow n.肘 etiquetten.礼节 • adapt v.使适应,改编 • arcaneadj.神秘的,不可思议的 • bistron. <俗>小酒馆,小咖啡店 • casual adj.偶然的,不经意的 • clatter n.咔嗒,哗啦声,嘈杂的谈笑声 • core n.果核,中心,核心 Step 2 Learn New Words and Expressions
Step 2 Learn New Words and Expressions attempt to 尝试,企图 be armed with 用…武装 be willing to 愿意 carry out 进行,实施 make a noise 制造噪音 make a play for 挖空心思吸引,想尽办法获得 make friends 交朋友 pick up 拾起,捡起 point at 指向 after all 毕竟 at hand 在手边,在附近
Step 3 Read the Passage and Discuss • What are those two basic rules of good table manners? • If you are the host of a party, what is the best way to offer additional servings to your guests? • What’s the proper response to the request “Please pass the salt.”? Eating neatly and be not greedy. Don’t urge someone to “have another (or a second or third) helping” and it is best to phrase each off of food as if the dish has just been brought out for the first time. The proper response to this is to pick up both the salt and the pepper and to place them on the table within reach of the person next to you, who will do the same, and so on, until they reach the person who asked for them..
Step 1 Leading in The Culinary Arts of China Cooking in China has an age-long history. It specializes in its own ways of processing various kinds of dishes of local tastes and characteristics. According to books on cooking, the total number of ancient and modern Chinese dishes is about 8,000, taking only the famous dishes! The ingredients may be classified into some 600 broad categories. There are 48 basic ways of cooking, including roasting, frying and boiling, all of which bringing out the best ingredients. Listening and Speaking: Offering Banquet Service
Listening and Speaking: Offering Banquet Service Step 2 Practice the Following Dialogues Listening Practice Speaking Practice Dialogue 1 Serving the Western Style Banquet Dialogue2 Serving the Buffet Dinner Dialogue 2 Dialogue 1
Writing: A Letter of Complaints抱怨及批评信 Step 1 Writing Skills 当自己的正常生活受到骚扰,当自己的利益受到害,当 自己的合法权益受到侵犯以及当社会服务有失规范时,人们 有权通过某种途径对其提出批评或指责。表达不满情绪和提 出批评的正常途径之一就是写信。 英美人在发泄不满情绪或提出批评意见的同时,十分重视 摆事实,讲道理。在写此类书信时,人们不习惯拐弯抹角, 更不会编造、歪曲事实。即使在盛怒之下,人们也仍讲求实 事求是。 人们写信进行抱怨和批评的最终目的是解决问题,并非为 了发泄而发泄。尽管人们有时会用词尖刻,口气生硬,但其 用意仍是为了纠正错误或帮助当事人改正错误,因此,信中 很少掺杂与之无关的感情色彩。当读者需要用英语写这类书 信时,应首先揣摩信例的行文思路,切不可按照自己的思维 方式故意伤害当事者的感情,也不要为了出气而把问题搞得 更加复杂,这一点同样值得引起大家注意。
Step 4 Step 3 Step 2 抱怨及批评信信体结构示意图 Step 1 Step 1 Writing Skills 提出批评及处理意见 问题引起的后果 问题的经过 表明来信所要批评、抱怨的问题
Step 2 Learn New Words and Expressions 1. I had always enjoyed doing business with your firm until recently when I felt much disappointed by your… 2. The dismissal of … is not just a loss of a clever and humorous tour guide, but also a loss of our faith and confidence in your agency. 3. I understand and appreciate your policy change … but what I can’t understand and appreciate is your receptionist’s way of handing the new policy. 过去我一直愿意与贵公司共事,然而,近日来贵公司却……,这使我很失望。 你们更换×××不仅使你们失去了一位富有智慧和幽默感的导游,而且也使我们对你们旅行社失去了信心和信任。 我理解并赞同你们政策的改变,但我无法理解和不能赞同 的是你们接待小姐执行新政策的那种方式方法。
Step 2 Learn New Words and Expressions 4. My wife and I had heard from friends that dining at your restaurant was an enjoyable experience, but our recent experience proved otherwise. 5. One annoying aspect of your service is … 6. It Would seem not an unreasonable expectation to be treated with common courtesy in return. 7. I have been pleased with your service for years. But now I am just plain frustrated. 我和我的妻子听朋友说,在您那儿吃饭是一种享受,而近 来我们自己的亲身体验并非如此。 你们的服务项目中一个令人不满的方面是…… 礼尚往来,希望受到礼貌的接待,这不算过分吧。 多年来我一直很满意你们的服务,但是现在我简直失望透顶。
Directions: Fill in the following complaint letter by translating the Chinese in the brackets. Step 3 Exercise Dear Mr. Worthington, __________________________(一个令人相当烦恼的方面)of the otherwise satisfactory commuter train service from Lancaster to downtown Manchester is the playing of the radio over the loud speaker system. This was particularly objectionable this morning on train 610 where riders were subjected to the incessant blaring of KIOU for _________________(几乎全 程). Evidently whoever calls the stops is unaware that the background noise of his radio accompanies his announcements. ______________(而更糟的是), he apparently forgets to press his off switch, and _______________________ _______________(一千名乘客被迫聆听) this clatter. Noise pollution on city buses is usually confined to an individual carrying a loud radio. Old Smoky Railroad does it on a loud radio. Old Smoky Railroad does it on a grand scale. I think it should stop. Yours truly, Tom Wallace One rather annoying aspect nearly the entire trip Worse yet a thousand passengers are forced to hear
Homework for today Dear Mr. Dewey, On October 24 my friend and I were in your restaurant. When the waiter, Bud Andrews brought our food, he tripped and my barbecued rib dinner went down the front of my clothes, landing in my lap. Mr. Andrews was very apologetic and gave each of us a free dinner that night. That was the costliest “free” dinner I’ve ever had. I was wearing a brand-new wool skirt and sweater and after numerous attempts by my dry cleaner to remove the food stains, we have concluded that it is hopeless. The skirt and sweater are a total loss. I am enclosing copies of my sales receipt and cleaning bills which total $ 181. Mr. Andrews tells me he doesn’t have the authority to give me a check for that amount. So, Mr. Dewey, I’ve come straight to the top. I would appreciate it if you would see that full restitution is made. Yours truly Helen Write a letter according to the situation below. Add some more information if necessary. 假如你是海伦,和朋友一起到餐厅吃烤肉。由于服务员Bud Andrews的不慎,将肉汁泼到你新买的毛衣和短裙上。为 此,请你给餐厅老板Mr. Dewey写一封150字左右的抱怨信, 信中应该包括以下内容: 1、你到餐厅进餐的日期是10月24日; 2、你们当日是免费消费,但仍因此遭受了重大损失; 3、希望老板考虑赔偿相应的购衣和干洗费用181美元。
Homework for today Write a letter according to the situation below. Add some more information if necessary. 假如你是海伦,和朋友一起到餐厅吃烤肉。由于服务员Bud Andrews的不慎,将肉汁泼到你新买的毛衣和短裙上。为此,请你给餐厅老板Mr. Dewey写一封150字左右的抱怨信,信中应该包括以下内容: 1、你到餐厅进餐的日期是10月24日; 2、你们当日是免费消费,但仍因此遭受了重大损失; 3、希望老板考虑赔偿相应的购衣和干洗费用181美元。 May 2, 2008 Check-in date:___________ Check-out date: _________ Name of Hotel:__________ In which City:__________ No. of Room Required:_____ No. of Adult:_____ Occupancy: Single:_______ Price Per Room Per Night in This Hotel: ________ Stiffens Surname:________ Other name: _______ Address: _____________________ City:_________ Country: _________ Passport No.:___________ E-mail:_____________ May 2, 2008 Tom Thailand Hotel Bangkok No.204 Mark Street, Sydney Sydney One One Australia One 0332404165 sn@sust.com $200