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LEY HILL CRICKET CLUB. CLUB DEVELOPMENT PLAN & VISION FOR THE FUTURE 2013 to 2018 This document is reviewed on a regular basis by the General Committee. Actions, Ownership and timings can be found in the Committee Meeting minutes.

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  1. LEY HILL CRICKET CLUB CLUB DEVELOPMENT PLAN & VISION FOR THE FUTURE 2013 to 2018 This document is reviewed on a regular basis by the General Committee. Actions, Ownership and timings can be found in the Committee Meeting minutes.

  2. Ley Hill Cricket Club -Vision for the future – Our Mission Statement • Ley Hill Cricket Club exists to provide a sustainable structure so that all its playing (juniors & seniors) & social members can enjoy the game of cricket at all levels regardless of ability and level of cricket involvement

  3. What do our Objectives and Vision cover? • It covers all aspects of the club • Cricket - Seniors and Juniors : league and friendly • Ground -square, outfield, surrounds, nets, equipment- tools to do the job • Community and Social aspects - involvement of families,VP’s and villagers, • Fund raising and publicity • Underpinned by a more focussed structure

  4. Current situation • Previous 5 year plan (2007-2012) objectives have been successfully met • LHCC has a strong leadership team • LHCC has good administration • The standard of cricket within the club is improving • LHCC has a strong and thriving junior section • LHCC has a good record of discipline and behaviour on the field • Other clubs like coming to Ley Hill • LHCC is financially sound & has good facilities • We have an excellent website • There is no divide between the various senior teams • LHCC has a strong village ethos • LHCC has good links with local schools, Ley Hill, Chesham Prep, Westbrook Hay & Chesham High

  5. Main Club Objectives 2013 to 2018 • To maintain and improve everything that we have now. • To continue to recruit volunteers in all aspects of the Club. • To be an enjoyable & fun club to be a member of. • To be able to maximise cricket potential. • To improve the ground that we use and the pavilion facilities. • To continue to have a “second” ground to enable the 3rd XI to have Home League fixtures. • To maintain our Focus Club & Clubmark status. • To continue better quality Sunday cricket through League cricket. • To establish a progression plan to enable us to consider moving our Saturday teams to a better league • To ensure that we provide a high standard of cricket for our juniors. • To maintain ECB Child Protection guidelines. • To encourage members to become ECB qualified coaches. • To improve our coaching strategy. • To ensure that equity is incorporated across all aspects of the club. • To encourage a girls section leading to the entering of a ladies team into league. • To improve the social side of the club by involving more members. • To establish regular club tours. • To implement our “blue skies” list. • LHCC is very much a village club which should be the basic belief of our vision but should not be used as an excuse for mediocrity.

  6. The vision will be realised by our structure

  7. Benefits of our structure • More focus on smaller parcels of responsibility • Nobody will be overburdened, but by having more members being responsible for something, the collective result should be excellent!

  8. Cricket Action Group Will take on all matters relating to the game at all levels • Senior & Junior Teams • Coaching & Player Development • League Cricket

  9. Cricket Action Group Current list of Qualified Coaches Name Level Dave Peterson 2 Denis McCarthy 2 Ian Partington 2 Ian Walter 1 Andy Rennard 1 Trevor Teden 1 Paul Johnson 1 Ollie Runswick 1 Chris Morris 1 Scott Peterson 1 Craig Peterson 1 Greg Asquith 1 Alex Batt 1 Alex Partington 1 Sam Helm 1

  10. Fund Raising and Social Action Group • Will raise capital funds required • Will raise our profile in the local press, village newsletters, with players and VP’s. • We visualise LHCC being an attractive place for families to come. • We want to create an environment where all members look forward to coming to matches and social functions in comfortable surroundings • Integration of wives, children, VP’s and the village is vital to realise the vision • A programme of social events will be arranged annually in advance • Website & regular newsletters

  11. Grounds Action Group • Will be responsible for all the necessary equipment and accessories needed. • Will be responsible for maintenance of the squares, the outfields, nets, the periphery of the grounds, the machinery, sight screens and the storage buildings • Will overview the ongoing role of the groundsman

  12. Pavilion Action Group • Will be responsible for everything to do with the pavilion both externally & internally.

  13. SummaryFor us to succeed • We all need to have a passion for LHCC and the game of cricket at all levels • We need a commitment from everyone (however big or small that commitment is) to make LHCC into a club for all members, families and their friends • We need to create a club that we can all be proud to be associated with

  14. “Blue skies” list

  15. “Blue skies” list cont….

  16. Succession Planning

  17. Thank you!

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