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Because I could not stop for death

Because I could not stop for death. Emily dickinson.

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Because I could not stop for death

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  1. Because I could not stop for death Emily dickinson

  2. Personally I extremly love this peom as it give me an insight of Dickinson's perception of "death". In this poem ,she did not speak sadness of death .and she aslo has any fear toward death .she exposes in her writting it is a natural prosess.

  3. yes , death ,just like a carriage or a bus or a train which picks up passengers at designated stops , is a vihicle which picks you up wherever you are ,you do not wait for it ,because you don't want to take it .

  4. But then you have no option.Death will definitely stop for you .He does not have to be harsh ,you are destined to be his passenger howerever unwilling you may be ,and also Dickinson accepted that death is invevitable and natural.

  5. In this poem ,'death' is personified as a kind gentleman when state "he "and he has 'kindly stop 'for the speaker.He and the speaker are moving in 'carriage' slowly driving which emphasizes the tranquility of the whole process and she puts away he leisure and her labor just for his civility ,which means that the speaker just acceptes death light-headly.and the leisure and labor could

  6. be her preoccupations of day to day life. They pass the 'school ' ,the 'recess' and ,the 'gazing grain' and 'the setting sun'.these images represent a peason's whole life .I was told that when a person is dying ,one looks back over his life lived if he has the time ,he see the especially happy times of his life .and that applies to this poem perfectly.In this poem 'child in the school yard 'which suggests the childhood____carfree and innocent.'......the fields of gazing grain....'aduldhood___ripened. and finally,'the setting sun' old-age___frail and tranquil.

  7. Lastly,I want to show my understanding of the last two stanzas .the horse has represent an animal of great value and I think Dickinson hopes that we ,human being should ,like this kind noble horse ,look forward to our lives positively until our death kindly stopped for us .In a complete sense of immortality and eternity.

  8. Nowadays,we are too busy to be concerned about death in our lives,this is espcially true of we young teenagers. we feel that death is a long way off,yet ,when it comes to we have to stop,there is no choice. But no matter what is your opinion about death,please mark my words .you should be unwilling to spend your time in vain ,unwilling to let go even one single second without doing nothing. So ,please cherish you life and time .

  9. Thank you!

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