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Classical Homeopathy By Francine Kanter is a complete homeopathy solution to treat with high cholesterol by providing Cholesterol Lowering Medicine in Homeopathy. <br>
WHAT IS CHOLESTEROL? Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is produced by the liver. It is present in every cell of our body. Cholesterol is increasing in your body due to physical and mental stress. Cholesterol is essential for our body because it helps maintain and regulate the vital functions of our body like the production of essential hormones, fighting infections, builds immunity, etc.
TYPES OF CHOLESTEROL • Low density lipoprotein (LDL) • High density lipoprotein (HDL) • Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) • Triglycerides
CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY BY FRANCINE KANTER Francine Kanter, CCH, RsHom (NA), is Board Certified by the Council for Homeopathic Certification of North America, and has over 15 years of experience. She is also a member of NASH, North American Society of Homeopaths. Classical Homeopathy By Francine Kanter is a complete homeopathy solutions to treat with high cholesterol by providing Cholesterol Lowering Medicine in Homeopathy.
CHOLESTEROL LOWERING MEDICINE IN HOMEOPATHY • Here are some cholesterol lowering medicine in homeopathy: • Curcuma Longa • Cholesterinum • Allium Sativum • Phosphorus • Berberis vulgaris • Psorinum • Cretagus
CONTACT INFORMATION Email - frkanter@aol.com Phone - 754 484-7988 Address - 212 Chelsea Pl Ave Ormond Beach FL 32174 Website - https://fkanterhomeopath.com