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This article explores the distinction between Phase 1 (Salvation Foundation) and Phase 2 (Spirituality) in the process of putting on the Lord Jesus Christ. It highlights the positional truth of believers and the blessings they receive upon salvation. The text emphasizes the importance of knowing and standing on the acceptance of God, as well as the presence of sin in the believer's life.
Putting On the Lord Jesus Christ I. Introduction II. Phase 1/Phase 2 Distinction III. Phase 1 – Salvation Foundation IV. Positional Truth V. Phase 2 – Spirituality VI. Conclusion
Putting On the Lord Jesus Christ I. Introduction II. Phase 1/Phase 2 Distinction III. Phase 1 – Salvation Foundation IV. Positional Truth V. Phase 2 – Spirituality VI. Conclusion
Putting On the Lord Jesus Christ I. Introduction II. Phase 1/Phase 2 Distinction III. Phase 1 – Salvation Foundation IV. Positional Truth V. Phase 2 – Spirituality VI. Conclusion
Putting On the Lord Jesus Christ I. Introduction II. Phase 1/Phase 2 Distinction III. Phase 1 – Salvation Foundation IV. Positional Truth V. Phase 2 – Spirituality VI. Conclusion
1) Forgiven 2) Child of God 3) Having access to God 4) Reconciled 5) Justified 6) Placed "in Christ" 7) Acceptable to God 8) Heavenly citizenship 9) Of the family and household of God 10) A heavenly association 11) Within the "much more" care of God 12) Glorified 13) In the fellowship of the saints 14) On the rock, Christ Jesus 15) A part in the eternal plan of God 16) Redeemed 17) A living relationship with God 18) Free from the law 19) Adoption 20) Brought near 21) Delivered from the power of darkness 22) Entrance into a new kingdom 23) A gift from God the Father to Christ 24) Circumcised in Christ 25) Members of a royal and holy priesthood 26) A chosen generation, a holy nation, a peculiar people 27) His inheritance 28) The inheritance of the saints 29) Light in the Lord 30) United to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit 31) Blessed with the first-fruits of the Spirit 32) Complete in Him 33) Possessing every spiritual blessing 1twentyeight.blogspot.com, “Pastor Mike’s blog” 33 Things that Happen at the Moment of Salvation
Putting On the Lord Jesus Christ I. Introduction II. Phase 1/Phase 2 Distinction III. Phase 1 – Salvation Foundation IV. Positional Truth V. Phase 2 – Spirituality VI. Conclusion
Miles Stanford,The Complete Green Letters: “Until the Christian is absolutely and scripturally sure of his standing, he is not going to do much standing.” “There are two questions that every believer must settle as soon as possible. The one is, Does God fully accept me? and the second, If so, upon what basis does He do so? This is crucial. What devastation often permeates the life of one, young or old, rich or poor, saved or unsaved, who is not sure of being accepted, even on the human level. “Yet so many believers, whether ‘strugglers’ or ‘vegetators,’ move through life without this precious fact to rest and build on: ‘Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved’ (Eph. 1:5, 6).”
Putting On the Lord Jesus Christ I. Introduction II. Phase 1/Phase 2 Distinction III. Phase 1 – Salvation Foundation IV. Positional Truth V. Phase 2 – Spirituality VI. Conclusion
(v 14) “[The phrase ‘sold under sin’] describes all of us by nature. Instead of being spiritual and therefore able to hearken to, delight in and obey God's holy spiritual Law, we are turned back, since Adam sinned, to a fleshly condition, our spirits by nature dead to God, and our soul-faculties under the domination of the still unredeemed body. Now Paul, though his spirit was quickened (saved, born again); and his inward desires, therefore, were toward God's Law; found to his horror his state by nature ‘carnal’, ‘fleshly’, ‘sold under sin.’ How little humanity realizes this awful, universal fact about man—sold under sin! Sold under sin is exactly what the new convert does not know! Forgiven, justified, he knows himself to be: and he has the joy of it! But now to find an evil nature, of which he had never become really conscious, and of which he thought himself fully rid, when he first believed, is a ‘second lesson’ which is often more bitter than the first—of guilt!” (v 21) “[Paul] now states as a settled conclusion, what he has experimentally discovered. And we all need to consent to the fact—even if we have found God's way of deliverance, that evil is present. It is the denial of this fact that has wrecked thousands of lives! For evil will be present until the Lord comes, bringing in the redemption of our bodies.” excerpted from preceptaustin.org
Energy of the Flesh Christian Principles in a Worldly Framework Outward Manifestations Misrepresented Liberty Knowledge Automatic Spirituality Compartmentalization: Part-Time Spirituality False Notions of Christian Spirituality