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State of American Patriotism Report

First annual FLAG/YouGov State of American Patriotism report details alarming anti-Americanism and ignorance of basic civics, especially among Millennials & Gen Z

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State of American Patriotism Report

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  1. Patriotism Study Prepared For FLAG November, 2018

  2. Methodology Research Objectives – Why Research was Conducted The survey was conducted to reach the following topical goals: 1. 2. 3. Are younger Americans less patriotic than older Americans? Do they harbor more negative views about America than their parents and grandparents? What knowledge gaps do Americans have about basic American historical information? Do Americans see college as a measure of success? Online surveys conducted 10/23– 10/29 Research Methodology – How We Designed the Research A sample of 1,078 Americans were contacted, including 100 Americans ages 14-17 and 107 Americans age 18-21. Responses were balanced for generation, gender, and census regions. Interview Length 7 minutes 2

  3. Could there be a crisis? Fading American Spirit Younger Americans are becoming unmoored from the institutions, knowledge, and the American spirit that keeps America great. Americans ages 14-37 are less likely to consider themselves American patriots, less likely to aspire to entrepreneurship, and less aware of the inalienable rights enshrined in the Constitution. Is American Patriotism at risk? We found a less patriotic generation, as younger Americans are half as likely to consider themselves American patriots, half as likely to think America has a history to be proud of, and three-quarters as likely to feel America is and will remain great. Pride in being an American is low for Gen Z, but especially low for Millennials, only 72 percent of whom are proud to be an American. We found a generation with less faith In Americans’ Rights, as younger Americans are less convinced that Americans should have the right to own guns. Additionally, these young Americans are less likely to know the rights enumerated in the amendments of the bill of rights, including the rights of the 1stthrough 5th Amendment. Are American rights in jeopardy? We found a generation less familiar with American History, as younger Americans are about half as likely to know which presidents are on Mount Rushmore, and more likely to think Barack Obama has had a greater impact than George Washington compared to older generations. Will we forget our American history? We found a less entrepreneurial generation, as younger Americans are less convinced America should be a capitalist nation, with only about half of Gen Z and Millennials agreeing that the nation should be driven by capitalism, and a little more than half preferring to be an entrepreneur to a college graduate compared to at least 65 percent for Gen X and older. Younger Americans are a prime audience for FLAG’s mission of education on American history in order to preserve the spirit of American greatness, and FLAG’s mission is more important than ever. Will we lose our entrepreneurial spirit? 3

  4. Key Statistics “1 in 3 Americans don’t think the public display of a tattered American flag is disrespectful” “4 in 10 Americans think that America will not be a great country in the future” “1 in 4 Americans don’t think America is a great country today” “Only 1 in 6 Americans could identify the rights that are protected by the first amendment” “1 in 3 Americans think it’s okay to burn the American flag.” “3 in 10 Americans don’t consider themselves to be an American Patriot” “1 in 10 Americans admitted that they didn’t know anything about the Bill of Rights” “2 in 3 Americans under the age of 37 think America is headed in the wrong direction” “1 in 6 Americans don’t think Patriotism is a good thing” 4

  5. Survey Results A detailed look at the story of American Patriotism in decline 5

  6. Patriotism, or lack thereof? State of the Country • Half of Americans agree that America is both a racist and sexist country • Nearly half of younger Americans (under 37) disagree that America is the greatest country in the world • Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disagree that America is headed in the right direction • 4 in 10 younger Americans (under 37) disagree that America has a history that we should be proud of State of the Flag • 2 in 10 Millennials see the American flag as a sign of intolerance and hatred, and 4 in 10 believe it is ok to burn the American flag • 3 in 10 Americans disagree with the statement I enjoy seeing the American flag displayed in my community on Independence Day • 1 in 2 Americans disagree that displaying a tattered or worn flag is disrespectful • Over half of Americans disagree with the statement people should always salute the American flag at a sporting event 6

  7. Some Americans Lack Patriotism While most Americans enjoy seeing the flag displayed, 1 in 8 are opposed to seeing it and 2 in 5 don’t think Americans should always salute the flag. How They Feel About Patriotism I enjoy seeing the American flag displayed in my community on Independence Day (July 4th) 4% 8% 35% 53% Publicly displaying tattered or worn American flags is disrespectful 9% 26% 42% 24% People should always salute the American flag at a sporting event 15% 27% 30% 29% It is ok to burn the American flag 50% 21% 18% 11% I think poorly of my neighbors who do not fly an American flag 44% 43% 10% 3% I believe the American flag is a sign of intolerance and hatred 60% 29% 8% 3% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 7 Which of the following statements about the American flag do you agree with? (Select one per row)

  8. Americans Do Not Necessarily Feel American Greatness Nearly half of Americans think America is a racist or sexist country. Their Views Of America And American Patriotism Patriotism is a good thing 3% 14% 44% 39% I am proud to be an American 3% 14% 36% 46% The world is safer when America is strongest 4% 17% 41% 38% Citizens should be allowed to own guns 9% 15% 38% 38% America has a history that we should be proud of 7% 21% 41% 31% I consider myself to be an American Patriot 7% 22% 38% 33% America is the greatest country in the world 11% 23% 33% 34% I'm confident I could start my own business 12% 26% 43% 20% America is a sexist country 21% 29% 35% 15% America is a racist country 23% 28% 35% 14% America is headed in the right direction 23% 33% 26% 18% America is more racist than other countries 27% 35% 29% 9% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 8 Which of the following statements about America do you agree with? (Select one per row)

  9. Serious Knowledge Gap State of American History Knowledge • 8 in 10 of Americans failed the FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz • Less than 1 in 4 Americans know who authored the Federalist Papers • 8 in 10 Americans cannot name the 5 freedoms guaranteed under the 1stamendment • 6 in 10 younger Americans (under 37) did not know who was on Mt. Rushmore • Less than half of respondents knew how many amendments were in the bill of rights, and that number dips to 2 out of 5 for Millennials • The number of people who could correctly identify the 5 freedoms protected under the first amendment was also very low • When asked about the first 5 amendments, respondents were clear on the first two, but fell to a little over half of all respondents knowing the rights of amendments 3, 4, and 5 9

  10. Overall American History Awareness Only 1 in 6 Americans can pass FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz. Can They Pass A Quiz On Basic American Knowledge? Pass (More Than 3 Correct), 17% Fail (Less Than 3 Correct), 83% 10 *Based on 5 questions

  11. Elements Of The American History Quiz Americans are more aware of who is on Mount Rushmore than all five rights in the First Amendment. Which Elements Of American History Are They Familiar With? When Are They Correct? 56% 45% 23% 16% Amendments In Bill Of Rights Authors Of Federalist Papers First Amendment Rights Figures On Mount Rushmore Correctly Sorting Rights Of The First Five Amendments 1st Amendment 85% 15% 2nd Amendment 81% 19% 3rd Amendment 54% 46% 4th Amendment 59% 41% 5th Amendment 55% 45% How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights? Which of the following men were the authors of the Federalist Papers? Which of the following men are featured on Mount Rushmore? Which of the following are the rights protected in the First Amendment? For each of the following Amendments to the Constitution, please drag into each bucket the correct rights associated with each Amendment. 11

  12. What’s the deal with Millennials? Attitudes of the Youth Generation • Millennials lack patriotism in that nearly 1 in 5 Millennials see the American flag as a sign of intolerance and hatred • 4 in 10 Millennials believe it is ok to burn the American flag • 1 in 2 Millennials state that America will not be great in the future, and across all generations Millennials have the lowest level of agreement with the statement “I’m proud to be an American.” • Millennials are the generation most likely to believe America is racist and sexist 12

  13. Lacking Patriotic Conviction… Younger respondents identify less as patriotic Americans. Patriotic Feelings Young Gen Z Older Gen Z Millennials Gen X Boomers Silent 94% 93% 89% 81% 71% 49% Consider myself an American patriot Patriotism is a good thing Proud to be American Difference From Young Gen Z To Silent -40% -22% -13% 13

  14. Underestimating American Greatness… Younger respondents are more likely to think negatively of America’s history and place in the world. American Greatness Young Gen Z Older Gen Z Millennials Gen X Boomers Silent 94% 92% 86% 66% 64% 54% 51% 48% America was, is, and will be great America is greatest country is the world America has a history to be proud of World is safer when America is strongest -16% -35% -40% -26% Difference From Young Gen Z To Silent 14

  15. Different Values… Younger respondents have different values on guns and kneeling athletes than older generations. Ideas And Beliefs Young Gen Z Older Gen Z Millennials Gen X Boomers Silent 89% 69% 66% 62% 51% 34% George Washington has had more impact than Barack Obama -18% Difference From Young Gen Z To Silent Approve of kneeling athletes Citizens should be allowed to own guns -23% 28% 15

  16. Less Aware… Younger Americans are less aware of some basic facts about America and American history. American History Knowledge Young Gen Z Older Gen Z Millennials Gen X Boomers Silent 64% 55% 43% 38% 35% 33% 23% 17% 17% 16% 14% 13% Bill of Rights Federalist Papers Mount Rushmore First Amendment Five Amendments Pass FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz 12% 6% -29% 2% -4% -4% Difference From Young Gen Z To Silent 16

  17. Less Entrepreneurial… Younger respondents are less sure of their ability to be entrepreneurs and less convinced capitalism is the right way forward. Entrepreneurship Older Gen Z Young Gen Z Millennials Gen X Boomers Silent 83% 79% 76% 54% 54% 50% America should be driven by capitalism Rather be an entrepreneur than a college graduate Confident I can start my own business -33% -22% -25% Difference From Young Gen Z To Silent 17

  18. College in Question? A State of Success • 4 in 5 Americans think the rapid recent developments in technology have made it easier today to be entrepreneur than it was 30 years ago • 4 in 10 Americans don’t think a college degree is important to achieving their personal goal • Americans are three times more likely to think inventing something or starting a business is a very good measure of success in comparison to getting a college degree • Nearly half of Americans do not think college is worth the expense • People see being a successful entrepreneur as a greater measure of success than being a successful college graduate • In fact, more than 1 in 3 Millennial and Gen X Americans think college is a poor measure of value • While young people are still sold on the idea of college, many older people state that a college degree isn’t essential to them achieving their personal goals • However, 1 in 5 younger Americans think college is interfering with their ability to seize the American dream • More than 1 in 3 older Americans think a college degree was more valuable 30 years ago than it is today 18

  19. Entrepreneurship and College 1 in 3 Americans think it was more important to get a college degree 30 years ago than it is today. Their Views On College and Entrepreneurship The recent rapid development of technology makes it easier to be an entrepreneur now than it was 30 years ago 3% 19% 59% 20% I'd rather be a successful entrepreneur than a successful college graduate 7% 30% 41% 22% A college degree is essential to achieving my personal goals 11% 32% 35% 22% It is more important to get a college degree now than it was 30 years ago 11% 35% 33% 21% It was more important to get a college degree 30 years ago than it is now 17% 48% 25% 10% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 19 Which of the following statements about college do you agree with? (Select one per row)

  20. Expense Of College Vs Value Nearly half of Americans don’t think college is worth the expense. Do They Think College Is Worth The Expense? No 44% Yes 56% 20 Do you believe the expense of a college degree worth it in the long run?

  21. Measures Of Success Americans think starting their own business is a better measure of success than a college degree. 3 in 10 Americans think finishing college is a bad measure of success. Do They Think A College Degree/Business Is A Good Measure Of Success? Measurement of Success 11% 26% Very good measure 58% Somewhat good measure 61% Somewhat bad measure 22% Very bad measure 10% 8% 2% Finish College Start a Business Do you think that having a college degree is a good measure of determining whether or not they are successful? Do you think that having started their own business or inventing something is a good measure of determining whether or not they are successful? 21

  22. Appendix Detailed Findings Comprehensive insights including generational comparisons 22

  23. Additional Potential Headlines American Flag in Crisis: • Millennials are two times more likely than Baby Boomers to say that it’s okay to burn the American flag • 1 in 10 Americans don’t enjoy seeing the American flag on Independence Day • 4 in 10 Americans don’t think people should salute the American flag at a sporting event • Of all age groups Millennials are the least likely to say that people should salute the American flag at sporting events Patriotism in Crisis: • 1 in 6 Americans are not proud to be American • 1 in 4 Americans don’t think America has a history it should be proud of • Half of Americans think America is a sexist country, they also think it’s a racist country • 6 in 10 Americans think America is more racist than other countries • 1 in 10 Americans think the American flag is a sign of intolerance and hatred • More than half of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction • 1 in 5 Americans don’t think the world is safe when America is strong • 4 in 10 Americans think Americas future should be driven by Socialism Knowledge in Crisis: • 8 in 10 Americans failed FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz; which surveyed knowledge areas around the Bill of Rights, Freedoms awarded by the amendments, Mount Rushmore, and authors of the Federalist Papers • Baby Boomers are 50% more likely to pass FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz than Generation Z • Millennials were the most likely age group to get all the questions in FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz wrong with more than 1 in 3 failing to notch a single correct answer • Less than half of Americans could identify how many amendments are in the Bill of Rights • When asked what Presidents are on Mount Rushmore 1 in 10 admitted that they don’t know anything about Mount Rushmore • 3 in 10 Americans don’t know anything about the Federalist Papers 23

  24. Generational Storylines Generations at Odds: • The likelihood of an American consider themselves a Patriot declines the younger someone is with 9 in 10 Silent generation claiming to a Patriot compared to only 5 in 10 Generation Z. The same trend is seen with the belief that “America is the greatest country in the world” and that “America has a history to be proud of” • Baby boomers are more concerned about displaying a tattered American flag than Generation Z or Millennials • Half of all Generation Z and Millennials feel that American is not going to be great country in the future, compared to only one third of Baby Boomer • Half of all Generation Z’s think Barack Obama had more impact on America than George Washington • Generation Z and Millennials are 50% more likely than Baby Boomers to say Americans Future should be driven by Socialism • Millennials are the most likely generation to say America is sexist and racist with 6 in 10 agreeing with each statement • Half of Generation Z and Millennials think America is more racist than other countries, compared to only 1 in 3 Baby Boomers • Baby Boomers are nearly two times more likely to be able to name the faces on Mount Rushmore compared to that of Generation Z and Millennials • Younger Americans (under the age of 37) were more likely to claim that they didn’t know anything about the Federalist Papers (1 in 3) compared to that of Generation X or Baby Boomers (1 in 4) • Millennials were the least likely generation to correctly identify the number of amendments in the Bill of Rights with only 4 in 10 claiming that there are 10 amendments. In addition, they were the most likely to admit that they didn’t know anything about the Bill of Rights (1 in 5) 24

  25. Patriotism Appendix 25

  26. Millennials Lack Patriotism While most Americans enjoy seeing the flag displayed, 1 in 5 Millennials are against it and 1 in 5 Millennials think the American flag is a sign of intolerance and hatred. How They Feel About Patriotism Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) Gen X (38-53) Boomer (54-72) Silent (73+) Summary: Agree (266) (277) (241) (87) I enjoy seeing the American flag displayed in my community on Independence Day (July 4th) 88% 87% 79% 89% 94% 94% 4% 8% 35% 53% Publicly displaying tattered or worn American flags is disrespectful 55% 54% 54% 69% 78% 84% 9% 26% 42% 24% People should always salute the American flag at a sporting event 67% 60% 47% 60% 60% 72% 15% 27% 30% 29% It is ok to burn the American flag 19% 22% 42% 29% 22% 28% 50% 21% 18% 11% I think poorly of my neighbors who do not fly an American flag 13% 19% 14% 12% 10% 16% 44% 43% 10% 3% I believe the American flag is a sign of intolerance and hatred 13% 17% 19% 9% 3% 5% 60% 29% 8% 3% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 26 Q1. Which of the following statements about the American flag do you agree with? (Select one per row)

  27. Younger Americans Have Less Positive Views Of America Younger generations think America is more racist and sexist. Additionally, they are less likely to see themselves as patriots or view America as the greatest country in the world. Their Views Of America And American Patriotism Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) Gen X (38-53) Boomer (54-72) Silent (73+) Summary: Agree (266) (277) (241) (87) Patriotism is a good thing I am proud to be an American 71% 73% 78% 85% 92% 93% 3% 3% 4% 14% 14% 17% 44% 39% 81% 80% 72% 83% 92% 94% 36% 46% The world is safer when America is strongest Citizens should be allowed to own guns America has a history that we should be proud of I consider myself to be an American Patriot America is the greatest country in the world I'm confident I could start my own business America is a sexist country America is a racist country America is headed in the right direction America is more racist than other countries 66% 71% 68% 81% 93% 92% 41% 38% 38% 38% 9% 7% 7% 11% 12% 15% 21% 22% 66% 64% 69% 81% 83% 89% 41% 38% 33% 31% 33% 34% 54% 61% 65% 72% 85% 94% 49% 59% 62% 75% 87% 89% 23% 26% 51% 57% 54% 69% 81% 86% 43% 20% 15% 14% 18% 54% 64% 56% 62% 67% 79% 21% 23% 23% 27% 29% 28% 35% 35% 26% 49% 51% 60% 48% 46% 36% 44% 54% 63% 48% 42% 31% 33% 33% 38% 38% 48% 46% 59% 35% 29% 9% 40% 50% 46% 38% 29% 23% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 27 Q5. Which of the following statements about America do you agree with? (Select one per row)

  28. America Is Great Younger respondents are less likely to think America is or will remain a great country. Do They Think America Is And Will Remain Great? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) America was a great country, is a great country, and will continue to be a great country 48% 49% 53% 60% 70% 64% 58% America was a great country, is a great country, but probably wont be a great country in the future 26% 23% 17% 19% 12% 24% America was a great country, but isn't now and probably wont be in the future 19% 19% 16% 16% 17% 11% 19% America was never a great country and it never will be 16% 7% 9% 14% 6% 0% - 7% Total 28 Q2. Which of the following best describes your views towards America?

  29. Recency Bias Among The Young Older Americans are more likely to think George Washington has had a bigger impact on the country we live in today compared to Barack Obama, in contrast to younger Americans. Do They Think George Washington Or Barack Obama Has Had A Bigger Impact? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) Barack Obama 39% 51% 45% 63% 64% 64% 69% George Washington 61% 49% 55% 37% 36% 36% 31% 29 Q3. Which president has had a bigger impact on the country we live in today?

  30. Approval Of Kneeling Athletes Younger Americans approve of athletes kneeling during the national anthem, while older generations disapprove. Do They Approve Of Kneeling Athletes? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) No 48% 62% 61% 66% 47% 43% 34% Yes 52% 38% 39% 34% 53% 57% 66% 30 Q17. Do you approve of professional athletes kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem?

  31. American History Quiz Appendix 31

  32. Overall American History Awareness Only 1 in 6 Americans can pass a quiz on basic knowledge of American history. Can They Pass A Quiz On Basic American Knowledge? Pass (More Than 3 Correct) 17% Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) 13% 14% 19% 17% 19% 17% 87% 86% 81% 83% 81% 83% Fail (Less Than 3 Correct) 83% 32 *Based on 5 questions

  33. Amendments In The Bill Of Rights Less than half of Americans know how many amendments are in the bill of rights, although Generation Z are more likely to know than their older counterparts. Are They Right About The Number Of Amendments In The Bill Of Rights? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) Correct 45% 55% 49% 41% 46% 44% 43% Incorrect 55% 45% 51% 59% 54% 56% 57% 33 Q7. How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?

  34. Constitutional Ratification Only 1 in 5 Americans know when the Constitution was ratified, although younger Americans are more aware of when it was ratified than older Americans. Do They Know When The Constitution Was Ratified? Correct 18% Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) 25% 20% 17% 18% 17% 13% 75% 80% 83% 82% 83% 87% Incorrect 82% 34 Q8. What year was the U.S. Constitution ratified?

  35. Authors Of The Federalist Papers About 1 in 5 Americans know who the authors of the Federalist Papers were. Do They Know The Authors Of The Federalist Papers? Correct 23% Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) 23% 23% 18% 24% 27% 17% 77% 77% 82% 76% 73% 83% Incorrect 77% 35 Q9. Which of the following men were the authors of the Federalist Papers? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

  36. Who Is On Mount Rushmore 5 in 9 Americans know who is on Mount Rushmore, although awareness is higher among older generations. Do They Know Who Is On Mount Rushmore? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) Incorrect 44% 35% 39% 46% 63% 71% 64% Correct 56% 65% 61% 54% 37% 29% 36% 36 Q10. Which of the following men are featured on Mount Rushmore? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

  37. Rights Of The First Amendment Only 1 in 6 Americans know the specific rights enumerated in the First Amendment. Do They Know The Rights Enumerated In The First Amendment? Correct 16% Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) 14% 11% 19% 16% 17% 16% 86% 89% 81% 84% 83% 84% Incorrect 84% 37 Q11. Which of the following are the rights protected in the First Amendment? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

  38. Rights In The First Five Amendments Americans are most aware of the rights in the 1stand 2ndamendment, but awareness of the rights of other amendments is significantly lower. Do They Know The Rights In The First Five Amendments? Younger Gen Z (14-17) Older Gen Z (18-21) Millennial (22-37) Gen X (38-53) Boomer (54-72) Silent (73+) Summary: Correct (100) (107) (266) (277) (241) (87) 74% 79% 82% 86% 94% 91% 1st Amendment 85% 15% 68% 74% 77% 80% 90% 89% 2nd Amendment 81% 19% 3rd Amendment 54% 46% 48% 48% 53% 56% 64% 44% 4th Amendment 59% 41% 39% 51% 54% 59% 73% 66% 5th Amendment 55% 45% 52% 53% 52% 56% 63% 47% Correct Incorrect 38 Q12. For each of the following Amendments to the Constitution, please drag into each bucket the correct rights associated with each Amendment.

  39. College/Entrepreneurship Appendix 39

  40. Young People More Open To Socialism Younger generations are more likely to think America’s future should be driven by the principles of socialism than older generations, including almost half of those 37 and younger. Should America’s Future Be Driven By Capitalism Or Socialism? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) Socialism, 39% 50% 53% 53% 61% 70% 83% Capitalism, 61% 50% 47% 47% 39% 30% 17% 40 Q4. Do you think America’s future should be driven more by the principles of Capitalism or Socialism?

  41. Young People More Sold On College Younger Americans place a higher value on being a college graduate than older Americans, and are more likely to say being a successful college graduate is less important than being a successful entrepreneur. Their Views On College Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) Gen X (38-53) Boomer (54-72) Silent (73+) Summary: Agree (266) (277) (241) (87) The recent rapid development of technology makes it easier to be an entrepreneur now than it was 30 years ago 3% 19% 59% 20% 79% 75% 80% 74% 81% 82% I'd rather be a successful entrepreneur than a successful college graduate 7% 30% 41% 22% 54% 56% 57% 65% 68% 76% A college degree is essential to achieving my personal goals 11% 32% 35% 22% 66% 75% 63% 51% 49% 49% It is more important to get a college degree now than it was 30 years ago 11% 35% 33% 21% 50% 67% 57% 48% 52% 51% It was more important to get a college degree 30 years ago than it is now 17% 48% 25% 10% 37% 21% 30% 39% 36% 41% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 41 Q6. Which of the following statements about college do you agree with? (Select one per row)

  42. College And The American Dream Younger generations are more likely to think going to college interferes with the American dream compared to older Generations, although all generations think going to college helps achieve the American dream. Do They Think College Supports The American Dream? Interfere with the ability to seize the American dream, 16% Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) 78% 80% 79% 84% 90% 89% 22% 20% 21% 16% 10% 11% Help achieve the American dream, 84% 42 Q13. Going to college – does it help you achieve the American dream or interfere with your ability to seize the American dream?

  43. Expense Of College Vs Value Despite being more likely to think college interferes with the American dream, Gen Z are more likely to think college is worth the expense, although Millennials disagree, comparatively. Do They Think College Is Worth The Expense? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) 64% 61% 53% 51% 59% 56% No, 44% Yes, 56% 36% 39% 47% 49% 41% 44% 43 Q14. Do you believe the expense of a college degree worth it in the long run?

  44. College Degree As A Measure Of Success Millennials and Gen X place the least value on a college degree as a measure of success, although more than 6 in 10 think it is a good measure. Do They Think A College Degree Is A Good Measure Of Success? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) Summary: Good Measure Measurement of Success 11% 14% 22% 11% 10% 8% 6% Very good measure 59% 52% 54% 54% 65% 69% 58% Somewhat good measure Somewhat bad measure 17% 18% 26% 26% 22% 13% Very bad measure 22% 10% 7% 8% 10% 5% 13% 8% Total 44 Q15. Do you think that having a college degree is a good measure of determining whether or not they are successful?

  45. Starting A Business As A Measure Of Success More Americans think starting a business is a good measure of success than think going to college is a good measure of success. Is Starting A Business A Measure Of Success? Younger Gen Z (14-17) (100) Older Gen Z (18-21) (107) Millennial (22-37) (266) Gen X (38-53) (277) Boomer (54-72) (241) Silent (73+) (87) Summary: Good Measure Measurement of Success 36% 26% 18% 30% 26% 31% 26% Very good measure 41% 64% 62% 60% 68% 62% Somewhat good measure 61% Somewhat bad measure 16% 8% 17% 8% 6% 6% Very bad measure 7% 2% 3% 3% - 1% 10% Total 45 Q16. Do you think that having started their own business or inventing something is a good measure of determining whether or not they are successful?

  46. Demographics 46

  47. Younger Gen Z (14-17) Older Gen Z (18-21) Millennial (22-37) Gen X (38-53) Boomer (54-72) Silent (73+) Total Region 1078 100 107 266 277 241 87 Northeast 19% 8% 12% 24% 22% 18% 17% Midwest 23% 25% 25% 20% 23% 23% 24% South 36% 51% 51% 27% 30% 40% 32% West 23% 16% 11% 30% 25% 19% 26% Generation Younger Gen Z (14-17) 9% 100% - - - - - Older Gen Z (18-21) 10% - 100% - - - - Millennial (22-37) 25% - - 100% - - - Gen X (38-53) 26% - - - 100% - - Boomer (54-72) 22% - - - - 100% - Silent (73+) 8% - - - - - 100% Gender Male 47% 42% 36% 49% 48% 44% 71% Female 53% 58% 64% 52% 52% 56% 29% Parent/Guardian Yes 26% 7% 14% 42% 49% 6% 1% No 74% 93% 86% 58% 51% 94% 99% 47

  48. Younger Gen Z (14-17) Older Gen Z (18-21) Millennial (22-37) Gen X (38-53) Boomer (54-72) Silent (73+) Total Education 1078 100 107 266 277 241 87 HS Or Less 20% - 54% 15% 16% 15% 22% Some College 31% - 46% 25% 30% 32% 31% 4-Year Degree 30% - - 39% 35% 28% 26% Post-Grad 19% - - 20% 19% 24% 21% Income Less than $25,000 19% 34% 29% 21% 16% 13% 13% $25,000 - $49,999 19% 8% 22% 21% 18% 19% 22% $50,000 - $79,999 21% 13% 20% 25% 22% 17% 22% $80,000 or more 27% 22% 20% 22% 33% 36% 18% Prefer not to say 14% 23% 9% 11% 12% 15% 25% Race White 76% 52% 53% 74% 79% 89% 91% Black 8% 21% 19% 5% 7% 3% 5% Hispanic 8% 18% 17% 10% 5% 5% 1% Asian 3% 4% 5% 5% 3% 1% 1% Other 5% 5% 7% 6% 6% 3% 2% 48

  49. Younger Gen Z (14-17) Older Gen Z (18-21) Millennial (22-37) Gen X (38-53) Boomer (54-72) Silent (73+) Total Area 1078 100 107 266 277 241 87 Rural 27% 27% 21% 23% 25% 33% 33% Suburban 50% 55% 53% 45% 51% 50% 47% Urban 24% 18% 26% 33% 24% 17% 20% Political Affiliation Democrat 32% 36% 36% 30% 33% 16% - Republican 25% 22% 20% 25% 30% 33% - Independent 30% 21% 26% 34% 30% 43% - Other 5% 3% 4% 7% 4% 7% - Not Sure 8% 18% 13% 5% 3% 1% - Registered To Vote Yes 84% 66% 78% 84% 95% 95% - No 14% 29% 19% 14% 4% 3% - Not Sure 2% 5% 3% 2% 0% 1% - 49

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