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BIKING IN DENMARK. What should a bike have?. 1. Pedal reflectors 2. A red reflector at the back of the bike 3. A white reflector at the front of the bike 4. Reflectors in the wheels 5. Brakes 6. Front light 7. Back light 8. A bicycle bell 9. A bicycle lock
What should a bike have? 1. Pedal reflectors 2. A red reflector at the back of the bike 3. A white reflector at the front of the bike 4. Reflectors in the wheels 5. Brakes 6. Front light 7. Back light 8. A bicycle bell 9. A bicycle lock Images: www.sikkertrafik.dk
THE BIKE HELMET Which picture shows the boy wearing the bike helmet in the correct position? 1 2 3
Picture 3 is correct The bike helmet should be the correct size and sit correctly on the head. It should cover the forehead, back of the head and the temples.
What kind of helmet should I get? • The helmet you buy should be marked with the letters CE. • If it also has the approval seal EN 1078, you can be sure that the helmet fulfills the European Cycle Helmet Standard. • If you already have a bike helmet, it still may be okay if is approved by the Swedish Konsumentverket, the American Snell, or has the approval seal ASTM or ANSI Z-90. Helmets with these stamps of approval are still okay. www.sikkertrafik.dk
Rules of the Road for Cyclists • look behind you before turning or stopping • yield to pedestrians • position yourself correctly (i.e. when turning, make sure you stay on the bike path and don’t ride on the sidewalk) • pay attention to traffic lights and stop signs (don’t cross if there is a yellow or red traffic light and stop for stop signs) • don’t ride too fast or be too hesitant
HAND SIGNALS Right Turn: (outstretched right arm) Left Turn: (outstreched left arm) Stop: (left arm held up in an L shape) Give the hand signals in a timely manner Bicycles are not allowed to make left turns via a left turn lane at an intersection (like cars can). They must go straight across the street in front of them and then straight across the street to the left. Images: www.paacykel.dk
You are riding on a bicycle path when a bus stops in front of a bus stop. What should you do? a) I ring my bell to get the bus passengers to step aside b) I look behind me. If there is nobody coming from behind, I ride out onto the street and go around the bus. c) I wait until people have gotten on or off the bus before riding further down the bike path. Correct answer: c
You need to turn left at the intersection here. What should you do? • I stay all the way over on the right side of the road • b) When there is a free lane, I ride over to the closest thick white line • c) I change lanes and ride all the way over to the left into the lane with left turn arrows. • d) When the light turns green, I ride over to the opposite corner and signal. When it is possible to cross in the new direction, I do so. • Correct answers: a and d or b and d
You need to go straight ahead on the street on which you are riding. There are no ‘shark’s teeth’ (white triangles painted on the pavement, which indicate that you need to yield to traffic from both directions) and no traffic signs in the intersection. What should you do? • I continue straight ahead at the same speed. • b) I slow down a little bit to be completely sure that the car will wait for me to pass. • c) I stop because I need to yield for everything that comes from the right. • Correct answer: c
You need to cross the intersection here. What should you do? a) I quickly follow the car in front of me. b) When the car in front of me is gone, I look to see if there is any traffic coming from the right or from the left. c) I cross the intersection only after I am sure that the car opposite me will wait. Correct answers: b and c
You (the cyclist) need to go straight across this intersection. You have a number of options: -position yourself all the way to the right (along the curb). You should make sure that cars turning right are aware of your presence. -position yourself in the right turn lane but stay back and wait for the cars turning right to turn right before you continue cycling straight ahead. -position yourself between the right turn lane and the lane which continues straight across the intersection. This might not be the best idea if there is a wide truck in either of the lanes. Make sure you look around you before you head across the intersection to avoid getting hit by a car that is approaching from behind and needs to turn right via the right turn lane.
Turning left onto Kildegaardsvej from Niels Andersens Vej (see map of test route) Niels Andersens Vej Kildegaardsvej Niels Andersens Vej Once you cross the intersection, position yourself in front of the pedestrian crossing (in the direction of the lane continuing straight ahead down Kildegaardsvej) instead of completely crossing the intersection (which would involve crossing over the lane which turns right from Kildegaardsvej onto Niels Andersens Vej) The first right turn lane: watch before you pass it. If there is a car behind you that is in that lane to turn right, you need to make sure that the car will wait for you to go straight ahead before it makes its right turn.
Turning left onto Niels Andersens Vej(see map of test route) 1 2 3 Baunegårdsvej Niels Andersens Vej Baunegårdsvej Baunegårdsvej In this picture, the cyclist is turning left from the bike path onto Baunegårdsvej, crossing Baunegårdsvej and proceeding straight down Niels Andersens Vej. You have two options: On the bike path: look behind you to see what is coming. Move over to the left side of the bicycle path. Give the hand signal to stop. Check to see that there is no traffic coming down Baunegårdsvej. Then cycle across Baunegårsvej and proceed straight down Niels Andersens Vej. 2) On the bike path: look behind you to see what is coming on the bike path and check to see that there is no traffic coming on Baunegårdsvej. Give the hand signal for a left turn, cross Baunegårdsvej and then proceed straight down Niels Andersens Vej.
Fortov No biking on the sidewalk
Fodgængerfelt No biking on the pedestrian crossings. Those are for pedestrians. If you need to cross a street using a pedestrian crossing, you need to get off of your bike and walk with it across the pedestrian crossing.