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Self Monitoring and Self Consciousness

Self Monitoring and Self Consciousness. Individual Differences in Self Processes. Self Monitoring. Individual Differences in Self Presentation Self Monitoring scale – Snyder Individual differences in ability and motivation to vary one’s expressive behavior over settings

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Self Monitoring and Self Consciousness

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  1. Self Monitoring and Self Consciousness Individual Differences in Self Processes

  2. Self Monitoring • Individual Differences in Self Presentation • Self Monitoring scale – Snyder • Individual differences in ability and motivationtovary one’s expressive behavior over settings • Similar to factor N on 16pf • Not simply conformity • Mean (BSU 317): 12.15 (quartiles = 9/15) • Good or bad?

  3. Self-Monitoring Findings • Actors score high (politicians?) • High SM better at emotion recognition and expression • Production/interpretation tasks • High SM better person memory; but only if future interaction is anticipated • Marketing: soft sell (e.g.,) vs. hard sell (e.g.,) • Trait – behavior correlation

  4. Self Consciousness/Awareness Focus of attention on one’s self Varies over situations – Self Awareness Varies over people – Self Consciousness

  5. Self Awareness • Self awareness continuum: +---------------------------------------------------+ Objective Self-awareness Deindividuation Types of situations?

  6. Self Awareness • Two effects: • OSA uncomfortable • Why? • Motivated to reduce • How? • Deindividuation • Increased likelihood of counter-normative behavior • Self system disengaged

  7. Self Consciousness • Individual Differences • Three subscales: • Private – inward focus • Public – concern with others’ perceptions of self • Social anxiety – experience of anxiety in social situations

  8. Self Consciousness • Norms: Mean Quartiles • Private 49 57/44 • Public 38 44/31 • Social Anxiety 26 32/18 • Private and Public relatively independent • Moderate Public – Social Anxiety correlation

  9. Private Self-Consciousness • Potential Positive: • Self-knowledge • Potential Negative: • Excessive rumination • Depression • Why?

  10. Self-Consciousness • Strategies for reducing? • Hull • Perform task • Return and receive false feedback • Wine tasting False Feedback Positive Negative High Private Low Private

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