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1996 Speakers: Sarah Clark (Archivist at the Center for American History ) Tad Howington (Records Manager at the Lower Colorado River Authority). 1998 Speakers: Kinga Perzynska (Director of the Catholic Archives of Texas)
1996 Speakers: • Sarah Clark (Archivist at the Center for American History) • Tad Howington (Records Manager at the Lower Colorado River Authority) • 1998 Speakers: • KingaPerzynska (Director of the Catholic Archives of Texas) • Dr. Abby Smith (Program Officer for the Commission on Preservation and Access of the Council on Library and Information Resources) • C. Dorman David (forger fatale of historic Texas documents) spoke about his role in the history, creation, and detection of the Texas Forgeries 1996 2001: “Archives: They’re Virtually Everywhere” (Archives and Technology) • 1997 Speakers: • Dr. DariaNalcez (National Archivist of Poland) • Dr. Stephen Ostrow (former Chief of the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress) • Kent Carter (Regional Administrator, SW Region of NARA in Ft. Worth) • Regina Greenwell (Senior Archivist, LBJ Library) • 1995 • The first SAA-UT sponsored student conference, "Archives for the 21st Century" was held 1993 2002 • 1999 Speakers: • Sam Burns (Records Manager at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission) • Dr. Martha Norkunas (Oral and Public Historian at the Center for American History) 1999 For Archives Week 2012, our theme was “History & Fashion” with guest speakers Lynn Downey, the historian at the Levi Strauss Co., and Karen TrivetteCannell, the Head of the FIT Archives at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Lynn and Karen described their experiences working in fashion archives including the challenges of preserving clothing. We were privileged to see rare designer sketches of 20th century fashion as well as the oldest pair of blue jeans! SAA-UT Turns Twenty The Society of American Archivists, University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter, has finished out its 19th year of promoting archival interest within the Austin and university communities. To commemorate the chapter’s founding at the SAA conference in 1993, we are looking back on the traditions developed over the last two decades, and looking forward to new ways to promote archival issues and to develop students’ professional growth. 2003 2006 For our annual repository tour, we visited the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum and the Cushing Memorial Library on the Texas A&M campus. At the George Bush Library we learned about the unique processes of presidential libraries and the daily functions of their archives. At the Cushing Memorial Library, we learned of their collaborative digital initiatives to share their holdings and made books with a hand printing press. 2009 2012