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Christian education department African Methodist episcopal zion church. Bishop Dennis V. Proctor, Board Chairman Bishop W. Darin Moore, 1 st Vice Chairman Bishop Nathaniel Jarrett, Jr., 2 nd Vice Chairman Rev. Kathryn G. Brown, General Secretary. Engaging! Educating! Elevating!.
Christian education department African Methodist episcopal zion church Bishop Dennis V. Proctor, Board Chairman Bishop W. Darin Moore, 1st Vice Chairman Bishop Nathaniel Jarrett, Jr., 2nd Vice Chairman Rev. Kathryn G. Brown, General Secretary Engaging! Educating! Elevating!
Praise God From Whom All blessings flow! This presentation is designed to help you to observe Christian Education Sunday in a meaningful way, plan for Truthville 2013 and begin planning for the 23rd Quadrennial Convention on Christian Education! Please e-mail me at cedamezion@aol.com with comments and questions. Expect the Great! Rev. Kathryn G. Brown, General Secretary Christian Education Department
Christian education is above all else, a process that helps a community of believers understand theology, learn Christian history, reinforce personal decisions to live for Christ,and make commitments to the internal and outreach ministries of the church. Christian Education in the African-American Church: A Guide for Teaching Truth Lora-Ellen McKinney
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SUNDAYSEPTEMBER 15, 2013 iLight “I am sending you off to open the eyes of the outsiders so they can see the difference between dark and light and choose light…” Acts 26:17 (The Message)
Christian Education Sunday allows churches throughout Zion to emphasize the importance of Christian Education which is the primary vehicle through which discipleship occurs in the church. On Christian Education Sunday, local congregations will be able to renew their commitment to grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ, engage in ministry offered by the Christian Education Department and connect with others in Christian Education through District and Conference events. purpose
iLight “iLight” is the theme for this year’s Christian Education Sunday Observance. As 21st Century Christians, we are called to re-build our communities by shining in a world of darkness. Members are encouraged to commit or re-commit to helping persons of all ages distinguish between light and darkness and chose light!
iLIGHTWorship Sunday, Sept. 15, 2013 • Since Sunday, September 15th is Christian Education Sunday, with the pastor’s permission, members of the Christian Education Department should participate in the liturgy. • Worship Service participants should reflect the diverse age groups of the church. • Students of all ages should bring their books and a “Book Blessing” should take place at an appropriate time in the service. • A Call to Covenant should be included in the Invitation to Christian Discipleship. The iLightConvenant (see slide 13) will encourage worshippers to commit to re-building our communities. • Worship music, scripture, prayers, liturgical dance, skits and sermons should reinforce the mandate for Christians to help others distinguish between light and darkness and choose light (Christ!). See recommended music and scriptures on slides 9-11.
Recommended Music Praise, gospel and contemporary songs Zion Is Calling (Stephen Hurd) More Than Anything (Lamar Campbell) Before I Tell Them (Yolanda Adams) I Am on the Battlefield for My Lord- # 480** Lord, I’m Available to You (Milton Brunson) He’s the Light (Ricky Dillard) Hymns: They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love - #683 All to Jesus, I Surrender - #490 Lord I Want to Be A Christian - #606 Higher Ground - #645 O Jesus I Have Promised - #472 Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus - #432 Trust and Obey - #443 I Am Thine, O Lord - #433 Take My Life, and Let It Be - #470 Pass It On (See Slide 9) ** African-American Heritage Hymnal * A.M.E. Zion Bicentennial Hymnal
Pass it On (lyrics) It only takes a spark to get a fire going, And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing; That's how it is with God's Love, Once you've experienced it, Your spread the love to everyone You want to pass it on. What a wonderous time is spring, When all the tress are budding The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming; That's how it is with God's love, Once you've experienced it. You want to sing, it's fresh like spring, You want to pass it on. I wish for you my friend This happiness that I've found; You can depend on God It matters not where you're bound, I'll shout it from the mountain top - PRAISE GOD! I want the world to know The Lord of love has come to me I want to pass it on. I'll shout it from the mountain top - PRAISE GOD! I want the world to know The Lord of love has come to me I want to pass it on.
Recommended Scriptures Matthew 4:12-17 (NIV) Matthew 5:14-16 (nrsv) Matthew 10:26-31(NIV) John 1:1-5 (NRSV) John 8:12 (NRSV) Acts 26:12:18 (The Message) I Thessalonians 5:4-11 (NIV)
iLightActivities • CED Ministry Expo – Showcase of each Department and ministry in Christian Education in exhibit format after themorning worship experience or immediately before an afternoon worship service. Be creative, engaging, informative and inviting! • iLightCreative Expressions – Allow children and youth to express messages of light through essays, short stories, original songs, liturgical dance, mime, video projects, step and skits. These presentations can be incorporated into the morning worship or scheduled during the weekend of Christian Education Sunday. • iLight Literary Friends – book club for young adults and adults. Recommended Reading: New Wine, New Wineskins: How African-American Congregations Can Reach New Generations by F. Douglas Powell. • “Glow In The Dark” Conference in the local church or on the District or Conference. The “Glow In the Dark” Conference will elevate the community by engaging and educating participants through information sessions, resource sharing and networking. Topics can include Political Activism, Mental Health Awareness, Domestic Violence, Scholastic Achievement, Dealing with Racism, Violence Prevention, Building Self-Esteem, African-American History Awareness, Strengthening Family Life, Substance Abuse Prevention, Economic Awareness,, Media Images, Sex and Sexuality. Churches, Districts and/or Conferences are encouraged to focus on topics of particular urgency in their community. • iLightCommunity Services- Based on the demographics and needs of your community and the gifts and demographics of your congregation, establish a ministry (or ministries) to meet service gaps within the community.
iLight COVENANTThis Covenant is designed to be used during Christian Education Sunday. Persons who agree to the Covenant are making a commitment to intentionally allow the light of Christ to impact darkness in their community. I am a 21st Century christiancalled to restoration, revelation and regeneration. I am a child of light. I do not belong to the darkness. I am called to help people of all ages learn the difference between darkness and light and chose light. I am committed to living a life of light so that others will be attracted to the light of jesuschrist. I will commit my time, talents and financial resources to spreading light in my family, my church and my community. I can do this because christ gives me strength! I will do this because I care and I have power! I must do this because for this purpose christ brought me out of darkness and into the marvelous light! This covenant should be followed by “Zion is Calling Me” by Stephen Hurd.
A Special call to men!! Goal: 1,000 african-american males!! Discover the truth about manhood, god’s plan for men, dealing with racial profiling and more!! “Day after day, men came to help David, until he had a great army, like the army of God.” – I Chronicles 12:22 (NIV)
And Sistah’s, We Want You There Too! “Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” - Proverbs 31:30 (NLT)
At Truthville 2013 you will experience: • A wide-range of events for children, youth and young adults that will address the real issues facing young black men and women. • Connection with a network of men committed to expanded the Sons of Varick throughout Zion. • “Regeneration Stations” that equip Christian educators and clergy with tools to empower men and women to become credible, committed disciples. • Spiritual truths that dispel erroneous teaching about African-American men. • Empowerment sessions just for men. • Empowerment sessions just for women.
Passionate worship that promotes virtuous living among males and females! • Fun fellowship that fosters healthy relationships! • Real-talk about male-female relationships. • Newly designed events to meet the needs of 18-25 year olds. • Resource sharing with Christian educators, pastors, and experts from across Zion! • Powerful prayer gatherings that restore and rebuild lives. • Creative, energetic and scripturally focused Worship in Arts Ministry for children and youth! You will also experience:
Yes! We will have the college rally luncheon again! Bring your favorite college shirt!!
Sheraton dallas400 North Olive streetDallas, TX For reservations: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/booking/reservation?id=1306283351&key=CF427or call 866-716-8106. Room rate - $109.00 per night +14.26% sales tax for 1-4 occupants
Registration Varick’s Children (12 and under) $85 (pre-registration) $95 (on-site) YOUTH, YOUNG ADULTS, ADULTS, CLERGY, ACE, MEN AND WOMEN: $110 – ON-LINE EARLY BIRD RATE (ENDS JULY 30TH) $130 – SUMMER/FALL RATE (JULY 31-OCT 15) $150 – AFTER OCT 16 – DEC 31 SENIOR CITIZENS 75 AND OVER – COMPLIMENTARY • Registrants that are 75 years and over are complimentary. • First 500 On Line registrants 13 and over will receive a $40.00 discount over the regular price of $150.00. Offer ends on July 30th. • After July 30th registrants 13 and over will receive a $20 discount over the regular price of $150. . Offer ends October 30th. • Green Team - $10.00 off for each online registration. Green Team members will not receive registration bag or paper program; however, will receive a downloadable program. (Offer is available for all on-line registrations except Varick’s Children) REGISTER TODAY! DON’T DELAY! at http://www.cvent.com/d/qcqyjb
Join us on the 27th of every month as we intercede for the success of Truthville 2013!
Wetruthville! You will TOO! December 27-30, 2013 – DALLAS, TEXAS
Zion University@ Greensboro The 23rd Quadrennial convention on christian education- July 26th – 31st . Detailed information will be distributed in dallas!