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Guitar player. H is history as a guitar player. His work is well known by the A merican magazine Rolling Stones , that put him on the 18º best guitar player in the world ranking.
Hishistory as a guitar player • HisworkiswellknownbytheAmerican magazine RollingStones, thatputhimonthe 18º best guitar player in theworldranking. • He joined RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS when he was 18 yearsold. Hisfirstalbumwiththe band, calledMother’sMilk, wasreleased in 1989.The nextalbum, titledBloodSugar Sex Magik, was a bigsuccess. In 1992 he quitdueto a drugproblem, but he returned in 1998 afterhavingcompleteddrugrehabilitation and rejoined RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS withthealbumCalifornication (1999).