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Single linked list. The structure of node. public class IntNode { public int info; public IntNode next; public IntNode(int i) { this(i,null); } public IntNode(int i, IntNode n) { info = i; next = n; } }. The class of single linked list. public class IntSLList {
The structure of node public class IntNode { public int info; public IntNode next; public IntNode(int i) { this(i,null); } public IntNode(int i, IntNode n) { info = i; next = n; } }
The class of single linked list public class IntSLList { private IntNode head, tail; public IntSLList() { head = tail = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null; }
Insert (1) • public void addToHead(int el) { • head = new IntNode(el,head); • if (tail == null) • tail = head; • }
Insert (2) public void addToTail(int el) { if (!isEmpty()) { tail.next = new IntNode(el); tail = tail.next; } else head = tail = new IntNode(el); }
Delete (1) public int deleteFromHead() { // delete the head and return its info; int el = head.info; if (head == tail) // if only one node on the list; head = tail = null; else head = head.next; return el; } //gc負責garbage collection, 在c語言需free();
Delete (2) public int deleteFromTail() { // delete the tail and return its info; int el = tail.info; if (head == tail) // if only one node in the list; head = tail = null; else { // if more than one node in the list, IntNode tmp; // find the predecessor of tail; for (tmp = head; tmp.next != tail; tmp = tmp.next); tail = tmp; // the predecessor of tail becomes tail; tail.next = null; } return el; }
Delete (3) public void delete(int el) { // delete the node with an element el; if (!isEmpty()) if (head == tail && el == head.info) head = tail = null; // if only one node on the list; else if (el == head.info) // if more than one node on the list; head = head.next; // and el is in the head node; else { // if more than one node in the list IntNode pred, tmp; // and el is in a non-head node; for (pred = head, tmp = head.next; tmp != null && tmp.info != el; pred = pred.next, tmp = tmp.next); if (tmp != null) { // if el was found; pred.next = tmp.next; if (tmp == tail) // if el is in the last node; tail = pred; } }
isInList public boolean isInList(int el) { IntNode tmp; for(tmp = head; tmp != null && tmp.info != el; tmp = tmp.next); return tmp != null; }
Binary search Node binaryListSearch(int key) { Node left=head, mid=head; int m; for(m=0;mid!=null;m++,mid=mid.next); //count nodes While (m!=0){ m=m/2; mid=left; for(int I;i<=m;i++) mid=mid.next; if (key>mid.info) if (m&1)==1) //if m is odd left=mid.next else left=mid; else if (key==mid.info) return mid; } return null; } Binary search之先決條件為何?
Your homework • Circular single linked list? • Reverse the single linked list?
321 654 987 N -321 -654 -987 N 兩長整數相加-Linked List之應用 假設一個鏈結節點所儲存的最大值是999,則長整數N=987654321可用N=987×10002+654×10001+321×10000來表示,而其鏈結串列是: 若N=-987654321,則
假設兩長整數N1, N2 其中m=1000,而K為N1與 N2中節點數較多者的節點數,而兩者的和為S,則相加時會有五種情形。 ,
790 468 35 2 N1 N2 258 38 S • N1= 0 或 N2 = 0 若 N1= 0 ,則S = N2 。反之,若 N2= 0 ,則S = N1 。 • N1 > 0 ,且 N2 > 0 C0= 0 Si=(ai+bi+Ci-1)%m Ci=(ai+bi+Ci-1)∕ m ( Ci是整數) 假設N1= 35790,而N2= 2468 則 相加後: S1= (790 + 468 + 0)% 1000 = 258 C1= (790 + 468 + 0)∕ 1000 = 1 S2= (35 + 2 + 1)% 1000 = 38 C2= (35 + 2 + 1)∕ 1000 = 0 所以 S =38258
-760 430 -10 25 N1 N2 • N1< 0 ,且 N2 < 0 只要計算 -(A+B)即可 • N1, N2 其中只有一個小於 0 ,但相加後大於 0 因相加後大於 0 ,所以和第二種情況相同。假設 N1 = -10760, N2 = 25430,則 S1= (-760 + 430 + 0)% 1000 =-330%1000 =670(以10’s complement 表示) C1= (-760 + 430 + 0)∕ 1000 =-330 ∕ 1000 =-1 S2= (-10 + 25 - 1)% 1000 = 14 C2= (-10 + 25 - 1)∕ 1000 = 0
N1, N2其中只有一數小於 0 ,但相加後小於 0 。 首先以第四種情況處理,但是最後會產生一進位-1,然後再加以處理。 假設 N1= -48320 , N2= 24850 S1= (-320+850+0)% 1000 = 530 C1= (-320+850+0) ∕ 1000 = 0 S2= (-48+24+0)% 1000 = -24 % 1000 = 976 (10’s) C2= -24 ∕ 1000 = -1 因為C2= -1,因此再用-1000000 + 976530 = -23470
Homework 11 • 兩長整數加、減 • Using single linked-list • Two long numbers : text boxes • Design an applet