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Affect and Cognition Lab Handbook. Updated: August 2007. Contact Information Lab Website General Rules Obtaining Ethics Approval Using the PSY100 Pool Booking Lab Space Running Participants Paying Participants. 3 4 5 7 14 20 23 32. Contents. Contact Information.
Affect and Cognition Lab Handbook Updated: August 2007
Contact Information Lab Website General Rules Obtaining Ethics Approval Using the PSY100 Pool Booking Lab Space Running Participants Paying Participants 3 4 5 7 14 20 23 32 Contents
Contact Information Lab: 416-978-1540 Adam: anderson@psych.utoronto.ca; 416-946-0207 Eve: derosa@psych.utoronto.ca; 416-978-3401 Wojtek: wojtek@aclab.ca; 416-554-3655 Dan: d23lee@gmail.com Matt: matt.dixon@utoronto.ca Hanah: hanah@aclab.ca Norman: norman@aclab.ca Josh: josh@aclab.ca Taylor: taylor@aclab.ca Leigh: leigh@aclab.ca
Using the lab website • http://aclab.ca • To login: double click anywhere on the page, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. It will then open the page for editing. Hit save, and it will take you back to the main page - you will now be able to access everything on the site from the links on the left. • Most importantly: Use the knowledgebase!! It has all the information and forms you need to get ethics approval, access to PSY100, run participants, etc.
General Rules • Be Reliable • If you can’t make your scheduled bookings, it is YOUR responsibility to either (a) contact your participants to reschedule, or (b) get someone who can run the study to come in your place. Failure to show up for your experiments can result in the ENTIRE lab being banned from using the psy100 pool. • Please be punctual. You should arrive before your participant!
General Rules (2) Be Respectful Just use common sense, for example: • Don’t leave garbage or piles of things around the lab. • Don’t be disruptive if others around you are trying to work. • Don’t take things without asking (e.g., laptops). • If you are not the only RA running a particular study, make sure you leave enough photocopies of study materials for the next person.
Obtaining Ethics Approval NOTE: More detailed information and access to all the relevant forms can be found on the knowledgebase
Where Should You Apply? • Undergraduate Project:Psychology Department • Graduate Project:Ethics Review Office (ERO) • The process is much the same for both, but you have to make sure to fill out the proper forms and you will submit them to different places. • If your study is being run an affiliated hospital (e.g., Baycrest), you must first gain ethics approval through the Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) and then apply for approval from the ERO. http://acl.psych.utoronto.ca/default.aspx/ACLWiki/EthicsApproval.html
Undergraduate Project You Will Need to Submit: • Cover Sheet • Protocol Form • Consent Form • Debriefing Form • Appendices (questionnaires, etc, if applicable) • Recruitment Poster (if applicable) Use the knowledgebase to access forms, download examples, etc.
Undergraduate Project • When complete, your application will need to be approved and signed by your faculty supervisor (i.e., Adam or Eve). It will then need to be approved by the Department of Psychology Ethics Review Committee (DPERC). • For the 2006-2007 school year, two copies of your complete application must be submitted to Jordan Peterson.
Graduate Project You Will Need to Submit: • Cover Sheet • Protocol Form • Consent Form • Debriefing Form • Appendices (questionnaires, etc, if applicable) • Recruitment Poster (if applicable) Use the knowledgebase to access forms, see examples, etc.
Graduate Project • Once your application package is complete and you have obtained the necessary signatures you will then need to submit your application to the Ethics Review Office located in Simcoe Hall, 27 King's College Circle, Room 10A (basement). • Expedited review - 2 copies • Full review - 17 copies
Studies Involving Animal Subjects • Must submit an Animal Use Protocol Form. • For forms and information go to: http://www.research.utoronto.ca/ethics/ea_app.html • The form must be typed, so download and save it to your computer. The form must be submitted to the appropriate Local Animal Care Committee (LACC). • Email rhain.lewis@utoronto.ca if unsure how to submit your form.
Using the PSY100 Participant Pool NOTE: More detailed information and access to all the relevant forms can be found on the knowledgebase
Submitting a New Package • You can find all the information and forms you need at http://www.psych.utoronto.ca/~psy100/research/ • You will need to submit: • Signed contract • Proof of ethics approval • Consent form • Debriefing Package: Detailed debriefing form and participant receipt • Additional Info: How many participants you will need, how long the experiment takes, how many credits they will receive (1 credit per hour), location, and type of recruitment (e.g., online signup). • All RAs running PSY100 subjects must read the ‘Principles and Procedures’ document before they sign the contract.
Renewing a Previously Approved Package • You will need to renew your package if your experiment is continuing from one semester to the next. • Note that because PSY100 is now a half-course this means you must renew your package between the fall and spring semesters. This also means you cannot run subjects during exam time as you could in previous years. • To renew a package you need to fill out the Renewal Form and submit it as an attachment to psy100pool@psych.utoronto.ca • If applicable you will also need to submit: • Updated contract signed by new RAs • Ethics renewal letter (if ethics has been renewed since last package was submitted)
Using the PSY100 Pool • When your package is approved you will be given an experiment number that you will use to sign into the psy100 website http://abigail.psych.utoronto.ca/courses/psy100/experiments/expadmin/ and book participants. • Note: password for the Anderson lab is smile • Before you are able to open timeslots, you must enter Experiment Information. • NOTE: You MUST indicate “Yes” as to whether there is an answering machine or your experiment will not show up on the website. • Please remember to hand in your PSY100 credit receipt forms to Dorothee Potter (or through the slot in the door) every Friday.
Using the PSY100 Pool • Posting study sessions: • After you have set up the experiment you need to post study sessions online • Select: “Add an Experiment Time” • Enter the days and times of the sessions • Most sessions are one hour • Note how many students you will run in each session (e.g., one per hour) • Most studies have 1-4 students per session • Viewing study sessions: • After you post study sessions you should view them to ensure all the information is correct • Select: “View/Delete Experiment Times” • When a student has signed up you will see their name, student number and email
Using the PSY100 Pool • The PSY100 Credit Form is used to ensure all participants receive class credit. While your subject is completing the experiment you can fill out their name and student # on the form and on their receipt. • Remember to return the PSY100 Credit Form to Dorothee Potter (4th floor, psy100 office) every Friday. This means if you are running a study on Wednesday and no one else is running that study during the week, you should submit the form before you leave that day.
Booking Lab Space NOTE: Instructions can also be found online at http://acl.psych.utoronto.ca/default.aspx/ACLWiki/HowToBookLabResourcesWithTheACLCalendar.html
Booking Lab Space • To book one of the testing rooms or psychophys cubes follow these steps: • Go to http://aclab.ca and open the ACL calendar link on the right side of the page; enter your username (name@acl) and password. • Select the date you want to book by clicking on the calendar at the top of the screen. • The schedule for all the rooms for that day will now appear on the screen. Click on an available time for the particular room you wish to book. This will open a new window. If there is no time available for that day, simply choose another date. • In the “Brief Description” window, enter your name and the number of the experiment you are running (e.g., “Ashley, Expt. 26”)
Booking Lab Space • In the “Full Description” window enter any other information that might be necessary for other people to know. For example, if you are only running 1 subject but you need to book all 3 cubes, you can indicate this here. • Make sure the correct date is selected. • Make sure the correct starting time is selected. • Indicate how long (i.e., one hour) you need the room for. • Make sure the correct lab (animal or ACL) and room is selected. • If you want to book the same day of the week and time slot for a repeated number of weeks (i.e., Mondays from 1-4pm for a month) you can select this option (i.e., you would select “repeat weekly”). Please do not use this option unless you are sure you are going to use these times (i.e., you have subjects booked). Hit Save. • You can click on your entry as it appears on the calendar in order to review/edit/delete it.
Running Participants NOTE: More detailed information can be found on the knowledgebase under “Running Your Experiment” http://acl.psych.utoronto.ca/default.aspx/ACLWiki/RunningYourExperiment.html
Using the Psychophys Cubes • Ask Wojtek to add your name to the psychophys emailing list pp@aclab.ca.Feel free to use this address for any psychophys related purpose (questions, requests, complaints, etc.) • Do not book a cube until you know you have participants to fill the spot. However if you need the cubes during very specific times, go ahead and book them in advance. If the timeslot doesn’t fill just delete the booking as soon as possible. • If you have a participant cancel, please delete the booking so that someone else can use the time if they need it. • Some experimenters may need to book all three cubes to test one participant. For example, someone studying startle may need to ensure that the participant won't be disturbed by people coming and going. If this describes your study, please put a note on the whiteboard to let us all know why you need all the cubes.
Using the Psychophys Cubes • PLEASE NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE PSYCHOPHYS CUBES. The garbages are emptied infrequently (see next point) so food waste left around gets disgusting very quickly. • When the garbage cans in the psychophys cubes are full, please empty them into the main lab garbage. The cleaning staff does not do this. • If you notice that we are running low on supplies please let the lab manager know what you need. • Don't move equipment around in the cubes! If you need to set up equipment for a new study or the equipment is getting in the way of your study, please send an email the group to discuss making changes.
Running Participants • Participants should NOT arrive at room 624. Instead they should arrive at whatever testing room you are using. If using the cubes, have them arrive at room 606. • Please try to avoid walking back and forth through the grad student work space. There are two keys in the lab that open doors 604, 605, and 606. Exit through the main door of the lab when you need to enter any of the testing rooms or the cubes. Please remember to return the keys when you are done using them. • Always arrive a few minutes early so that you are ready when the participant arrives. If using PSY100, print out the list of scheduled students so that you have their names and student numbers handy.
Running Participants • All participants must sign TWO copies of the consent form. They keep one copy and you keep one copy. • ALL consent forms for ALL studies are kept separately from other materials, in a locked cabinet. This is the cabinet beside the storage cupboard (where the phone is). Put your forms in a folder and place them in one of these locked drawers. The key is kept in the combination lockbox.
Participant Confidentiality • There should be NO link between participant data and personally identifying information (i.e., their name, student number, etc.) • The ONLY piece of material with the participant’s name should be their consent form. Everything else should be marked with a participant number. This participant number should NOT be on the consent form. That is, there should be no way to link the participant’s name to their data. The same participant number should be used for all raw (paper) and computer data.
Participant Rights • Note on obtaining consent for studies using sensitive material: • If you are running an experiment that includes viewing materials such as disgusting or erotic photos from the IAPS you need to make sure that participants understand the types of photos they will be viewing. This will be explained on the consent form, but you should also make sure to explain it to the participants orally. • Also remember that participants areallowed to quit the study at any time, for any reason, without any penalty (i.e., they will still receive their credit). No one should EVER feel as though they have to continue participating in a study if they don’t want to.
Running Participants • Before a participant leaves he/she should have: • A signed copy of their consent form • A PSY100 Receipt • Tell participant to save the receipt until they have received credit on the PSY100 website • If they do not receive credit in three weeks they should take the receipt to the PSY100 office • Participants who do not show without giving a 12-hour advance notice may be penalized. Record their name and student number onto the “no-show” location of the PSY100 credit sheet.
Notes on Study Materials • Please store all of your materials in the cabinets below the white boards in the lab. It is your responsibility to keep your files organized. • To make copies of study materials, use the photocopiers on the 4th floor (copy room or mailbox room). The code for the lab is 22537. Please do not give this number out or use the copiers for personal use.
Recruiting Paid Participants • To recruit paid participants you will want to put up posters around Sid Smith and possibly other areas around campus. • Make sure you have approval in you ethics to recruit by poster. If you do not have approval you will need to submit an amendment to your ethics. Find instructions on how to do this here: http://acl.psych.utoronto.ca/default.aspx/ACLWiki/PreviouslyApprovedResearchhtml • You can find a sample poster on the Downloadable Forms section of the knowledgebase.
Paying Participants • To get the money to pay your participants, send an email to Dan or Matt and let them know how much you need and when. • All participants MUST sign a receipt form before they leave. You can download a copy of the Payment Record Sheet from the Downloadable Forms section of the knowledgebase. • Submit your Payment Record Sheet to Dan or Matt.