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Arno R. Lodder CEDIRE – Centre for Electronic Dispute Resolution l odder@ cedire

The Legal Concepts and the Layman’s Terms Bridging the Gap through Ontology-Based Reasoning about Liability Ronny van Laarschot, Wouter van Steenbergen, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Arno R. Lodder & Frank van Harmelen. Arno R. Lodder CEDIRE – Centre for Electronic Dispute Resolution

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Arno R. Lodder CEDIRE – Centre for Electronic Dispute Resolution l odder@ cedire

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  1. The Legal Concepts and theLayman’s TermsBridging the Gap through Ontology-Based Reasoning about LiabilityRonny van Laarschot, Wouter van Steenbergen, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Arno R. Lodder & Frank van Harmelen Arno R. Lodder CEDIRE – Centre for Electronic Dispute Resolution lodder@cedire.org Computer/Law Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam lodder@cli.vu

  2. http://best-project.nl • BEST (2005-2008) - Using Semantic Web technology to develop a system that helps litigants in determining BATNAs in damages disputes • AI Department & Computer/Law Institute • Arno Lodder/Frank van Harmelen • Postdoc – Michel Klein • Ph.D student – Wouter van Steenbergen • Msc. Student – Emiel Bruijntjes • Scientific Programmer (2007-2008) • Former members: Heiner Stuckenschmidt. Ronny van Laarschot

  3. Background BEST • Frank van Harmelen: Semantic Web • Arno Lodder: Electronic Dispute resolution • 1. Intelligent disclosure of case-law using Semantic Web technology (ontology-based search and navigation) • 2. Help laymen in determing their position (BATNA) JURIX, Brussels

  4. Domain scope • Liability cases • Tort/cases – norms regarding standards of care • First filter: structure of code JURIX, Brussels

  5. Challenge • How to bridge the gap: • Legal terms • Laymen terms • Annotate the case law corpus with legal terms • Focus on relations between actors and objects • Map legal ontology and laymen ontology JURIX, Brussels

  6. Fingerprint • Manually created list of relevant terms • Automatically generatedweighted index Artikel 7:658 BW (aansprakelijkheid voor ongeval op werkplek) Aansprakelijkheid, werkgever, arbeidsongevallen, maatregelen, voorkoming, werknemer, bedrijf, arbeid, werkzaamheden, werkomgeving, veilig, werkplek, veiligheidsmaatregelen, zorgverplichting, werkneemster, arbeidsongeschikt, werkomstandigheden, lokalen, werktuigen, gereedschappen, beroepsziekten, arbeidsovereenkomst, vrijwilliger, vrijwilligerswerk, werkverhouding, opzet, roekeloosheid, werkdruk, baas, directeur JURIX, Brussels

  7. Search results JURIX, Brussels

  8. Preliminary result • Ontology helped to discover potential liable persons JURIX, Brussels

  9. Future challenges • How to structure the legal domain • What concepts • How to link the concepts to laymen language • How to present the results JURIX, Brussels

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