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Promoting Reading Habits among Children: A Case Study of NCCL Library

Explore the role of public libraries, specifically the NCCL Library in India, in promoting reading habits among children. Discover the declining reading habits among children and the techniques used to encourage reading. Learn about the facilities and services provided by the NCCL Library.

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Promoting Reading Habits among Children: A Case Study of NCCL Library

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  1. The Role of Public Libraries in Promoting Reading Habit among Children in India: A Case study of NCCL Library–Cum-Documentation Centre Presented by: Manas Ranjan Mahapatra and Aamir Jilani E-mail id: -office.nbt@nic.in Ph. No.:011-26121883 Website:www.nbtindia.gov.in

  2. Importance of Reading Habit • Reading is one of the most fundamental skills a child needs to learn to succeed in life. Developing good reading habits is vital to your child's future not just academically, but in everyday life as well • The best habit we can inculcate is reading because we become what we read. The books that we read play a very important role in ours up-bringing as they are our guide for the journey of life.

  3. Reading habits in the view of great thinkers • Reading is to mind, what exercise is to the body (Taitler) • Books are the quickest and most constant friends. They are the most accessible and wisest councillors and most patient of teachers(Charles Eliot) • To understand what is going on the world today requires knowledge that can be found only in books and we all wish to have the right back-ground against which to judge current events (The Royal Bank of Canada, Monthly letter) (Todd. 1963) Cont…

  4. ...Reading habits in the view of great thinkers • Reading is synonym to study (Rastogi). • Reading is necessary for one to live well and let others live well (Rawat, 1973).

  5. Reasons for declining reading habits among children There are many reasons for the decline of reading habit among children. Some of them are given below: • Technological Advancement: The offshoots of technological advancements which have brought about overall changes in family, social and economic conditions. • Free access to Internet. Cont…

  6. ...Reasons for declining reading habits among children • There is also an overriding desire amongst children to spend more time with their friends than remain at home reading. • Children in their leisure time are watching on televisions drama or home videos as a way of enjoying instead of reading. • Unprecedented rise in the price of books. • CD-ROMs are becoming more affordable.

  7. Different techniques for promoting reading habits among Children The following are some of the general techniques to develop the reading habits: • Parental guidance and encouragement. • Motivation by teachers. • Inculcation of desirable hobbies and interests. • Constant use of dictionary. • Daily newspaper reading. Cont…

  8. ...Different techniques for promoting reading habits among Children • Book reading. • Visiting Libraries. • Well-constructed reading material. • Study improving vocabulary and language.

  9. The Role of libraries to develop reading habits among children • Libraries play an important role for developing reading habits amongst children by providing the reading material of their interest but as we see in today’s scenario, the technological development and electronic gadgets occupy major time of school going children. • Today public libraries organize different activities for increasing reading habits among children like storytelling, book fair, creative writing competition etc.

  10. Major children public libraries in India • The National Library, Kolkata has a separate division for the children. • The Delhi Public Library has a Separate children section. • National Book Trust, India, has a separate Children library i.e. National Centre for Children’s Literature (NCCL) Library-cum-Documentation Centre.

  11. National Centre for Children’s Literature (NCCL) Library-Cum-Documentation • National Centre for Children’s Literature (NCCL) Library-Cum-Documentation is a wing of National Book Trust, India. It was established by government of India for promotion of children literature in India. • It was established in 1993 to promote, create, coordinate, monitor and aid the publication of children’s literature in Indian Languages. • It also provides assistance and expertise to teachers, librarians, editors, writers and illustrators by arranging creative workshops across the country especially in rural areas and an important step was taken by NCCL by establishing Library-cum-Documentation Centre for promoting reading habit among children.

  12. Library Premises before August 2013

  13. Library Premises after August 2013....

  14. Reading Room Facility

  15. Front Overview

  16. Back-Side Overview

  17. Age Group wise arrangement of books

  18. Display Section

  19. Story Telling Section

  20. Magazine Section

  21. Some Glimpses of Story telling Sessions ....

  22. Library Aims & Objectives • The Library cater to the needs of people who create Children’s Literature such as author’s, publisher’s, artists, illustrator’s and helping research in the area of children’s literature. • To serve as the resource centre in the field of Children’s Literature • Provide a platform to publisher’s, author’s and community in general.

  23. Library Facilities & Services • OPAC Facility is available for the library Database. • Reading room facility for consulting the library resources. • Photo copying facility is available. • Access to DELNET union catalogue. • Temporary Membership: This is available to the people who are from outside Delhi/NCR. They many use the library for reference up to 45 day after filling up a form. Books will not be issued to such users. • Loan Privileges. • The Library database is available online 24*7

  24. Library Facilities & Services • Library-cum-Documentation centre has collection of 25154 accessioned books on children’s literature covering wide range of subjects in 44 languages of the world. • We may have access to DELNET libraries database through the Centre • The library is having the latest information regarding the publication of the title. • Reading lists are being send to the members frequently.

  25. Library Facilities & Services Research and Reference: • Over 600 rare reference book to help professionals, scholar and researchers for their research work Media / Multi- Media : • 150 DVDs/videos on children’s literature, touch screen, 4 PCs and one LCD TV.

  26. Publications NCCL has published various reading materials on regular basis. Some of these are as follow:- • Monthly publication of Readers’ Club Bulletin, bilingual Children’s Magazine. • Regularly published poster related to Monthly meeting. • Different events brochures are published on routine basis. • Reference Books and Encyclopaedias 2017. Catalogue of reference books of NCCL Library is published in 2017. • Different catalogue for the international and national book fair are published on routine basis.

  27. Rules and Regulations Security and Membership Fee • Those enrolled as members will be required to deposit a refundable security of Rs. 500/- for which a receipt will be issued. As and when membership is discontinued the deposit will be refunded after obtaining a no dues certificate from the Librarian-cum-Documentation Officer by surrendering the membership card and reader’s ticket. If no refund is claimed for three years after cancellation of membership card, the deposit will automatically lapse. • At the time of enrolment a one time entry fee of Rs. 100/- will be paid.

  28. Loan Privileges • Individual members will be allowed to borrow two books or one book and one periodical or two periodicals against reader’s tickets. • Ordinarily books will be issued for a period 15 days in the first instance. Renewal can be allowed at the discretion of the incharge of the library for a further period of 15 days provided there is no requisition or demand for the said books. Only back issues of periodicals will be issued for a period of fifteen days at the most.

  29. Overdue charges • An overdue charge of Rs. 1/- per day will be levied in case publications are not returned in due time. In exceptional cases the overdue charges may be waived off by the Director, NBT.

  30. Timing 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. on all working days (Monday to Friday) The library remains closed on all government holidays

  31. Case Study ……

  32. Methodology • Schedules are filled by the investigator on the basis of interviews of the users of the Library. • Schedule is made for generating data from children, which consists of questions. • 90 schedules were filled by the investigator on the basis of interviews of the users of the Library.

  33. Finding • Among all the respondents 11% are of 3-5 years age group, 17% are 6-8 years old, 28 % are 9-11 years old, 22 % are 12-14 years old and the remaining 20% are 15+ years. • 36% of children surveyed are studying in classes 1st to 5th. Nearly 64% are found to be studying in classes 6th to 10th. • 69% of respondents are male students and the remaining 31% are female students.

  34. Findings • The respondents cited study as the most important reason for visiting the library. 38% (34 respondents) are coming to library for study, 30% (27 respondents) are coming for reading story books, and surprisingly 28% (25 respondents) are found to be visiting library for spending their leisure time. • The study shows the different reading habit of the users as 13% (12 respondents) are interested in reading newspaper and 23% (21 respondents) are interested in reading magazine, 56% (50 respondent) are interested in reading story book and 7% are coming in the library for preparation of competitive examinations.

  35. SUGGESTIONS • The Library-cum-Documentation should try to build collection of competitive exam preparation books • The Library-cum-Documentation centre must make an effort towards increasing the capacity of the reading room. • A section on Career Guidance may be established at the library to provide counselling to the users, particularly for the school children.

  36. CONCLUSIONS • The habit of reading should begin at early stage and should be imbibed throughout one’s lifetime. The most important aspect of children public libraries is reveal that Children public libraries are also running by NGOs. • NCCL Library-cum-Documentation centre is an ideal place for the children literature and also play an important role for increasing the reading habits of children.

  37. Thank you

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