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CESP – Canadian Endangered Species Plan: . A category that involves only Canadian Endangered Species and whose goal is to participate in in-situ conservation either through captive breeding or with educational displays. . TO-DATE:. Whooping Crane Oregon spotted frog Black-footed ferret
CESP – Canadian Endangered Species Plan: • A category that involves only Canadian Endangered Species and whose goal is to participate in in-situ conservation either through captive breeding or with educational displays. TO-DATE: • Whooping Crane • Oregon spotted frog • Black-footed ferret • Burrowing Owl • Loggerhead Shrike • Spotted Owl • Vancouver Island Marmot
WHOOPING CRANE • Robert Peel and Dr. Sandy Black (Calgary Zoo) are the representatives on this recovery effort. • The Calgary Zoo has been involved in Whooping Crane breeding since the early 1990’s when they joined the International Crane Foundation (Baraboo, Wisconsin) and the Patuxent Wildlife Research Centre (Maryland).
Whooping Crane Calgary Report: 2012 Whooping crane update Calgary New staff training in AI was implemented this year and two young crane pairs and a young male were used. There are seven Whooping Crane breeding pairs housed at DWCC, 13 eggs in total were laid of which 5 were fertile. Three fertile eggs were sent to Patuxtent Wildlife Research Center; 2 fledged and were sent to Louisiana for release. 2 eggs sent to International Crane Foundation; 1 fledged will be used for release.
WILD: • Flock sizes for fall (2011) are estimated at: • 279 for the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population (AWBP), • 115 for the WI to FL flock, • 20 non migratory birds in Florida, and 24 in Louisiana. • With 162 cranes in captivity, • the total of whooping cranes ~ 600.
Oregon Spotted Frog OREGON SPOTTED FROG • This species occurs only in four BC wetlands. • Dennis Thoney PhD of the Vancouver Aquarium is the CAZA representative on this recovery effort. • Other partners are, the Greater Vancouver Zoo, Toronto Zoo and Mountain View Cons. Ctre. • The release programme involves capturing tadpoles in the wild and rearing them until they evolve into frogs and then releasing them back into the wild. In 2009 a number of frogs were retained to start an assurance population. • OSF were bred in captivity (VA) for the first time in 2010 • In spring 2011, the captive population produced over 9000 eggs. • Three thousand tadpoles were released • Six hundred frogs were held back for research • Fifty tadpoles were retained to produce F2 generation. 2012:no breeding in Toronto; no report from Vancouver Aquarium as of Sept.27/12
Black-Footed Ferret • Marie Franke of the Toronto Zoo is the CAZA CCP representative for this species initiative • In 1992, the Toronto Zoo became the only Canadian facility breeding the black-footed ferret. In 2003 Canadian recovery team was established. In 2004 Calgary Zoo joined the BFF Recovery effort and has been instrumental in doing the field research necessary for a Canadian release. • On October 2nd 2009, 34 ferrets were released into 8 prairie dog colonies in Grasslands National Park and adjacent lands. Post-release spotlighting surveys confirmed that 12 (35%) ferrets survived their first winter and that there were at least two lactating females and 3 kits. • First Canadian black-footed ferrets born in the wild, 2010.
Return of the Black-footed Ferret to Canada • 2010 saw the evidence of plague on the grassland and affected the 2010 releases. • In 2011 there were a lot of prairie dog young , which is a good sign that plague was under control. • A third release of about 40 ferrets took place in October 2011 2012: • Surveyors confirmed 3 litters of kits. • One of the litters was from a 2011 wild born kit. • A ferret was seen on a non-release colony, demonstrating that there is natural dispersal occurring.
2012 update continued • Results of 10 nights of monitoring (Aug 28 to Sept 9, 2012) is 12 minimumnumber alive. • This includes 6 adults (1 male: 5 females), 5 wild born kits, • One of the ferrets released in the first year was not seen/trapped until this year • Some of the dog towns look good but some not so good – • Prairie dog work will continue as well as dusting the colonies. • In 2013 Toronto and Calgary will take part in a Grasslands prairie dog oral vaccine research project. • 11 BFF (6.5) are scheduled for release into 4 locations in Grasslands this Sept./Oct. 2012.
Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia . This has been an ongoing recovery effort that has involved the Burrowing Owl Conservation Society (BOCS), theBritish Columbia Wildlife Park (Paul Williams, Rep) and more recently the Calgary Zoo. • This year was a good year for the Burrowing Owl captive recovery programme. The captive population, 15 pairs produced 89 surviving young. Only 4 deaths. • Sixteen young were recruited from the wild (USA), of which 15 survived. • Also, in 2012, 65 of the young born in 2011 were released to the wild. • The current captive population consist of 161 birds; 37 males, 20 females and 104 of unknown sex.
Comments: B.C. burrowing owl recovery efforts began in 1992 with the goal of re-establishing a population in the Thompson-Nicola Valley Kamloops/Merritt region). Since that time over 1,244 captive bred owls have been released and over 700 artificial burrows have been established. 2012 Wild population: Approx. 130 wild born young in Nicola Valley and 30 wild born young in South Oakanagan were processed and banded • the Calgary Zoo’s Centre for Conservation Research (CCR) will be assisting in field work and conducting research to: • 1) assess the habitat characteristics of the artificial burrows to maximize survival and reproductive success and • 2) refine population recovery and management strategies. Pictures courtesy of BOCS
Eastern Loggerhead ShrikeRecovery Program • PARTICIPANTS: • Can. Wildlife Service • Wildlife Preservation Trust Canada • CAZA, Zoos (Toronto Zoo and African Lion Safari) • Private Landowners NEW GOALS: • The captive breeding population will need to be at 80 birds min. in order to achieve the new goals of 90% genetic diversity over a 10-15 yr. period.
2012 Births & Releases This has been a good year for the Loggerhead Shrike captive breeding programme Total: 77 chicks born in captivity, Overall: 15 captive deaths (9young) and 54 young released to the wild 5 wild born young were recruited into the captive population. 70 (33.34.3) birds remain in captive pop. Will need to recruit 10+ young to reach our goal of ~80 Field cages for breeding and release. Currently we have spaces for 103 birds. Next year we have the possibility of having up to 32 pairs for breeding.
Spotted Owls • In 2007 the Spotted Owl Captive breeding program was started and is coordinated by Ian Blackburn of the B,C. Ministry of Environment. . The captive population now includes 20 birds (in Canada and the United States). All of the Canadian birds are at Mountain View Conservation Ctre. Langley • We presently have the possibility of having 14 founders in the population but only 6 have bred so far. Picture by J. Hobbs
2012 • This year the Spotted Owl captive breeding programme had four births but only one was viable. • Four deaths occurred this year; three to newly hatched young and one to a juvenile obtained from the wild that had a head injury (did not survive). • Overall the captive population increased by one to 20 . • From this year’s population we will be able to have 8 pairs of potential breeders
Listed as endangered in 1978 Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team established in 1988 • The Vancouver Island Marmot (Marmota vancouverensis). is a large social rodent (5-7 kg),, and a true hibernator . • With less than 500 animals left in the world it has the distinction of being North America’s most endangered mammal species. • Institutions involved: Toronto Zoo, Calgary Zoo, Mountain View Conservation & Breeding Centre, TBMWMRC
Wild and Captive VIM Inventory Wild Pop: >350 ; Captive Pop: 94 (87% less than 2011)
Update (September 2012): • This has been another good year for the Vancouver Island Marmot (VIM) captive breeding programme. • This is the first breeding season without the full breeding capacity of the Mount Washington facility. As such, there were a lot fewer births than previous years. • From July 15, 2011 to July 15, 2012, the captive population had 22 live births, 7 deaths and 66 releases; • . July 2012 we had 124 (49.51.24) captive marmots. Of these 32 (15.17) adults and juveniles were released after July of this year. • Approximately 17 of the young born this year will be available for release next year. That will leave us with a potentialbreeding population of 75 (34.34.07) for 2013. • To date, a total of 515 pups have been weaned and 406 marmots released back to the wild
Field Updates for Releases and Wild Births • Releases: • 15 captive bred marmots released to Mt Washington (for further testing of over wintering on Mt Wash.) • 17 captive bred released (in the normal fashion) • Translocations: • 5 marmots from 2011 releases to Mt Washington (survived 1 winter in the wild) • 8 wild marmots (7 yearlings and one 2yr old) were processed and translocated • Wild pups: • Butler Mt - 2 litters (6 pups) • Big Ugly - 1 litter (3 pups) • Heather Mtn - 1 litter (4 pups) • Haley - 4-5 litters (14-18 pups) • Green Mtn - 1 litter (5 pups) • Moriarty Mtn - 5 litters (12 pups) • Mt Hooper - 1 litter (4 pups) • North Hooper - 1 litter - (2 pups) Douglas Peak - 2 litters (7 pups)Mt Washington - 4 litters (9 pups) • P Mtn - 1 litter (1 pup) • Mt. McQuillan - 1 litter (1-3pups) • Total : 24-25 litters (67-73 pups)
OTHER Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Efforts 6 Institutions responded: Zoo Sauvage de Saint-Felicien inventory of short-eared owl in the lake St-John region PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANTS: Zoo Sauvage and MRNF They began the inventory of the Short-eared Owl in the lake St-John region with the collaboration of the MRNF this summer. Short-eared Owl (SEO) is declining throughout its range. In Canada the species has the status of special concern (COSEWIC) and an official status in Quebec. We wanted to know if: The species is present in the region The species reproduces in the region Aquarium du Québec The aquarium continues to support the efforts of the Copper redhorse, Moxotoma hubbsi and its recovery program. The Aquarium and CAZA did assist COVABAR, for their boat that they do the education programs from on the Richeleu where this species is found (2008 or9?). The aquarium also distributes educational materials, and has assisted with the recovery program for rearing alevins and hope to try again this year with the Ministry and Fishery station in Balwin;
Ecomuseum : • Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle (Apalone spinifera): • PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANTS: Ecomuseum zoo, Granby Zoo • The aims of this project are to improve the recruitment within the only known Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle population in Quebec. Nests are located and eggs are collected for artificial incubation. This year, 173 young turtles were released into the wild after successful artificial incubation. In the last three years 229 hatchlings were released in the Lake Champlain region where the species inhabits. • Western Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata): • PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANTS: Ecomuseum zoo, Montréal Biodôme • The aims of this project are to identify the conditions to successfully maintain, hibernate and breed a captive population of the Western Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata). A captive breeding protocol will be developed as a conservation tool that can be used for future captive breeding / reintroduction program.
Zoo de Granby The conservation of the Spiny Softshell Turtle in Quebec (see above) Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) an endangered species in Quebec? The biology of the Southern Flying Squirrel is not studied as much in Quebec. The Ministère des resources et de la faune du Québec (MRNF), the Université de Montréal and the Granby Zoo are working on the species to determine his conservation status in the province. • Calgary zoo • In addition to Burrowing Owl, Vancouver Island marmot Whooping crane and Black-footed ferret work. They are also involved in: • Northern Leopard Frog Conservation • The Calgary Zoo’s Centre for Conservation Research is conducting research in Southern Alberta, that will help determine to what extent leopard frogs are declining, identify key habitats, establish rigorous survey methods and determine the amount of management necessary to secure their future. • Continued--
Calgary zoocontinued: • Mountain Caribou Conservation • PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANTS: Parks Canada, Calgary Zoo, The Province of British Columbia • Parks Canada, the Province of British Columbia and the Calgary Zoo met in 2012 to discuss a captive propagation program to restore herds of Mountain caribou that are threatened in the National Parks, in Alberta and in British Columbia. • Parks Canada assessed several facilities for captive breeding and concluded that the Calgary Zoo’s offsite Devonian Wildlife Conservation Centre would be the best facility to provide this service. Toronto Zoo • The Toronto Zoo submitted a list of over 30 projects that contained Canadian species or habitat content. The following is a summary of this spreadsheet: • They are involved in, Black-footed ferret, Vancouver Island marmot, Loggerhead shrike, Oregon spotted frog, as well as: • Conservation of urban amphibians and reptiles, • Endangered turtle species in general, wetland restoration and education, • Trumpeter swan reintroduction. • Wood bison reproductive research. • Great Lakes Program: Promote Great Lakes Ecosystem and endangered fishes. • Polar Bear: support studies on Polar bear health, status and determine the effects of global change on Polar bear populations in Polar Bear Provincial Park. • Continued---
Toronto Zoo continued • BLANCHARD’S CRICKET FROG-(Acris crepitans blanchardi) • This study will examine DNA profiles of Blanchard’s cricket frogs across the present and historic range of live and museum specimens. • Museum specimens will represent the original Canadian range and frogs from the United States will determine potential source animals for release on Pelee Island, Ontario (Recovery Plan Objective). • The Recovery Plan for the cricket frog has been submitted; its focus is on renewed field surveys for extant populations and to map habitats • MASSASAUGA RATTLESNAKE – The Massasauga is listed as a Threatened species in Canada and is a candidate species for federal listing in the USA. • Toronto Zoo is participating in multi-year population surveys of an eastern Massasauga rattlesnake population in southwest Michigan being conducted as part of a field conservation project run by the Massasauga Species Survival Plan (SSP). • The Zoo holds two public workshops “Living with Wildlife” that features the Massasauga and other species at risk snakes. An AZA Husbandry Manual for the care and breeding of these rattlesnakes was developed for the SSP.
KARNER BLUE BUTTERFLY - (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) In 1991, the last Karner blue was observed in Ontario. It was declared Extirpated in 2008. Toronto Zoo joined the Karner Blue Recovery Team in 1992 to actively pursue the re-introduction of this species into Ontario. A protocol has been developed and produced to rear this species in captivity. Since recovery efforts of the release sites were lagging behind captive breeding efforts, Toronto Zoo stopped working on the captive breeding and put more emphasis into the study of the microhabitats of restored release sites. For 2010 the Zoo is working on bringing government officials and NGO representatives together to further the cause of this species..