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Chest X-Ray Interpretation for the Internist. Theresa Cuoco, MD Medical University of South Carolina February 22, 2012. Disclaimer: I am NOT a radiologist!. Why do we need to know?. To direct care while awaiting an “official read” Low level radiation for the patient
Chest X-Ray Interpretation for the Internist Theresa Cuoco, MD Medical University of South Carolina February 22, 2012
Why do we need to know? • To direct care while awaiting an “official read” • Low level radiation for the patient • Easily available and noninvasive • Relatively inexpensive
Objectives • Basics of technique • Type of film and the “tions” • Identification of structures on a “normal” CXR • Alveolar vs interstitial, lobar anatomy, silhouette sign, air bronchograms, and patterns of lung disease • The mediastinum, pleura, and heart • Systematic approach to interpretation • Cases
Technique • PA and lateral • AP • Which is preferred and why? • Lateral film – left side of chest against x-ray cassette • Decubitus films
The “tions” • IdentificaTION • InspiraTION • PenetraTION • RotaTION
Inspiration vs Expiration Any indications for an expiratory film?
Penetration A B • Heavy light exposure causes the film to be black (A) • Little light exposure causes the film to be white (B)
Alveolar vs Interstitial • Alveolar = air sacs • Radiolucent • Blood, mucous, tumor, or edema in alveoli obscure normal anatomy: “airless lung” • Interstitial = vessels, lymphatics, bronchi, and connective tissue • Radiodense • Interstitial disease: prominent lung markings with aerated lungs
Lobar Anatomy Posterior Anterior
Lobar Anatomy – Lateral Views Right Left
The Silhouette Sign • There are 4 basic radiographic densities • Gas, fat, soft tissue (water), and metal (bone) • Anatomic structures are recognized on x-ray by their density differences • Two substances of the same density in direct contact can’t be differentiated • Loss of the normal radiologic silhouette (contour) is called the “silhouette sign”
Localizing Lesions Where is the silhouette sign?
Localizing Lesions • Obscured L heart border = lingula • Aortic knob obliterated = left upper lobe • Right lung base w heart border seen = right lower lobe • Right lung base w heart obscured = right middle lobe • Descending aorta obscured = left lower lobe • EXCEPTIONS: • Pseudosilhouette of diaphragm in underpenetrated film • Right heart border my overlap spine • Heart obscures anterior left diaphragm on lateral
The Air Bronchogram • When lung is consolidated and bronchi contain air, the dense lung delineates the air-filled bronchi • Visualization of air in the intrapulmonary bronchi is called the “air bronchogram sign” • Abnormal finding • Can be seen in: • PNA, edema, infarction • Chronic lung lesions
NO Air Bronchograms… • In pneumonia if bronchi are filled with secretions • If cancer obstructs a bronchus • Interstitial fibrosis • Asthma/emphysema (hyperinflation)
Lung and Lobar Collapse • When a whole lung collapses, the trachea deviates TOWARD the side of collapse (due to volume loss)
Fissures • Formed by 2 visceral pleural layers • Demarcate the boundaries of the lobes • Shift of fissures is best sign of lobar collapse
Which lobes have collapsed? Minor fissure is elevated – RUL partially collapsed Heart has moved to right and silhouette sign of right diaphragm – indicated RLL collapse
Hilar Displacement • The left hilum is normally slightly higher than the right • Hilar depression indicates collapse of lower lobe • Hilar elevation indicates collapse of upper lobe
Patterns of Lung Disease Pearls • Pulmonary markings are more visible in interstitial disease • Generalized interstitial markings = linear (reticular) • Discrete/focal thickening = nodular • Homogeneous or patchy consolidation = alveolar • Focal consolidation < 3cm = nodule • Focal consolidation > 3cm = mass • Heavy calcification generally = benign
What is the pattern? A: Focal/linear B: Diffuse/nodular C: Alveolar
The Mediastinum • I: Anterior Mediastinum • Heart • Retrosternal clear space • 5 T’s • II: Middle Mediastinum • Esophagus • Arch and descending aorta • Trachea • III: Posterior Mediastinum • Paravertebral area • Lymph nodes in all 3!
The Pleura • The posterior costophrenic angle is the deepest and only seen on the lateral film • The lateral film is more sensitive for detection of small pleural effusions • How much fluid can be seen on a radiograph? • Erect PA: 175 mL • Erect lateral: 75 mL • Decubitus: >5 mL • Supine: Several hundred mL
The Heart • The horizontal width of the heart should be less than ½ the widest internal diameter of the thorax
Left and Right Ventricular Enlargement • Left ventricular enlargement • Frontal: LHB moves laterally and cardiac apex inferolaterally • Lateral: LHB moves inferoposteriorly • Right ventricular enlargement • Frontal: RHB further right • Lateral: Contacts lower half of sternum (instead of lower 3rd)
Cephalization • Enlargement of the upper lobe vessels • “Vascular redistribution” • “Kerley B” lines: interstitial edema thickening the interlobular septa causing short lines perpendicular to the pleural surface
Systematic approach • ABCDE • Airway • Bones and breasts • Cardiac and costophrenic • Diaphragm • Edges and extrathoracic • Fields (lung fields and failure) • ATMLL (“Are There Many Lung Lesions?”) • Abdomen • Thorax – bones and soft tissues • Mediastinum • Lungs – unilateral and bilateral