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GIS Broadband Assessment Report to ATIC Public Meeting February 19 th 2009. Long Standing Policy Goal. Governor’s GCIT/CIAC Recommendations - 2005 Arizona Broadband Initiative Framework (ABIF) - 2006 Part of the ABC Initiative - 2007 Recommended Legislative Agenda
GIS Broadband Assessment Report to ATIC Public Meeting February 19th 2009
Long Standing Policy Goal • Governor’s GCIT/CIAC Recommendations - 2005 • Arizona Broadband Initiative Framework (ABIF)- 2006 • Part of the ABC Initiative - 2007 • Recommended Legislative Agenda E-Rate/ABDA for 2008-09
Survey – Purpose & Process Purpose – Identify at a granular level, Gaps or Deficiencies in Arizona’s Broadband Infrastructure, Project Future Needs. Process – Broadband GIS Survey using base geographic areas like Census Block, School District Areas, Zip Code • GITA will administer and manage the Survey in Cooperation with other agencies and ATIC. - Activities will include: 1. Write a Scope of Work – Completed Dec 2008 2. Contract for the necessary elements in mapping process, including interns, consultants - Pending 3. Assist in data acquisition from State agencies, political subdivisions, school districts, Licensed data sources, telecom providers and Surveying - Pending 4. Coordinate the distribution of interim and final reports. - Pending • Uses of Survey include: - State Agency Broadband Deployment, - Broadband Policy support re: ABC Initiative & Middle Mile Build-out - Economic Development support
Survey Phase1 • $50K Grant from Board of Regents • Contracted with Data Site Consortium (State Contractor) - Proposal in March - Work begun in in April. • Phase1 Goals - Identify Framework & Scope for Overall Survey - Identify GIS Data Sources within State Agencies and other government entities (public info) - Identify processes and practices of other States
Current Understanding of State Infrastructure Middle Mile Issues: Stranded single runs and lack of loops. Lack of redundant paths which devastates whole regions when outages occur. Lack of Interconnection between areas of Telco owned Fiber Last Mile Issues: High Cost differentials between Rural and Urban areas (Distance charges - some as high as $1,500 per month for T-1) Uneven distribution of Broadband Availability - Estimates as high as 250,000 homes and businesses without any connection or an affordable connection (Government services also impacted)
Another View - Cable Industry Maps re: Broadband Availability Cable Broadband Is Available to 96.6% of all Arizona Homes
Phase1 Recommendations - Project Approaches • Await Federal Broadband Assessment Initiatives: There is a general consensus as to the absence of useful national and regional broadband status and infrastructure data from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Senate Bill 1492 recently signed into law but unfunded – Likely several years before usable broadband deployment data. Can we wait for these improved FCC data sourcing and analysis tools to solve the problem for Arizona?. • Outsourcing One-Off Approach: Cost $150-350K (Other States from $150K to $2.1 Million) A number of states have contracted for an outsourced, one time Snapshot view of broadband availability. This approach may yield the quickest results at a fixed contract cost, but appears limited to specific broadband assessment approaches and generally is static and quickly becomes stale information. However, such results can be designed to be imported to an ongoing or continuous broadband assessment effort and can be used to kick start such a process with baseline data to be augmented and updated over time. • GITA Phase2 Broadband Assessment GIS Project and Migration Strategy: Cost $574K Develop a longer term support or migration strategy for continuity. Strategy includes: • Continuous GIS Mapping process established per Phase2 assessment • Permanent home established (along with appropriate funding) and in an existing Agency • Alternately, GITA could assist in the development of a separate in-house GIS Agency including Broadband Assessment functions, which other states have effectively carried out, such as Massachusetts and Tennessee. • Alternatively, the State could outsource ongoing maintenance and evolution to a private non-profit or for-profit organization.
GIS Broadband Assessment - Data Sources Broadband-related information sources existing within various State agencies including details on telecom connections in use across the State Existing broadband assessment data from the FCC and other government agencies Data from the existing Arizona Telecommunications and Information Council’s (ATIC) Arizona Telecom Directory (ATD) augmented and supported by an ongoing linkage to the State’s efforts Information and data access provided by telecom carriers and industry resources in a cooperative environment with appropriate proprietary and confidentiality management and protection External licensed commercial data sources and open sources in readily integrated GIS format with ongoing updates Data gathering from end users including traditional surveying and crowd sourcing Wide range of government, open source, licensed, and other GIS-based data for integration to core data warehouse or external utilization in mash-ups and visualization
State Agency Broadband-Related GIS Data • Arizona Government Information Technology Agency (GITA) - Arizona Public Safety Communications Commission (PSCC), telecom provider infrastructure maps • Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) Telecommunications Program Office (TPO) - State telecom purchasing data for hundreds of agency and other AZNet participant facilities around the state geo-coded by user, carrier, circuit type, cost(s), service level monitoring, and other operating data • Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records (ASLAPR) - Directory and database of over 300 academic, public, tribal, special, and museum libraries including their location, technology plans, e-rate funding, telecom and broadband information • Arizona Department of Education (ADE) - Annual Technology Survey and Assessment of every school district and charter institution including telecom and broadband purchasing data, School Technology Plans for E-rate support, Arizona Education Data Warehouse (AEDW) with school and district statistics, School Report Card System, Student Accountability Information System (SAIS), and School District Boundaries shape file • Arizona State Land Department (SLD) & State Cartographer Office (SCO) - Arizona Land Resource Information System (ALRIS), Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC) with downloadable datasets, Arizona Imagery Server, Arizona GIS Inventory Tool, and public land and city boundary shape files
State Agency Broadband-Related GIS Data • Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) - ILEC service areas & LATA boundaries, ILEC and CLEC annual reports, lists of regulated telecom companies, telecom tariffs in dockets, natural gas pipeline and hazardous liquid pipeline maps • Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) - Street centerline files with geometry, condition, and additional information on state and federal roadways, traffic management and performance monitoring, commercial vehicle and environmental information, airport and railroad datasets, roadway photo logs • Arizona Department of Commerce (ADOC) - Arizona economic regions shape file, Asset Inventory Project for select regional economic data including telecom survey, population estimates, Arizona Workforce Informer and Arizona State Data Center programs,Arizona Indicators participant • AZ3D - To provide common operating picture for decision-makers, emergency responders, and Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (AcTIC) with Arizona Geospatial Clearinghouse (AGC) to assemble, integrate, develop and distribute geospatial data and services • Arizona Health-e Connections (AzHeC) - Telemedicine and telehealth planning and data, survey of clinicians and practitioners throughout Arizona incorporating broadband questions • Arizona Department of Revenue (ADoR) - Tracks telecom-related categories of taxable assets, Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) or sales tax,income statistics, bonding • Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission - Congressional District shape file
Other States’ Experience Ten States reviewed. NC, TN, KY, CA, VT, MA, IL, MD, PA, GA Immediate Benefits identified from Surveys: • Unserved or Underserved areas identified followed by competitive cost reductions to end-users (Kentucky, Massachusetts) • Measurable Economic Development when Broadband situations improve (North Carolina) • Informed Policy making by Legislatures (All states)
Next Steps • Initiate the GIS Broadband Assessment – High Priority • Watch and participate in upcoming Federal Initiatives 3. Participate in Regional and National Decision Making 4. Inform Constituencies and Policy Makers