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Who are the leaders in the Bible? Who are the leaders in our lives? ... P.E- Gymnastics- rolling and movement linked to Japanese music. Games- Throwing and ...
1. Fox Class
Topic Work English- Information texts linked to Japan. Stories linked to Japanese history. Little One-Inch the One-Inch high Samurai. Science- Sound and how we hear. RE-. Leaders. Who are the leaders in the Bible? Who are the leaders in our lives? The Easter story. History/Geography- Using maps and atlases to study the Japanese landscape. Japanese culture through the ages. Art/DT- Japanese writing, Japanese fans, clay figures, large character collage, still life drawing, cherry blossom trees, 3D food and Samurai sword making. P.E- Gymnastics- rolling and movement linked to Japanese music. Games- Throwing and catching skills- Netball and Tag Rugby. Music- Weekly singing percussion instruments. Maths Securing number facts: 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Written methods for + and -Telling the time. Please talk to your children at home about telling the time. This will really help them in class. Answering “Real-life” problems. French- French will be taught through songs, games and drama in a fun and exciting way. This will start this term. Dates for your Diary 17th March - Visit to Wagamama 18th March - Red nose day – children wear red for £1.00. 21st March 2011- Martial arts demonstration. 21st and 24th March- Parents’ evenings (3.30-6.00) TBC Visit to the Moot- Japanese Style 1st April - Maths Day. 7th April-open afternoon from 3.00pm and KS1 disco 5pm 8th April – 1.30 pm - Church Service and end of term. PSHE- Good to be me. Thinking about what you are good at and discussing different feelings. Wateraid. Term 4 ICT- Control- Creating images on the screen and moving the screen turtle through different environments. We will also be using Pixie and the floor robots. Come to Japan!