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¡Ven Conmigo! Spanish 1

¡Ven Conmigo! Spanish 1. Capítulo 8: ¡A comer!. Chapter Outcomes. An important use of a language is talking about food . This includes being able to order and pay for meals and expressing preferences. By the end of this chapter you will be able to…

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¡Ven Conmigo! Spanish 1

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  1. ¡Ven Conmigo!Spanish 1 Capítulo 8: ¡A comer!

  2. Chapter Outcomes An important use of a language is talking about food. This includes being able to order and pay for meals and expressing preferences. By the end of this chapter you will be able to… Participate in this important aspect of Spanish culture, whether in a Spanish-speaking country or at a local Hispanic restaurant.

  3. Primer paso • Objective: • You will learn to talk about meals and food.

  4. Vocabulario ¡Me encanta el desayuno! I love breakfast! un desayuno ecuatoriano 4. la papaya un desayuno fuerte 5. la piña 1. el pan tostado 6. el mango 2. los huevos, blanquillos 7. el pan dulce 3. el tocino 8. el plátano

  5. Vocabulario un desayuno ligero 11. el cereal 9. la toronja 10. la leche

  6. Vocabulario Para almorzar… 15. el perro caliente 12. un sándwich de jamón 13. la sopa de pollo 16. la limonada 14. el arroz 17. el té frío con azúcar

  7. Vocabulario 22. la sopa de legumbres vegetales verduras 18. la lechuga 19. el atún 23. la manzana 20. la crema de maní y jalea (cacahuate) 24. las uvas 25. las papitas 21. el queso

  8. Talking about meals and food ¿Qué tomas para el desayuno? What do you have for breakfast? A veces tomo un vaso de jugo y un poco de pan. ¡No me gusta el cereal para nada! I don’t like cereal at all! ¿Qué tomas para el almuerzo? What do you have for lunch? Por lo general tomo un sándwich, una manzana y un vaso de leche. Generally I have a sandwich, an apple, and a glass of milk. Tengo sed. ¿Qué hay para tomar? I’m thirsty. What’s there to drink? Hay jugo, refrescos y agua. ¿Qué prefieres? What do you prefer?

  9. Gramática • The verb encantarand indirect object pronouns • The verb encantar(to really like; to love) works just like the verb gustar. • Me gusta la leche, pero me encantael jugo de naranja. • Nos encantan los plátanos. • A Juan y Sara les encantan los sándwiches. • The pronouns me, te, le, nos, lesin front of the verbs above are called indirect object pronouns, which generally tell to whomor for whom. In this case, they tell to whom something is pleasing. • Te gusta la leche, ¿verdad? • Milk is pleasing to you, right? • Remember to use the definite article with encantar or gustar when saying that you like something in general. • Me encanta eljugo de naranja. • I love orange juice.

  10. Gramática • o → uestem-changing verbs • You’ve already learned about e→ ie stem-changing verbs such as querer. • Another type of stem change is o → ue. Almorzar(to eat lunch) is an example; all forms have a stem-change except nosotros and vosotros. 3. Another o → ue stem-changing verb is poder(can; to be able to). No puedo estudiar contigo esta noche porque tengo que trabajar.

  11. Nota cultural • Breakfast in Spanish-speaking countries is usually eaten around 7 or 8 A.M. People often eat un panecillo(a plain or sweet roll) and a piece of fresh fruit, such as papaya or piña. Café con leche or chocolate are served for breakfast. • The main meal (called simply la comida) is usually eaten around two o’clock. It is typically a heavier meal than lunch in the U.S. • La comida consists of soup, meat, or fish with rice and vegetables, followed by dessert and coffee. • A typical Ecuadorean dish is cazuelade mariscos, a casserole prepared in a clay pot with seafood and maní. • For many people, it is traditional to have a rest, or siesta, after the comida, and then go back to work until late evening.

  12. Práctica Reading Comprehension Páginas 232-233 (READ) Página 234, actividades 1-5 (numbers in blue squares) Writing Página 236, actividades 7 y 8 Página 237, actividad 9 Pagina 252, actividades 1 y 2 Pagina 253, actividades 3 y 4

  13. Segundo paso Objectives: You will learn to… 1. Comment on food using the verbs ser and estarplus adjectives.

  14. Commenting on food How something tastes… ¿Cómo está la sopa? How is … ? Está deliciosa.… delicious. Está fría y salada. … cold … salty. ¡Está caliente! … hot. ¿Y cómo están los frijoles? And how do the beans taste? Están muy picantes pero están ricos. … spicy … delicious. ¿Y cómo está el postre? And how’s the dessert? ¡Está muy dulce! It’s very sweet!

  15. Gramática You’ve already learned that estar and ser mean to be. Estar is often used to talk about how specific things taste, look, or feel. Ser is used to tell what something is like, or to talk about the general nature of things. Look at the two sentences below. Which one is a general statement, and which one is a comment about a particular dish? Los camarones son ricos. Shrimp are delicious. Los camarones están ricos. The shrimp are (taste) delicious.

  16. Gramática You’ve learned that tener means to have or to be. In the following situations it means to be: Tener hambre (to be hungry) Tener sed (to be thirsty) These are often used when talking about meals. Use the feminine form mucha with these expressions to mean very. Tengo mucha sed, pero no tengo mucha hambre.

  17. abierto/a • open • 2. el ambiente • atmosphere • 3. cerrado/a • closed • 4. la especialidad • specialty • 5. exquisito/a • exquisite • 6. el plato del día • daily special VocabularioDescribing a restaurant

  18. Nota cultural Two common dishes in the Andes mountains are sancocho( thick stew-like soup made of green plantains and corn) and carne colorada, (beef that has been prepared with achiote, or annatto, which gives it a characteristic red color). These dishes, like most Ecuadorean cuisine, are not spicy. Ají, a spicy condiment made of tomatoes, onions, and hot, red chili peppers, is placed on most tables at mealtime for added flavor.

  19. Práctica Listening Comprehension Página 236, actividad 6 Página 238, actividad 12 Página 240, actividad 16 Página 241, actividad 21 Writing/Grammar Página 240, actividad 17 (Write answers only.) Página 241, actividad 18 (Conversation, complete sentences) Página 242, actividad 22 (Complete sentences.) Páginas 254-255, actividades 5-7 (Complete sentences.)

  20. Tercer paso • Objectives: • You will learn… • To make polite requests. • To order dinner. • To ask for and pay the bill in a restaurant.

  21. Vocabulario 1. el bistec steak 5. las cebollas 2. el pescado 6. el tomate 3. los camarones 7. el maíz 4. las zanahorias

  22. Vocabulario 8. el agua mineral 11. el pastel 9. las fresas 12. la galleta 10. el batido de fresa milkshake 13. el flan

  23. Vocabulario 14. el cuchillo 17. la servilleta 18. el plato 15. el tenedor 16. la cuchara 19. el vaso 20. el tazón, el plato hondo

  24. Making polite requests To ask the waitperson to bring you something, say: Camarera (mesera), ¿nos puede traer el menú (la carta) y unas servilletas, por favor? Waitress, can you bring us the menu and some napkins, please? Camarero (mesero), este plato esta sucio. ¿Me puede traer un plato limpio? Waiter, this plate is dirty. Can you bring me a clean plate? ¿Me trae un vaso de agua, por favor? Will you bring me… please?

  25. Nota cultural In Spanish-speaking countries, la cenais a light meal, usually eaten around 8:00 P.M., sometimes as late as 10:00 P.M. (or even later) in Spain. People generally eat a snack (una merienda) around 5:00 P.M. In Ecuador, la meriendausually consists of tea or coffee with bread, or perhaps a bowl of soup.

  26. Ordering dinner in a restaurant ¿Qué vas a pedir? What are you going to order? Voy a pedir los camarones. I’m going to order…. ¿Qué le puedo traer? What can I bring you? Yo quisiera el bistec. I would like…

  27. Asking for and paying the bill in a restaurant ¿Desean algo más? Do you want anything else? To ask for the bill: ¿Nos puede traer la cuenta? La cuenta, por favor. ¿Cuánto es? How much is it? ¿Está incluida la propina? Is the tip included? Son veinte mil pesos. No, no esta incluida. Es aparte. …. It’s separate.

  28. Vocabulario Los números del 200 al 100.000 200 doscientos/as 300 trescientos/as 400 cuatrocientos/as 500 quinientos/as 600 seiscientos/as 700 setecientos/as 800 ochocientos/as 900 novecientos/as 1.000 mil 10.000 diez mil 45.000 cuarenta y cinco mil 80.000 ochenta mil 100.000 cien mil • When numbers 200 to 900 modify a noun, they agree with the gender of the noun. • seiscientos libros seiscientas casas • 2. Notice that in Spanish you can use a period instead of a comma when writing large numbers (one thousand or greater). • 15.216 23.006 1.800 47. 811 9.433

  29. Nota cultural In Spain, a tortilla is a kind of omelet. The tortilla española, made of eggs, potatoes, onions, salt, and olive oil, is a popular dish for a light evening meal. In Mexico and Central America, a tortilla is made from cornmeal or flour, pressed into a flat round shape, and cooked on a griddle. These tortillas are the bread that goes with almost all meals. They are especially good when they’re hot and fresh off the griddle.

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