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Wee Jamie and Ollie James Clerk Maxwell and Oliver Heaviside. The Maxwell Heaviside Equations. . E = 0. ∆. . B = 0. ∆. E = - ( ∂B/∂t ). x. ∆. B = μ o ε o ( ∂E/∂t ). x. ∆. http://www.textually.org/textually/archives/images/set3/Monkey-mobile-phon_1404058i.jpg.
Wee Jamie and Ollie James Clerk Maxwell and Oliver Heaviside
The Maxwell Heaviside Equations . E = 0 ∆ .B = 0 ∆ E = - (∂B/∂t) x ∆ B = μoεo(∂E/∂t) x ∆
http://www.textually.org/textually/archives/images/set3/Monkey-mobile-phon_1404058i.jpghttp://www.textually.org/textually/archives/images/set3/Monkey-mobile-phon_1404058i.jpg This guy really appreciates Jamieand Ollie’s work
This simple X-Ray image, taken by Rosalind Franklin, revealed - at a stroke - the amazing secrets of DNA and how life evolved
We cannot expect to truly understand the Universe unless we learn the language in which it speaks
Lin Shu Density Wave theory explains why we often see RH image and nevers LH one Stars move in and out of the spiral arms as they orbit the galaxy.
I = Ioe-γl Beer’s Law
I = Ioe-γl = (4/3ħc) nem2 (Nm-Nn) (o-) which is Fermi’s Golden Rule
[The universe] cannot be read until we have learned the language … It is written in mathematics, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word ! .Opere Il Saggiatore p. 171.
Animation 2: Differential rotation as observed by Lindblad would dissolve spiral arms in a short period of time were they composed of fixed mass concentrations
Animation 2: Differential rotation as observed by Lindblad would dissolve spiral arms in a short period of time were they composed of fixed mass concentrations
http://underthegables.blogspot.mx/2010_03_01_archive.html Mother and Daughter by Charles Willson Peale, 1818.
dx a = dy
Symbols E = Electric field ρ = charge density i = electric current B = Magnetic field εo = permittivity J = current density D = Electric displacement μo = permeability c = speed of light H = Magnetic field strength M = Magnetization P = Polarization
q Gauss’s Law N No magnetic monopoles S B ∂E/∂t Ampere’s Circuital Law i E Faraday’s Law of Induction ∂B/∂t
Maxwell took all the semi-quantitative conclusions of Oersted, Ampere, Gauss and Faraday and cast them all into a brilliant overall theoretical framework. The framework is summarised in Maxwell’s Four Equations
h p = λ de Broglie
8π2m h2 Δ 2ψ+ (E-V) ψ = 0 Schrödinger Equation
H = iħ/t Schrödinger Equation Harry Kroto 2004
Ho o = Eoo Time Independent Theory Harry Kroto 2004
[Ho + V(t)] = iħ/t Time Dependent Theory Harry Kroto 2004
280 It is too late after the age of 3-7 240 200 Native 5 10 20 30 Age of arrival Final proficiency in English non-English speaking immigrants to USA
Mother Caressing Her Convalescent Daughter by Charles Willson Peale, 1818.This painting is a marvel of emotional openness among three people--the mother, her daughter, and the artist--the grandfather we don't see. Peale painted this portrait of his daughter Angelica with her own daughter, Charlotte. The composition and coloration bind the two subjects as much as the caress and their expressions: the grey dress of the daughter matches the grey of the mother's hair bow. Their collars and the girl's sleeve ruffle all echo each other. They have the same dark curls. Their faces seem cut from the same stamp. The mother's shawl extends her arm to almost completely encircle her daughter. The outer lines of their heads and of the mother's shoulder encloses them in a triangle.While the intimacy shared by mother and daughter is captured in many other paintings, what is special about this painting is that with their gaze to the unseen artist, the subjects are also reveling in their happiness and love for him. They are completely at ease. And it is hard to imagine such freshness except in a portrait painted by an artist beloved by the subject.Thus, the painting not only celebrates the love between this mother and daughter, but also the love within the family. Peale himself sired 11 children of two wives during the strenuous times of the American Revolution and its immediate aftermath. He made his living as a portraitist, with a specialty in miniatures. He was a member of the Sons of Liberty. Despite his political life and associations, he was a dedicated family man and taught his children to paint, with four going on to become prominent artists in their own right. His many paintings of his children include the famous trompe d'oeil in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Staircase Group , where the stairs extend out of the painting to the museum floor. http://underthegables.blogspot.mx/2010_03_01_archive.html