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Stay informed on new compensation pay practices, benefit updates, records management, and more. Get valuable tips and updates in HRIS developments and performance appraisals.
HR Liaison Network Meeting Agenda Topics • Welcome: Beth Scheitzach • Meeting Guidelines: Beth Scheitzach • Brief summary of the new Compensation pay practices with updates and tips: Bob Guarnieri • Benefit Updates : Nancy Gayton • Records: Abbee Camen • Deadline and completion of annual performance appraisals • Electronic I-9/e-Verify updates with helpful hints • Giveaway & Raffle: • UCF Card Service: Tamara Kidder • Parking Services: Jacqueline Sablain • Helpful info for new and current employees • Payroll: Isha Guerrero-Londeree • W-2 processing • Discontinuing the use of the Under 30 Day • Parental Leave: Ben Anderson • Upcoming Attractions -- • Preview HR’s new website: Marty Sibley • Future HRIS development : Becky Moulton & Daren Hill ; Bob & Patsy Popelas • HR’s new Point of Service Contact : Bob Guarnieri • Q&A Open Forum – Questions Submitted: HR Managers • HR Announcements & Wrap up
Brief summary of the new Compensation pay practices with updates and tips: Bob Guarnieri
New Compensation pay practices SUMMARY January 2013
USPS New Hire Salaries • Up to 15% above the position salary minimum of the classification without HR-Compensation review provided the candidate or employee exceeds the minimum qualifications for the USPS classification by at least two years of appropriate experience. • Can request above 15% with HR Compensation review; division head approval; and written justification supporting significant credentials; specialized skills; or documented recruiting difficulty. • Appropriate college course work or vocational/ technical training may substitute at an equivalent rate for required experience.
USPS Reclassifications • An employee whose current position is reclassified to a higher level classification with a higher minimum salary shall receive a salary increase in accordance with the USPS Employee Compensation Upon Appointment sections A and B (identical to new hire practice). • Minimum salary increase is five (5) percent. • Employees whose current position is reclassified to a lateral classification do not normally receive a salary change. • Voluntary demotions (reclassified to a lower level position) shall normally receive a lower salary on a pro rata basis using the two salary minimums to determine the ratio, unless an exception is approved by the college or unit and the chief human resources officer or designee and are handled on a case by case basis.
A&P New Hire Salaries A&P Salary Recommendation Guidelines • Minimum: Meets minimum qualifications or exceeds by 1-2 years • Up to 25th percentile: Exceeds minimum qualifications by 3-5 years • 25th percentile : Exceeds minimum qualifications by 5 or more years • Between 25th percentile • & Midpoint: Exceeds minimum qualifications by 7 or more years • Midpoint or above: Exceeds minimum qualifications by 15 or more years
A&P Reclassifications • Employees whose current position is reclassified to a higher level A&P classification shall receive a salary increase based on their credentials in accordance with the A&P New Hire Salary guidelines as referenced in Section 1. • Requested increases of 20% or more require approval by the president, unless the increase is to an established salary range minimum. A&P Lateral Transfers • A lateral transfer does not normally result in a salary increase. However, if the employee’s current salary is below the first quartile of the salary range, the department may request an increase up to the first quartile of the salary range, provided the employee significantly exceeds the minimum qualifications.
Special Pay Increases • Additional Duties – Higher Level Classification • Recommended 7-10% increase • Additional Duties or Increase in Workload – Same Level Classification • Recommended 3-5% increase • Temporary Pay Increase • Recommended 3-5% increase when employee assumes a portion of the job duties. • Recommended 7-10% increase when employee assumes a significant portion of the job duties. • Recommended up to 10% or new minimum (for higher level positions), whichever is greater, when employee assumes 100% of the job duties.
Special Pay Increases • Counter Offers • HR Compensation reviews counter offers on a case-by-case basis. • Market Adjustments • HR Compensation will review to provide salary survey/market data. • Employee’s credentials in relation to the minimum qualifications of the position are considered in determining the recommended market increase. • Internal Equity or Compression • HR Compensation review on a case-by-case basis.
Special Pay Increases Out of Cycle Merit Increase • To recognize meritorious performance outside of the university announced salary increases. • Employee must have an “above satisfactory” or “outstanding” rating (A&P) or “commendable” or “exemplary” rating (USPS) on the recent performance appraisal on file with HR. • The request must receive VP (or designee) approval. • If request is 20% or more, it will require president approval. • The request must include written justification.
One Time Performance Payment • Used when the department wants to reward an employee for the successful completion of a special project or assignment, which is in addition to the employee’s regular assigned duties, or a documented significant increase in productivity or productivity goal achievement, including a group incentive program. • Employee must have at least a “satisfactory” rating (A&P) or “effective” rating (USPS) on the most recent performance appraisal on file with HR. • Up to $5,000 maximum • Submitted as a supplemental payment (payroll form online) • Must receive approval from appropriate division head (or designee) – Provost approval for areas under Academic Affairs • Must include written justification
A&P Offers of Employment • Departments may make official offers of employment including starting salary once the hiring packet receives final approval from HR-Compensation. • HR-Compensation will contact the hiring official to notify of approval and send the analysis to the department. • The department will contact the candidate to make the offer and confirm the start date with the candidate. • The department will then contact HR Compensation to confirm the start date. After the start date is confirmed, HR will print the employment agreement and send to the department. • Please confirm the start date with the candidate FIRST before confirming the start date with Compensation.
A&P Positions – Salary Ranges • Before posting a position to be advertised, please ensure you have a recent compensation analysis providing you the proposed pay grade. • You will automatically receive an analysis if you are establishing a position via ePAF. • If you are posting an already existing position, and you do not have a current analysis, please contact Compensation prior to posting.
Benefits Updates: Nancy Gayton
Performance Appraisals • Due February 15th to Human Resources for USPS and Non-Unit A&P Employees. • Performance Appraisals are reviewed by HR-Records and the overall rating is keyed into PeopleSoft. • If information is missing or incorrect, HR-Records will email or send the document back for corrections. The Performance Appraisal will be put on “Hold” until corrections are received.
Completing Performance Appraisals • Input Appraisal Period in format of MM/DD/YY-MM/DD/YY (Example: 01/01/12-12/31/12). An Appraisal Period can be no more than one year. • For USPS Appraisal, select Appraisal Type (Probationary, Annual, or Special). • Only one Appraisal Statement can be selected for each Performance Factor (Example: You cannot be Effective and Marginal in Job Skills (USPS) or Satisfactory and Above Satisfactory in Quality of Work(A&P). • Rating Levels: Please review Appraisal Statements selected for each Performance Factor and select the appropriate Overall Rating Level based on its definition. (Example: if a USPS employee was marked effective on all performance factors, you can’t select Exemplary as the overall rating level)
Signatures: Performance Appraisals • Immediate Supervisor AND Department Head must sign and date the Performance Appraisal. (If the department head is also the immediate supervisor, they can sign once and input the word “same” in the other signature field.) • Employee must sign the Performance Appraisal. (The employee’s signature acknowledges receipt of Performance Appraisal and not agreement.) • However, if an employee is unable or unwilling to sign the form, please indicate that in the employee’s signature box.
Florida Driver’s Licenses • The State of Florida is the second state to join the RIDE (Records and Information from DMVs for E-Verify) Program. This feature allows the E-Verify Program to validate the authenticity of Driver’s Licenses presented by the employee for the I-9 Form. • When inputting Florida Driver’s License Numbers in the Electronic I-9 Form, please only input Alpha Numeric Characters and omit hyphens, dashes, and spaces. • For employees whose last name begins with the letter O who provide a Florida Driver’s License, please make sure that you input the first value of the license number as the letter O and not the number 0. (Example: Employee’s Name is Jason Oscar, Florida License will start with letter O).
E-Verify: Closing Cases • Review the E-Verify Status by clicking on View Case Details: • If the status shows Employment Authorized, you can click on Close the Case and select Yes, employee is currently employed and continues to work after receiving employment authorized result. • If you receive a result other than Photo Matching or Employment Authorized, please DO NOT close the case.
DHS or SSA Case Incomplete • You will sometimes receive an E-Verify result of DHS or SSA Case Incomplete. The system is giving you a second chance to review the data before it’s sent to E-Verify. • Review the E-Verify Status by clicking on View Case Details. Click on Review/Edit Case. Review the information and update as necessary and click Continue.
Duplicate SSN Message • Sometimes you will see this message when completing the I-9 Form if the employee had ever worked at UCF. • If it’s the same person, you can click same. • If it’s a different person, click Different and you will have to update the employee’s SSN in Section 1 of the I-9 Form or have the employee update their SSN.
By Payroll Services W-2 Update andUnder 30 Day Form
Electronic W-2 68% electronic participation rate for Tax Year 2012
W-2 Availability • Electronic – target date is January 18 • Paper – postmarked by January 31
Under 30 Days Form • Proposing to eliminate the usage of the form. • Reasons: • 1. Employment Verifications • 2. Supplemental Tax Rate • 3. Student FICA Tax Determination • 4. Graduate Students Workload Limitation • 5. Payment Timing • 6. Departmental Approvals
To Replace Under 30 Days • Dual Comps • For OPS non-students • For students • For reimbursements • For stipends • For awards • Use an ePAF • Hire in ePAF • Hire in ePAF • Go to Accounts Payable • Define stipends….. • Should be using Salary Supp Form already
Salary Supplement Request Form • Looking to revise it to include specific categories and ORC signature line: • Award • Criminal Justice Incentive Pay • Uniform/Tool Allowance • Non-Qualified Moving Expenses • Other (insert description) • One Time Performance Payment • 9-Month Faculty (summer, working less than 1.00 FTE)
Contact Information • Phone 407.823.2771 • Email payroll@ucf.edu • Fax 407.823.0582
d Parental Leave: Ben Anderson
Parental Leave An employee may be granted an unpaid parental leave of absence not to exceed six months when the employee becomes a biological parent or when an employee becomes an adoptive parent. The period of parental leave shall begin no more than two weeks before the expected date of the child’s arrival and not later than twelve months after the arrival of the child. Upon request, employees may use accrued leave, with management approval; otherwise, the leave will be without pay. The employee may use accrued sick leave for two weeks prior to the anticipated delivery date and six or eight weeks after the actual delivery based on the method of birth, with submission of a UCF Medical Certification form that states the biological mother is unable to work.
Parental Leave Sick leave may be used while an immediate family member is under the care of a physician and the employee is required to assist the mother with basic medical or personal needs, safety, transportation, or to provide psychological support. The use of sick leave for a family member will depend on the information submitted on the UCF Medical Certification form. When an employee becomes an adoptive parent, sick leave may be used under the provisions of the documented information of a serious health condition of the child on the UCF Medical Certification form. Documentation must be provided to show that the child has been placed in the employee’s home.
d Upcoming Attractions: HR’s new website: Marty SibleyFuture HRIS Development: Becky Moulton, Daren Hill, Bob Guarnieri, Patsy Popelas
Preview of HR’s Website • https://hr.cms.smca.ucf.edu/ • UCF Standard Design • Role Based Design • Improved Search Functionality
Future HRIS Developments: Becky Moulton, Daren Hill; Bob Guarnieri, Patsy Popelas
d HR's new Point of Service Contact: Bob Guarnieri
d Q&A Open Forum HR Managers
d HR Announcements and Wrap Up Nancy