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Quranic Studies - Understanding the Divine Word

Explore meanings, names, and attributes of the Quran - the word of God in Arabic. Learn about its scriptural nature, self-referentiality, complexity, and the Islamic theory of revelation.

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Quranic Studies - Understanding the Divine Word

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  1. Quranic Studies CourseCentury Welfare AssociationBelallMaudarbuxWeek:2

  2. Qur’an: Meaning & Definition- Literal:1-Derived from Qa-ra-a: to recite, read [Tabari]2- Derived from Qa-ra-na: to join together [al Ash’ari] 3- Proper noun, not a derivative: just like, Tawrat, Injil [al shafi’i]- Definition: ‘word of God[kalāmullāh] revealed to Muhammad [p.b.u.h] in Arabic through angel Gabriel and preserved in the mus-haf [written text] through multiple unanimous reports [mutawātir]’ [Qadhi Y. 1999, p.25]- Qur’an is essentially an ORAL text disseminated primarily through recitation [daily prayers] as was the customs of the Arabs.- The Original Qur’an rests with God: ‘But it is a Glorious Qur’an. In a preserved tablet’ [85:21]; also [56:77]

  3. Explanation- Kalāmullah: The precise wordings are divine; they are not Muhammad’s words conveying divine meanings; the latter are hadithqudsī.- The Qur’an exists only IN ARABIC. Translations or transliterations are not-strictly speaking- Qur’an and do not possess its inimitable [I’jāz] features.- Non Arabic words in the Qur’an are have been Arabised and hence their inclusion in the text [e.g: tūr(syriac)-tafiq(Roman)-sijl (Persian)-Sundus (Sanskrit)-Sirri (Greek)]; View of IbnAbbas & ‘Ikrima- Revelations onto previous prophets–though divine- are not Qur’an [except where the Qur’an explicitly cites them; e.g: We decreed for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a souls…5:32]- The Qur’an is an ORAL text. Its compilation in written form in a book is called the Mus-haf. - Marginal reports/texts (IbnMas’ud, Ubayy, etc) are not part of the Qur’an.

  4. Qur’an: Names & AttributesHow the Qur’ān named itself? [5 names]1- al Furqān: criterion [3:1]2- al Dhikr: advice [3:58;14:8]3- al kitāb: book [2:1;16:64]4- al Tanzīl: revelation [26:5; 56:80]5- al Qur’ān: reading [70 occurrences]Attributes:[more than 90][2:2]Guide: A guide for the virtuous[72:2] They (jinns) said: we have heard a wonderful Qur’an (qur’anan ‘ajaban) [5:48]: ‘We sent down the Book in truth confirming that which came before it and has revealed the law…’ (fulfillment theory)[10:57] ‘O mankind! there hath come to you an admonition from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy’.Note: 3 domains of personal growth: admonition-healing-guidance-….mercy

  5. Scripture: Is the Qur’an a scripture?Lit: from Latin scriptura: a writing.Terminological: the text of a religion considered sacred by its followers- Scripture is used for a ‘text’ that:1- evokes a deep connection with the divine2- conveys spiritual truths3- fosters communal identity4- guides individual and group practice5- is used for liturgical [salāt] and ritual purposes- Mc Auliffe (p3) considers a ‘scripture’ to mean a ‘relationship’ rather than a ‘writing’, a form or a content. In this sense, Qur’an is a scripture not in the Judeo-Christian traditional sense.

  6. The concept of Qur’anic meta-textuality?- The Qur’an speaks of itself. For Wild S. (1996:140), Qur’an is the most self referential holy text in world religions.- The Qur’an ‘describes itself by various generic terms, comments, explains, distinguishes, puts itself into perspective vis-a-vis other revelations,denies hostile interpretations, and so on’ [wild 1999. see Qur’anic names & attributes above].Complexity of Quranic text (McAuliffe:3)- Qur’an describes its verses into 2 hermeneutical categories:1- clear [the ‘mother’ of the book, i.e. matrix for all other verses]2- ambiguous[3:7] ‘He is the one who revealed to you the kitāb in which there are clear verses – they are the ‘mother’ of the book – and others which are ambiguous.’

  7. Example of self-referentiality using the word kitāb- ‘That is the kitāb about which there is no doubt, guidance for those who fear God’ (Q 2:2); -‘indeed, we revealed it as an Arabic quran so that you may understand’ (Q 12:2); -‘these are the verses of the kitāb and a quran that makes clear’ (Q 15:1); -‘a kitab that we have revealed to you, full of blessing so that you may reflect upon its verses’(Q 37:29); -‘rather, it is a glorious quran’ (Q 85:21).Q: The Quran describes itself using different names and several other attributes. - List 5 of them (with references)- What does this multiplicity of description suggest to you?

  8. Wahy: The Islamic theory of Revelation- Meaning: divine inspiration- Different ways: 1-intuition [28:7] ‘And ‘We inspired the mother of Musa’2- Instinct [16:68] ‘And Your Lord inspired the Bees…’3- Guidance [8:12]‘When Your Lord inspired the angels..’4- Revelation [42:51]. This occurs through medium like:1- Inspiration in dream [37:102]2- Divine word through a medium [from fire-to Moses] [27:8]3- Through an angel [2:97]The Islamic theory of QuranicWahy contends that from the time of revelation to its written form, theQur’anunderwent through 4 stages: reception, transmission, preservation and compilation.

  9. Stage 1: Reception of Wahy(A’zami 45-50; Qadhi 75-87)-IbnAbbas: i- The entire Quran was sent down form the ‘Tablet’ (lawhmahfūdh) to the lowest heaven in the night of destiny (laylatulqadr)- Revelation to earth occurred piecemeal –as and when required- for 23 years.- Prophetic experience of wahy: His face would turn red; His breathing heavy and with a snore; sweat heavily; body weight increases heavily.First Revelation: [570 AD- Cave Hīra on Mount Nūr] Story: Muhammad meditating in the cave for days; Sudden appearance of angel Jibrīl- Repeated requests to read-Muhammad cannot read- Angel pressed him against him 3 times and then recited verses 1-5 of sura 96 (‘Alaq)[Qadhi p.89]

  10. Last Revelation-IbnAbbas: several opinions, namely: 4:93; 2:110; 2:278; 2:281- Ibn al Musayyib: 2:282- Majority opinion: 5:3 ‘Today I have perfected your faith….’- Most probable view is 2:281 ‘And fear the day on which you will return to Allah…’ since the Prophet lived for about a week after it (Bukhari; Qadhi p.91 )Earliest MeccanSuras- Order of ‘Abd al kafi:96, 68, 73, 74, 1, 111, 81, 87, 92, 89,93, 94, 103, 100, 108, 102, 107, 109, 105, 113,114, 112, 53, 80, 97, 91, 85, 95, 106, 101,75, 104, 77, 50, 90, 86, 54, 38, 7, 72,36, 25, 35, 19, 20, 56, 26, 27, 28, 17,10, 11, 12, 15, 6, 37, 31, 34, 39, 40,41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 88, 18, 16,71, 14, 21, 23, 32, 52, 67, 69, 70, 78,79, 82, 84, 30, 29, 83- Some variations occur in NoldekeGeschichte des Qorâns

  11. Activity Using any translation of the Quran and the above chronology of the Suras;A-find out how many times the following themes appear [list the sura and verse number for each theme]: (i) wealth/riches and topics related to them(ii) Man’s personality/ attitude, especially his:- arrogance-denial-self sufficiency-calumny/vilification/slur(iv) neglect of the poor & orphans.(V) Hereafter/last day B- Why do you think these early Suras link riches with man’s attitude? Is there any correlation?C- Why do think God talks about wealth and then links it with neglect of the poor and the most vulnerable? D- To what extent do you see the themes of social justice reflect in the daily practice of Muslims in Mauritius?

  12. Graduality In Revelations [Tanjīm] (Qadhi p.81-87)- Qur’an was revealed piecemeal to:i- allow mankind enough time to adapt their behaviour to the requirements of the laws (halāl & harām) and avoid hardshipsii- To allow time for memorisation and mastery of its teachings (progressive approach to Quranic study)iii- To ease the burden of revelation on the ProphetMeccan Critics of Progressive Revelations- Their precipitation and impatience to know the ultimate outcome of Quranic teachings made them frustrated.[25:32] ‘The disbelievers say: why is the Qur’an not revealed to him all at once? Thus (We did) so that We may pacify your heart… (linuthabbitabihifu’ādaka)

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