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Rare decays at B factories. Peter Kri ž an University of Ljubljana and J. Stefan Institute. Fundamental Questions in Flavor Physics. Are there n ew sources of CP v iolation ? Experiments: b s CPV, compare CPV angles from tree and loops
Rare decays at B factories Peter Križan University of Ljubljana and J. Stefan Institute ITEP Meeting
Fundamental Questions in Flavor Physics Are there new sources of CP violation? Experiments: bs CPV, compare CPV angles from tree and loops Are there new operators with quarks enhanced by New Physics ? Experiments: AFB(BK*l l), BK rates and asymmetries Are there right-handed currents ? Experiments: bs CPV, BV V triple-product asymmetries Are there new flavor changing neutral currents ? Experiments: bsννbar, D-Dbar mixing+CPV+rare, τγ Data sample of ∼50ab−1@Y(4S) needed to address these questions ITEP Meeting
Contents • FCNC bs decays • bsg : inclusive rate, CP violation • bd penguins:B rg, wgdecays • Measurement of Afb vs q2 in B K* l+ l- decays • Decays with >1 neutrino • Purely leptonic decays: B- t- nt ,B0 t+ t- • B- K-n n • Semileptonic decay: B- D(*)t- nt • ... Only a limited selection of topics. ITEP Meeting
Why FCNC decays? Flavour changing neutral current (FCNC) processes (like bs, bd) are fobidden at the tree level in the Standard Model. Proceed only at low rate via higher-order loop diagrams. Ideal place to search for new physics. ITEP Meeting
Radiative Decays • Inclusive Br(bsg) |C7|, SF for |Vub| • BK*g isospin asymmetry (D+-) sign of C7 • Mixing induced CPV • Direct CPV in BXsg • BXdg red: discussed in this talk ITEP Meeting
Inclusive Br(bsg) Motivation: measure |C7| and shape function parameters(from Eg spectrum for |Vub| extraction) Inclusive and semi-inclusive ITEP Meeting 38 modes, 55% rate
Inclusive Br(bsg) BF(B Xsg, Eg>1.6 GeV)=(3.55±0.24+0.09 ±0.03) x 10-4 -0.10 • consistent with SM expectations (3.57±0.30) x 10-4 However: theory error is expected to get reduced by a factor of ~2 (NNLL calculations are under way) interesting for charged Higgs mass limit need a better measurement of inclusive rate Also: important to fix the value of Wilson coeff. C7 and to determine the spectrum shape. At 5 ab-1 : Egmin down to 1.5 GeV and stat. error ~5% ITEP Meeting
mb C7 ms ms mb p+ p- KS trajectory B vertex IP profile g g BXsg CP Asymmetry • Sensitive to NP – right handed currents • Theoretically clean. • Standard Model “~Zero”. • g is polarized, and the final state is almost flavor specific. • Helicity flip ofgsuppressed by ~ms/mbS ~ 0.06 sin2f1 • Time dependent CPV requires vertex reconstruction with KSp+p- g Vertex recon. eff. at Belle 51% (SVD2), 40% (SVD1) Possible at e+e- B-factory ITEP Meeting
B0KSp0g time dependent CPV • Atwood, Gershon, Hazumi, Soni, • PRD71, 076003 (2005) M(KSp0) < 1.8GeV/c2 • NP effect is independent of the resonance structure. Example: Belle 386MBB • Two M(KSp0) regions(MR1:0.8-1.0GeV/c2/MR2:<1.8GeV/c2) • 70+-11 (45+-11) events in MR1(2). S= +0.08 ±0.41 ±0.10 A= +0.12±0.27±0.10 Good tag (0.5<r<1.0) ITEP Meeting
B0KSp0g time dependent CPV Results: Belle hep-ex/0507059 S(BK*g, K*KSp0)=-0.01 ±0.52 ±0.11 S(B KSp0g)=0.08 ±0.41 ±0.10 BaBar PRD 71 (2005) 0501103 S(BK*g, K*KSp0)=-0.21±0.40 ±0.05 Prospects: Add more modes:BKSfg(with angular analyisis), higher K resonances, BKShg(recent observation by BaBar),... Present Belle (stat./syst.) 5ab-1 50ab-1 Acpmix(BK*g, K*KSp0) 0.41 / 0.10 0.14 0.04 Acpdir(BXsg) 0.051 / 0.038 0.011 0.005 ITEP Meeting
Acp(BXsg) vs SUSY models 50ab-1 5ab-1 Mixing CPV Direct CPV U(2) tanb=30 mSUGRA tanb=30 U(2) tanb=30 mSUGRA tanb=30 Acpdir Acpmix SU(5)+nR tanb=30 non-degenerate SU(5)+nR tanb=30 degenerate SU(5)+nR tanb=30 non-degenerate SU(5)+nR tanb=30 degenerate ITEP Meeting T. Goto, Y.Okada, Y.Shimizu,T.Shindou, M.Tanaka hep-ph/0306093, also in SuperKEKB LoI
bd penguins • Interesting: • Measurement of |Vtd/Vts| • Addresses the same physics issue as Bs- Bs mixing(from a different perspective: box vs loop) • CP violation could be sizeable in SM (order 10%) • New physics could be quite different from b sg Supressed by |Vtd/Vts |2vs b sg Difference in dynamics Form factor ratio ITEP Meeting
Belle: First observation of B rg, wg signal qq K*g other B Ref: PRL 96, 221601 (2006) Reconstructing rare B meson decays at Y(4s): use two variables, energy diference DEand beam constrained mass Mbc _ ITEP Meeting
Vtd/Vtsfrom B rg, wg 68%CL r 95%CL Full UT fit The measured branching fraction BF(B r/wg)= 1.32 +0.34 (exp.) +0.10 (theo.) Translates to |Vtd|/|Vts| = 0.199 +0.026 (exp.) +0.018 (theo.) which is compatible with SM constraints based on fits of other CKM parameters. Ref: PRL 96, 221601 (2006) -0.31 -0.09 -0.025 –0.015 Together with the evidence of BK0 K decays modes,this demonstrates the existence of a new quark level transition: bd ITEP Meeting
Implications of Belle’s observation of bd • Comparison with the recent observation of Bs mixing at Tevatron: • green: Bellemeasurement of|Vtd/Vts|inbd • yellow: CDF measurement of |Vtd/Vts|from Bs mixing The width of the Bsmixing contour islimited by theory whileBd γ needs much more data. ITEP Meeting
bd future prospects • With 1-2 orders of magnitude more statistics (5 ab-1, 50 ab-1): • Direct CP violation and time-dependent CPV withBρ0 γ and B ωγ • Measurements of inclusive b d γ ITEP Meeting
B K* l+ l- b s l+l- was first measured in B K l+l- by Belle (2001). Important for further searches for the physics beyond SM Ci: Wilson coefficients ITEP Meeting
l- l+ B B q q K* K* l+ l- Particularly sensitive: forward-backward asymmetry in K* l+l Backward event Forward event [γ* and Z* contributions in BK* l l interfere and give rise to forward-backward asymmetries c.f. e+e- + -] ITEP Meeting
Sample used for AFB(BK*ll)(q2) Ref: PRL 96, 251801 (2006) Treat q2, cos(θ) dependence of bkgs. Sample for BK* l l: 113±13 events Unbinned fit to the variables q2 (di-lepton invariant mass) and cos(θ) for the BK* l l data. Fit parameters A9/A7 and A10/A7(Ai = leading term in Ci) ITEP Meeting
Control sample BKll BK l l control sample: 96±12 events Consistent with flat Integrated asymmetry: ITEP Meeting
* Constraints on Wilson coefficients from AFB(BK* l l)(q2) Projections of the full fit to q2, cos(θ) Integrated FB asymmetry J/y y’ Observed integrated AFB rules out some radical New Physics Models with incorrect signs/magnitudes of C9 and C10(red and pink curves) ITEP Meeting
Results of the unbinned fit to q2 and cos(θ) distributions for ratios of Wilson coefficients. A10/A7 SM A9/A7 SM A10/A7 Best fit A9/A7 |A7| constrained from bs to be close to SM Ref: PRL 96, 251801 (2006) at 95% C.L. ITEP Meeting
AFB(BK* l l)(q2), BaBar BaBar: 229 M BB PRD 73(2006) 092001 Integrated FB asymmetry AFB >0.55 (@ 95% CL) First bin excludes SM (blue) at 2s level? ITEP Meeting
AFB(BK* l+ l-)[q2] at Super B Factory q02 Precision with 5ab-1 dC9 ~ 11% dC10 ~14% d q02/q02 ~11% 4AFB zero-crossingq02 will be determined with 5% error with 50ab-1 ITEP Meeting
Purely leptonic decay Bt n • Proceed via W annihilation in the SM. • Branching fraction • Provide information of fB|Vub| • |Vub| from BXu l n fB cf) Lattice • Br(Btn)/Dmd |Vub| / |Vtd| • Expected branching fraction |Vub| = (4.39 ± 0.33)×10-3(HFAG) fB = (216 ± 22) MeV (lattice) • BF(B t nt) = (1.59 ± 0.40)×10-4 ITEP Meeting
H+/W+ t+ Charged Higgs contribution to Bt n ~ e0 =SUSY corrections to b Yukawa coupling Br(SM) ~ 1.59 x 10-4 ITEP Meeting
Full Reconstruction Method • Fully reconstruct one of the B’s to • Tag B flavor/charge • Determine B momentum • Exclude decay products of one B from further analysis Decays of interest BXu l n, BKn n BDtn, tn B e- (8GeV) e+(3.5GeV) Υ(4S) p B full reconstruction BDpetc. (0.1~0.3%) Offline B meson beam! Powerful tool for B decays with neutrinos ITEP Meeting
Fully reconstructed sample Belle (447M BB) 4.12x105 B0B0 + 6.80x105 B+B- ITEP Meeting
Event candidate B- t- nt ITEP Meeting
Bt n (Belle) hep-ex/0604018 - preliminary Obtained Eresidual • NBB (produced) = 447M • NB+B- (full recon.) = 6.80 x 105 (purity 0.57) • t decay modes • Cover 81% of t decays • Event selection • Main discriminant: residual ECL energy Fit to Eresidual 21.2+6.7signal events. 4.2σ significance including systematics -5.7 ITEP Meeting
Impact of B- t- nt • From BF(B t nt) Product of B meson decay constant fB andCKM matrix element |Vub|use |Vub| from HFAGfB • Use BF(B t nt) with Dmd constraint in the (r,h) plane The commonuncertainty from fBcancels in this ratio. ITEP Meeting
Charged Higgs limits from B- t- nt If the theoretical prediction is taken for fB limit on charged Higgs mass vs. tanb ITEP Meeting
Bt nprospects • Expected precision at Super-B • 13% at 5 ab-1 • 7% at 50 ab-1 • Search with D(*) l n tag will help. BaBar 232M BBPRD73 (2006) 057101 • Tag eff ~ 1.75 x 10-3 • Signal selection eff. ~31% • Similar S/N to Belle (full recon. sample) ITEP Meeting
If D|Vub| = 0 & DfB = 0 Future Prospects: B 95.5%C.L. exclusion boundaries DfB(LQCD) = 5% (for BFobs = BFSM) Extrapolations (T.Iijima) 50ab -1 rH
B t+t- • BaBar (232M BB) PRL96 (2006) 241802 • Challenging measurement: 2-4 neutrinos per event! • Fully reconstruct one B (D(*)X, X=combination of up to 5 pions and kaons), 280k events • t decay modes: lnn, p-n, r-n(51% of tt decays) • Reject events with KL,KS,K± and employ neural network (kinematics of charged track momenta and ECL residual energy) • 263±19 events (expect 281±40 from sidebands, MC) • BF(B t+t-) < 4.1 x 10-3 (90%CL)SM prediction: 0.12 x 10-6 • First ever limit on this channel • Constrains leptoquark couplings and tanb enhancements ITEP Meeting
B- K-n n • BK(*)ννis a particularly interesting and challengingmode (with B τνas a small background), theoretically clean • Experimental signature:B K + nothing • The “nothing” can also be light dark matter with mass oforder 1 GeV. Direct dark-matter searches cannot see the M<10 GeV region. • SM prediction: (3.8+1.2) x 10-6 • B τν analysis is a proof that such a one prong decay can be studied at a B factory • Present limits: • BaBar (89M BB): BF(B+K+νν) < 52 x 10-6PRL 94 (2005)101801 • Belle (275M BB): BF(B+K+νν) < 36 x 10-6hep-ex/0507034 -0.6 ITEP Meeting
B- K-n n prospects MC extrapolation to 50 ab-1 5s Observation of B± K±n n SM prediction: G.Buchalla, G.Hiller,G.Isidori (PRD 63 014015) Extra EM calorimeter energy Fig. From SuperKEKB LoI ITEP Meeting
Charged Higgs search in BD t n c b Charged Higgs contribution H+/W+ t+ nt Decay amplitude Br(SM)~ 8 x 10-3 Tauonic decay is the most sensitive • Analysis:reject events with p, K, reject D*tn contamination, no remaining charged or p0 tracks, cut on the ECL residual energy, angle between two n’s and missing mass. ITEP Meeting
BD t n (MC studies) • Signal selection efficiency 10.2% 2.6% 26.1% 13.3% • Expectation at 5 / 50 ab-1 for B+ decay 5s observation possible at 1ab-1 ITEP Meeting
Form factor error BD t n constraint on charged Higgs Reach in R Once branching fraction is measured, we can determine R. M.Tanaka, Z.Phys. C67 (1995) 321 BF error Reach in R: 11 at 5ab-1 ITEP Meeting
BD t n charged Higgs Constraint From bsg D(Form-factor) ~5% D(Form-factor) ~15% ITEP Meeting
Super-B and LHCb: complementary • Clean environment measurements that no other experiment can perform. Examples: CPV in BgfK0, Bgh’K0 for new phases, BgKSp0gfor right-handed currents. • “B-meson beam” technique access to new decay modes; proof BgtnExample: discover BgKnn. • Measure new types of asymmetries. Example: forward-backward asymmetry in bgsmm, see • Rich, broad physics program including B, t and charm physics. Examples: searches for tgmg and D-D mixing with unprecedented sensitivity. LHCb LHCb LHCb ITEP Meeting
Summary • Radiative,electroweak and tauonicB decays are of great importance to probe new physics. • We are starting to measure Btn, Dtn, AFB(K*ll), ACP(Kp0g) etc. at the current B factories. Hot topics in the coming years ! Watch out for updates (including this week)... • For precise measurements, we need a Super-B factory! Observe K(*)nn, zero crossing in AFB, D(*)tn Expected precision (5ab-150ab-1); • Br(tn): 13%7% • Br(D(*)tn): 7.9%2.5% • q02 of AFB(K*ll): 11%5% • ACP(Kp0g) tCPV: 0.140.04 ITEP Meeting
Additional slides ITEP Meeting
Charged Higgs from Br(bsg) ITEP Meeting
Radiative decays: prospects Summary by M.Nakao1st Super-B workshopat Hawaii (2004) ITEP Meeting
B- e- ne, m- nm • Helicity supressed with respect to B τν • B- m-nmSM prediction: 0.4 x 10-6 • (Possibly better for charged Higgs limits than tn at high stat) • Present limits: • Belle (152M BB): BF(B- m-nm) < 2 x 10-6hep-ex/0408132 • BaBar (89M BB): BF(B- m-nm) < 6.6 x 10-6PRL 92 (2005)221803 • B- e- neSM prediction: ~0.00001 x 10-6 • Present limit: • Belle (65M BB): BF(B- e- ne) < 5.4 x 10-6BELLE-CONF-0247 ITEP Meeting
B- e+e-, m+m- • No new results from B factories... • BaBar (120M BB): BF(B e+e-) < 0.083 x 10-6 BF(B m+m-) < 0.061 x 10-6 PRL94(2005)221803 • Belle (85M BB): BF(B e+e-) < 0.19 x 10-6 BF(B m+m-) < 0.16 x 10-6 PRD68 (2003)111101 • .... With present statistics we could be competitive with Tevatron • Limits from Tevatron: hep-ex/0508058 • BF(Bdm+m-) < 0.032 x 10-6 SM prediction: 0.0001 x 10-6 • BF(Bsm+m-) < 0.12 x 10-6 SM prediction: 0.0035 x 10-6 ITEP Meeting
BD t n (MC studies) • Use fully reconstructed samples. • t decay modes • Analysis cuts; • Reject events withp, KL • Reject D*t n contamination • No remaining charged or p0 tracks • ECL residual energy • Angle between two n’s • Missing mass Signal BG ITEP Meeting
B t nt hep-ex/0604018 - preliminary BF(B t nt)=(1.06+0.34 (stat.) +0.18 (syst.)) x 10-4 -0.28 -0.16 Product of B meson decay constant fB andCKM matrix element |Vub| fB |Vub| = (7.73 +1.24 (stat.) +0.66 (syst.)) 10-4 GeV Using |Vub| = (4.39 ± 0.33)×10-3 from HFAG fB = (176+28 (stat.) +20 (syst.)) MeV First measurement of fB! fB = (216 ± 22) MeV (an unquenched lattice calc.) [HPQCD, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 212001 (2005) ] -1.02 -0.58 -23 -18 ITEP Meeting