Digsee LtdDeveloper of corporate mobile solutions for automation of business and staff management systems.WE HAVE ELABORATED AND DEVELOP new software programs,services, products and hardware in the domain of mobile technologies, web-technologiesand distributed data processing. OUR MISSION isto ensure that one’s business is not just mobile, but controllable as well.We create programs, which control field staff, provide effective out-of-office staff work, trace and track vehiclesand other objects. We produce mobile hardware and roll out services based on mobile communication. A critical benchmark:In the end of 2012,our applications were transported to the state-of-the-art Android и IPAQ platforms. www.digsee.com
MOBILESOP – A MOBILE PRE-SELLING SYSTEM A trading representative/mercherdiser or seller (further referred to as “mobile representative”) can use his/her tablet PC or communicator to perform basic functions of retail audit, merchandizing, collection of orders from clients, payment acceptance, deliveries, sales, and visiting clients by the route chart. Our software has functions of convenient work with database of retail sites and routes, providing display of retail sites on the map. A mobile representative can find the complete information on a retailsite (address, contacts, sites), debt receivable information, lead from the supervisor and notes on the site (e.g., contract number). The most important function of the program is producing of various reports related to retail audit, which your employee will fill directly in-site, as well as trading activities, such as pre-selling, i.e. taking mobile orders from clients. The software is written and adapted for ordinary people, has convenient and user-friendly interface which allows even aged people with limited PC skills to start using it in no time. a system for taking photos of show-windows and merchandising, retail audit and pre-selling via communicators and tablet pc • The program operation in a site needs no Internet connection, all data are stored in a cell phone or a tablet PC. From time to time, your mobile representative carries out synchronization via mobile communication or Wi-Fi. • Each operation executed by your mobile representative on a route is linked to a special information on audit of his/ her work: location (determined via GPS or network), and time of carrying out of operation. Combined with realisation of the scheme of his/her motion by the route it gives you complete control functions. • The option of making in-site photoreports is available and very handy. www.mobilesop.com 2
mobilesop: review of system capabilities • Program of integration with your accounting or office system: • We provide complete integration of our solutions into your current business processes • Our products will always work with your latest versions of lists of the goods, clients, taxes, etc. • Work results can be transferred in automatic or semi-automatic mode to your office system • Integration process is fully described in our documents, therefore integration can be performed not only us, but also by your computer experts • We give you a tool to construct the reports which are required by your company based of the primary information from our software products • Sheduling and monitoring system of your staff work activities and routes: • The system will yield you a full history of retail sites’ visits s with GEO link and photoreports. • Effective reports will trace clients with violated visiting schedule • Monitoring of reasons of unsuccessful visits (abort missions) • Retail audit and merchandising • Database of retail sites, by categories • In-site reports • Complete audit • Photoreports • Route charts • Leads and special comments on a site • Integration with other CRM and analytics system • Mobile pre-selling in the field: • Operational practically for all mobile devices • Client search, client information, history of customer orders • Possibility to generate an order in few seconds • Convenient system of goods’ search • Reverse/return accounting • Automatic calculation of the sums • Support of special prices for the clients • Possibility for the representative to check his/her report on the accepted orders • Possibility of providing mobile users various access status to the information • Possibility for the management to supervise all mobile representatives via a pocket device in real-time scale • Convenience in use, ease in training www.mobilesop.com 3
DigSee Curating Mobile: a tool for mobile pharma representative Pharma representative with a tablet PC, phone or communicator • Curating Mobile tool for mobile pharma representative is an effective software solution of DigSee, which has been designed specially for pharmaceutical companies and distributors of pharmaceutical products with account of work specifics of pharma representatives and all operations related to promotion, sale of pharma products, their delivery and accounting. • The solution improves the effeciency of staff management, in particular , provides supervision and monitoring of work activity of a network of pharma representatives in real time scale, which ensures their maximum mobility. • A pharma representative directly during a meeting with a doctor or a pharmacy manager can use his/her cellphone or tablet PS to perform and record all the necessary operations. In this case, all the required data are available offline. Meanwhile, a pharma manager in online mode, via a unified accounting system (database of doctors, pharmacies, health facilities) , can control operation of all remote employees (view reports, schedules, set their tasks, etc.). • Curating Mobile product has been created with the main purpose - to improve the profitability of pharmaceutical companies and distributors of pharmaceuticals by automating all the basic operations of both pharma representatives in field, and managers and staff in the office. www.curating.com 4
Digsee Curating Mobile: system advantages • 1. Easy to launch • The system is developed by the «Software as a Service» (SAAS) principle, therefore launch of the to system operation requires no installation, integration, or other preparatory actions. It’s enough to enter the mobile component of the system into a communicator/tablet PC and to get login and password for the web interface access • 2. Task construction kit • The system contains a task construction kit, which allows one to create 34 types of tasks with various parameters. • The task construction kit allows one to implement collection of almost any information by means of the system mobile component. • 3. A flexible system • The system provides automation in: • Creation of database of retail/sale sites; • Data collection on product presence and quality of product placement; • Preparation of reports on visits and fulfilled operations; • Data collection on fulfillment of standards of presence in trading equipment layout and POSM; • Conduction of inquiries, testing and other actions • Resolved Tasks: • Monitoring of presence of products in pharmacies (shelf stock, defective products, standards of presence, and prices) • A unified register of medical institutions, doctors, pharmacies with various types and attributes • Control of medical representatives, including those outside one’s direct subordination • Control of POS materials • WEB access to database from various regions for various departments and employees according to their access rights and job positions www.curating.com 5
7LOC: FAMILY LOCATOR A mobile service that ensures one’s family safety • Family Locator is online service that allows you to track the movement of children and other family members through their smartphones. Family Locator service consists of the Internet server and the mobile component. • Internet server allows you to view moving objects on the map and change the service parameters . • Mobile component is a software program that is installed on the smartphone and with specified time intervals transmits its location coordinates to the server. • To start using the service you need to register. After registration, you can create objects to be monitored .Each object can be a member of your family. Each object can be linked to a single device, motion of which will be tracked. • Family Locator (7LOC) is a leading mobile service to ensure family safety. Turn your mobile phone into a protective device and information about the location of your loved ones. • With Family Loactor service you will always know location of your family members! • To start monitoring one mobile device you need to get the activation code by way of buying the activation package in retail sites or from our website. www.7loc.com 6
GPSGRAD VEHICLE MONITORING SYSTEM GPS monitoring, GPS trackingandGPS control GPSGrad is an exclusive geographic information system for tracking real-time motion of any moving objects with reference to a satellite map of the area and a huge number of related functions. Every few seconds the system sends current data to the central database on vehicle location, speed and other parameters. The system, which is concealed in the car/truck reports to the center on all events with the vehicle with remote recording in the center. • GPSGrad is able to support all functions required to ensure trouble-free operation of the control center and full control of company or organisation vehicles, and most importantly - the system requires no fine-tuning or debugging. • You just need to install on-board kits in your vehicle, in order to start its tracking by your operator via an ordinary PC with Internet access. • Operator gets a remote access to the service display of vehicles on the map of the area and to detailed statistics on the route and the status of any object at any time. • Effective means against car theft and unfair practices • Car theft risk reduction • Improve driver discipline • Full control of “our”vehicles The ideal solution for corporate clients with large fleet of vehicles! www.gpsgrad.com 7
Digsee SURE A UNIFIED COST-EFFECTIVE PLATFORMFOR IN-OFFICE AND MOBILE ENTRY OF FORMS, QUESTIONNAIRES AND REPORTS If your work is related to the process of questioning, creating questionnaires, forms and reports, implementation of marketing programs, research, trade, social research, reporting, monitoring the activities of mobile staff, then: use of DigSee SURE will improve your efficiency, broaden the horizons of your business, and leave your competitors behind due to careful work with information, that allows you to enter information directly where it is most effective: at your customer/respondent. This solution, which can be placed in your pocket; solution that allows you to type reports and forms out of the office, a solution that is economically feasible, the solution is designed for use by ordinary people, not computer wizards. «DigSee SURE» can be effectively used in the following areas: • Market research • Sociologic survey • Promotion of products/ services • Insurance • Manufacturing • Control of mobile staff • Medical applications • Transportation and supply • Any other industry With DigSee SURE you can: • Quickly and easily create a template of any form/questionnaire; • Distribute the form template of mobile representatives in few minutes by downloading it to their devices in the office or remotely; • Fill in a form / questionnaire directly during interview with a client /respondent and immediately transfer the result to the office; • Effectively organise entry forms at many office-related jobs in the local network; • Sort distributed input forms by geographically remote locations and by different departments; • Store collected data in a central database, with the ability of quick search in the entire base and easy editing of data sets; • Export data collected for further processing via MS Office (Excel, Access) or other applications. 8 www.mobilentry.com
OtpravSMS.com: SMS mass mailing service Services onbusinessSMS-delivery, SMS mass mailing, single SMS mailing, SMS-notifications, and delivery of personalSMS in a few seconds This service can be used by customers of various levels: Banks - to notify customers about the status of the account or on the operation, customers - cardholders on card transactions, notification on the bank decision on their application for the loan, deposit end of term, or on new services and new forms of deposits; Companies and organisations - to notify all of its employees and partners of the company news, ongoing promotions and new products, send reminders on account balance, availability of ordered product, change of work schedule work on holidays and their eve, set up meetings and corporate events, their cancellation or shift Insurance companies - for notification on the decision of the insurance claims, insurance conditions change or the end of insurance period Advertising agencies, travel agencies, shopping malls or shops - to advertise and promote product brands, SMS coupons, direct advertising. Entertainment centers, cinemas, theaters – to inform customers on their srepertoire for the next few days, updates or changes in the repertoire, current promotions or discounts, Service organisations - to notify customers about the progress or readiness of their ordered service, cost of services and time of the order delivery Transport companies - for rapid communication between units, re-routing or to inform about the time and place of the meeting; Individuals - can greet friends and relatives with holidays, birthday, anniversaries, new dwelling parties and other festive occasions. This service is more efficient than e-mail message or phone call. E-mail messages are frequently ignored, misplaced into spam and removed, when during a phone call it may be problematic to write down the information. In this case SMS is a better option: message is more likely to be read and draw more attention, and if it happens to be of interest, it will be kept on one’s phone and taken advantage of. www.otpravsms.com 9
Systemsfor linkingretail, manufacturer, and distributor • Advantages for manufacturers: • operational management of sales distributors directly from the center; • discount provision for the endpoint (client), bypassing the distributor, • feedback calculation for distributor is provided for making transaction with the discount , • discount is made both online and offline, • allocation of some or all merchandising functions to sales agent of the distributor , • daily reduction of all data on all commercial transactions in all areas, • audit of sales agents’ activities, • step-by-step operations with a small budget and no risks. • Advantages for distributors: • automation of a trading transactions of a mobile agent, • sales agent can print documents directly at the client, • automation-is adapted to sales specifics in different countries, • increased sales due to improved labor efficiency, compact equipment and mobile data transfer, • gaining full control on the activities of trade representatives, • integration with any office / accounting system. Our company is a seasoned developer of specialised products, which unite distributor, retail customer and retail sales network in a common brand. Digsee systems have been approved by large-scale implementations in such companies as Philip Morris Ukraine and Oriflame. Get a true profit by taking full advantage of Digsee mobile technologies! www.digsee.com 10
GPS equipment · Track-and-trace GPS – equipment for monitoring and tracing of automobile vehicles. Guard functions, means of remote signal and data transfer. · Passenger’s detector in a car – for GPS Grad solution: a hidden remote detector of passenger’s presence in a car · Alcohol detector in a car – for GPS Grad solution: a hidden remote detector of alcohol vapours in a car . Special systems and equipment • · ViziCounter Pro– account of visitors in retail sites for the analysis of sales effectiveness. • · POSPack – supercost-effective solution for rapid mobile print-out of sales documents in a truck/minivan cabin. • POSPack Case – POSPack portable version, which provides print-out of the required documents not only in truck/van, but even on the run! www.digsee.com 11
Some of our clients Banks: Insurance companies: Сети заправок: Mobile communication operators Kievstar (Ukraine) Life (Belarus) Delta-bank Nova АНП – 21 век IngoUkraine Credo-Classic Foodstuff manufacturers Oil/fat-producing factories in Lvov, Zaporozhye, and Kharkov, including over 30 branches “Argokosm Holding" Galychina Bondarev Lasunya Levada AVK Importers: Pharmaceutics: BIOCON Pharmacies Kordeks(Akbar tea) Yanser (lingerie shop chain) Distributors: Nuclear (NPP) and hydroelectric (HEP) power plants Balakovsky NPP, Bishkek thermal power station-1, Kolsky NPP (Russia), Kursk NPP (Russia), Leningrad NPP (Russia), Chelyabenergo training centre (Russia), Kurahovsky HEP (Ukraine), Rovno NPP, Uglegorsk HEP, Chernobyl NPP (Ukraine) Agrocontract, Albo Group, Alpha market, Bokri, Hermes, Konte-Ukraine, Oasis, Prodtorg, Podolsk tobacco company, Podolia-tobacco,Pilon, Pioneer, Favourite, Rososhenko, Elmaks, Aybazov, etc www.digsee.com 12
Partner relations Partners in hardware development: Fujitsu-Siemens ERC Versiya Casio Intermec Hewlett-Packard Ukraine Toshiba Rover Computers System partners: Apple Inc. Microsoft Corporation Sales partners: Android Market on Google Play Handango Digital River Appia SoftKey Ukraine www.digsee.com 13
Contact information DIGSEE Ltd Office 69, Urlovsky Str. 11А , Kyiv, Ukraine Phone: (+380 44) 220-15-15 (multi-channel) Fax: (+380 44) 501-4363 E-mail: blaze@digsee.com Web: http://www.digsee.com/ http://www.curating.com/ CEO: Ronshin Maxim(+38050) 506-7999