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POLICY AND MANAGEMENT ISSUES ARISING FROM SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS. An attempt to distill policy and management implications Some presentations have direct implications - others less so Feedback welcome - especially if we have missed the point! (written please!).
An attempt to distill policy and management implications Some presentations have direct implications - others less so Feedback welcome - especially if we have missed the point! (written please!).
1. LAND USE CHANGES: current trends and perspectives • There are major use use changes under way in • forest areas of humid tropics • Many new forested and non-forested landscapes • being created • Future tropical landscapes a mix of forest fragments, • regrowth, agricultural uses, roads, settlements and monoculture plantations
1. LAND USE CHANGES: current trends and perspectives (cont.) • These high conversion rates mask considerable variation • in each region – possible to identify local “hot spots” • This data has heightened the perception that forest loss • is a global problem although the causes vary between regions • However, this has not contributed to putting water issues • on global policy map (?)
1. LAND USE CHANGES: current trends and perspectives (cont.) • Suggests need to develop a watershed function classification to • identify where water availability and quality are at risk. • This could guide investments in research and indicate areas • of potential future conflict between stakeholders
1. LAND USE CHANGES: current trends and perspectives (cont.) • In many humid tropical countries water is regarded • as being abundant • E.g. in Amazonia - government policies being carried • out on the implicit assumption that water is not in short • supply – and there are few watershed management problems • Consequence: natural resource management often focussed • on forest outcomes and not water outcomes • However, new external influences (eg. Kyoto CDM, “green” • certificates) are beginning to affect policy
1. LAND USE CHANGES: current trends and perspectives (cont.) • Local people often de facto resource • managers – hence a pragmatic reason to involve • them in watershed management and policy development • Involving local people is necessary - but is not sufficient • to achieve sustainable resource management • – other key stakeholder groups (e.g. private sector) need to • be involved
2. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES IN UNDISTURBED LANDSCAPES • Rare meteorological events (severe storms) often more • important than average condition • Interestingly, these severe events often clustered in time • Possibility that such events will increase in frequency • and intensity (greenhouse effect) and affect forests
2. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES IN UNDISTURBED LANDSCAPES (cont.) • Several critical factors determine run-off response to rainfall • in tropics (cf. temperate forest regions) • rainfall intensity • soil permeability • surficial (vs. sub-surface) pathways • These (+ climatic variables) provide beginnings of a • hydrological classification for headwater catchments? • But how to deal with larger catchments with mixed • land-use and geology?
2. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES IN UNDISTURBED LANDSCAPES (cont.) Surprisingly small number of tropical field sites in undisturbed forests - and decline in field studies Given conversion rates mentioned earlier - perhaps even more surprising no sites in secondary forests, degraded landscapes or rehabilitated forests
3. IMPACTS OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC DISTURBANCES • There is a background (natural) disturbance/recovery • regime, with anthropogenic impacts superimposed on this. • Increasingly, forests are becoming fragmented as a result of • these man-caused disturbances
3. IMPACTS OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC DISTURBANCES (cont.) • Importance of maintaining minimum low river flows for aquatic life • (in light of massive increase in dam building in the humid tropics). • Impacts of anthropogenic activities on water yield do not show • up in large river basins, whereas impacts on sediment flows do. • Extreme events are the main drivers of sediment flows (build risk • analysis around these rare events).
3. SOIL AND WATER IMPACTS OF FOREST CONVERSION AND RECOVERY • Recovery rates vary greatly: • Fast recovery (within 5 years) —LAI; albedo; (attributes • that determine hydrological functions) • Slow recovery—species composition • Water yield tends to decline in the early stages of reforestation • (20 years) but may then increase during the following • period (30 years) to approach that from old growth forests • (evidence from temperate S.Africa and Australia). • Water yield can be manipulated by management.
3. SOIL AND WATER IMPACTS OF FOREST CONVERSION AND RECOVERY (cont.) • Impact of afforestation on water yield tends to be a trade-off • between improved infiltration (and consequent reduction in overland • flow) and increased ET. • Evidence is that ET is the dominant factor, • but many policies and investment decisions are based on the opposite presumption - thus urgently need clarification of circumstances when the null hypothesis does not apply. • The rapid expansion of exotic tree plantations makes clarification • of these issues in the tropics urgent (is water use of indigenous • species lower?).
3. SOIL AND WATER IMPACTS OF FOREST CONVERSION AND RECOVERY (cont.) • There is also a need to understand the implications of trading-off tree • and crop production in agro-forestry systems in terms of water • use efficiency. • The use of macro-invertebrates as monitors of water quality has • potential, but needs skilled interpretation and much more work.
4. NEW METHODOLOGIES • Lumped parameter models are as good as physics-based (process) models for predicting water yields. • Modelling the impact of land use changes requires much more work. • Models should be designed around the data that is (or is likely to be) available. • New developments in remote sensing provide the possibility for process models to become more sensitive to spatial variations. • It is very difficult to detect any greenhouse signature in hydrological data (particularly long term water yields) —CO2 and temperature levels are easier.
4. NEW METHODOLOGIES (cont.) • Need to distinguish between research models (for explaining observed regularities) and management models (for using the explanations to predict and manipulate management outcomes). • Models need to be more “client based” and developed in an adaptive and iterative fashion. • Tracer based estimates of residence times of water may provide a way forward for assessing meso-scale land use changes and for testing the internal characterisation of models.
5. LINKING SCIENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL POLICY • Many comments made about the low profile of • forest hydrology in the policy arena, particularly internationally. • Need strategy to remedy this. • A key element would be to identify potential partners who have • an interest in enhancing their own policy positions by improving • their understanding of: • - hydrological processes and • - the hydrological impacts of land use changes. • Strategic alliances could be developed where there are • converging agendas.
5. LINKING SCIENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL POLICY (cont.) • Possible partners could include: • Secretariats of key UN commissions • Development banks and bilateral aid agencies • International NGOs and intergovernmental agencies (FAO, UNDP, UNEP, ITTO, etc) • International research centers (CIFOR, ICRAF, etc • OTHERS ?
5. LINKING SCIENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL POLICY (cont.) • Possible “targets” for international policy fora: • World Freshwater Assessment Programme • World Bank water policy • World Bank forest policy • UN Forum on Forests • Convention on Biological Diversity (Technical Committee) • Dams Commission (be quick) • OTHERS ? • (Would HELP be a target or the vehicle for carrying the • hydrological message?)