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Holiness Through Repentance: Path to Freedom

Discover the essence of repentance with the discipleship course exploring definitions and biblical references. Understand the significance of turning away from sin, abhorrence of sin, and honoring God. Examples of repentance from figures like Jacob, Ninevah, Nebuchadnezzar, and Isaiah are illustrated to show the transformative power of repentance. Delve into the necessary works and results of true repentance, including forgiveness, restitution, and the seven works of repentance. Parables like the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son emphasize the importance of repentance in the Christian journey. Witness how repentance leads to reconciliation with God and our fellow beings. Learn the significance of confession, forsaking sin, and seeking forgiveness in prayer as key elements of a repentant life. Experience the joy that repentance brings, as seen in the hearts of believers and the heavenly realm. Start your journey towards freedom through repentance today!

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Holiness Through Repentance: Path to Freedom

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  1. Lesson 3 Repentance Ready to be free: Discipleship Course 1 John 1:7-9

  2. Definition • Webster: to fell sorry or self-reproachful for what one has not done; to feel so contrite over one’s sins as to change, or to decide to change one’s ways.

  3. Repentance is used two ways in the New Testament • Metamellomai:means to regret, to care afterwards, be sorry for • Metanaeo:means to think differently, to change one’s mind, purpose or opinion

  4. What is repentance? Matt. 3:2-9 • Repentance actually has 3 parts: • A turning away from sin. • Heart (emotion) • Mind (thinking)

  5. 3 Parts to repentance • 2. A Spirit of abhorrence to sin. • This means a hatred for the thought of sin as well as the deed.

  6. 3 parts to repentance • 3. A spirit of honor towards God. • This causes us to not want to sin. Because God is Holy, we desire to be holy. Romans 2:4 “goodness of God leads to repentance” 2 Cor. 7:10 “Godly sorrow works repentance” Jn. 6:44,45,65 “No one….but by the Father”

  7. WHAT ABOUT Sin? • “Adam switched off from God’s design….” Oswald Chambers • James 1:15 Sin... finished, brings forth death • Rom. 6:23 Wages of sin is death • Heb. 9:14 Blood of Jesus purges…from dead works • Gal. 5:16-21 Works of flesh bring spiritual death

  8. Examples of Repentance

  9. Jacob • 3 things Jacob commanded; • Put away strange Gods (Judges 10:15-16) • Be clean (2 Cor. 7:9, Ps. 119:9 and Jn. 15:3) • Change their garments (Is. 61:10, Job 3:5-10, 1 Pet. 5:5, Rev. 3:18)

  10. Ninevah • Jonah 3:5-10 • The people fasted • They turned from their wickedness • They turned from violence

  11. Nebuchadnezzar • Daniel 4:27 • Break off sins by righteousness • Break off iniquities by showing mercy to poor • May be a lengthening of thy tranquility

  12. Isaiah • Isaiah 55: 6-7 • Seek the Lord and call on him • Let the wicked forsake his way • Let the unrighteous forsake his thoughts • Let him return unto the Lord. • Result: God will abundantly pardon

  13. Works meet for repentanceMatt. 3:8, Acts 26:20, Lk. 3:8 • Bring therefore fruit meet for repentance • Repent and turn to God • Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance • Meet or worthy means suitable, proper, fitting, appropriate, becoming. One of the great rewards of true repentance is restitution. Restoration of things taken.

  14. Results of repentance • Eph. 4:32 God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. • Col. 2:13 Forgive you of all trespasses. • Acts 5:31 To give repentance unto Israel and the forgiveness of sins. • Col. 1:14 In whom we have the forgiveness of sins. • God Forgives!!!

  15. seven works of repentance • Carefulness-a watchfulness lest you sin • Clearing-of yourself of guilt • Indignation-a hatred of sin • Fear-of God and sin’s results • Vehement desire-to be righteous and obey God • Zeal-in working for God and His cause • Revenge-used in the sense of giving justice and the punishment of sin.

  16. Parables Study these examples • Parable of the 2 sons (Matt. 21:28-32) • Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7) • Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) • Repentance isn’t the final act for the sinner, one must be baptized in Jesus name, and let God fill him with the Holy Ghost!

  17. Repentance for those who have a relationship with god • Job prayed for his friend, God turned his captivity • (Job 42:1-10) • There are ways to be reconciled to our brothers. • (Matt. 5:23-34) • We can learn how to handle transgressions against us. • (Matt. 18:15-17)

  18. More examples • When we confess our sins, He forgives and cleanses us. • (1 John 1:7-9) • Confession and forsaking of sin brings mercy.(Prov. 28:13) • If we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. (1 John 2:1-2 • In prayer, we are to ask for forgiveness. (Matt. 6:5-15) Joy comes to the heart of the repentant, to the life of the observers, and to the Angels in heaven. (Luke 15:7)

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