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Modern America: Leaders and Scandals of the 70s-90s

Explore the presidencies of Nixon, Reagan, and beyond, including Watergate scandal and global shifts.

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Modern America: Leaders and Scandals of the 70s-90s

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  1. Modern AmericaThe 80s – 90s

  2. Modern AmericaFinal Unit Chapters and Key ideas 70s - 90s, The Leaders of Modern America Richard Nixon (1969-1974) Gerald Ford (1974-1977) James Carter (1977 – 1981) Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) Bill Clinton (1993-2001) George W. Bush (2001-2009) Barack Obama (2009 – Present) • Chapter 31, Sec 1 • The Nixon Presidency and the Watergate scandal • Chapter 32, Sec 1 • The Reagan Presidency and Neo-conservatism • Chapter 32, Sec 2, 3 and 4 • The Cold War Ends, The New World Order (aka problems in the developing world) • Chapter 33, Sec 3 • Foreign Developments After the Cold War (The War on Terror)

  3. Nixon - Background • 1968 election --> Richard Nixon won a narrow victory • campaigning as a champion of the “Silent Majority” (hardworking, tax paying Americans who did not demonstrate & wanted to restore ‘law & order.’ • Indicates a shift to the right in American politics • Proposed “New Federalism” = gives more power & resources to the states through revenue sharing • Giving the Sts. Federal $ for social programs that they would control Question: 1. What is Nixon’s Campaign platform in the 68 Election and why do you think it was successful?

  4. The Nixon Administration Domestic Foreign Detente = relaxation of tension between USSR & US 69’ – 77’ Nixon goes to China, negotiates w/ USSR SALT Treaties, Helsinki Accords… Implementation of the Nixon Doctrine (US would meet treaty obligations but local nations would take the lead in defending themselves… Vietnamization in the Vietnam War) • Politically Nixon’s Southern Strategy sought to solidify a Republican base in the South • Ex: places a freeze on busing, stopping the process of school desegregation • Initiates Affirmative Action to make up for past discrimination against women & minorities • Expanded Gov’t agencies • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration • Beginning of Economic Problems • Stagflation (recession and inflation at the same time) • OPEC embargo on oil send prices soaring Question: 2. Why was Nixon’s First Term considered such a mixture of progressive and conservative policies?

  5. The First Scandal • Scandal #1 – The Pentagon Papers • 7,000 pgs. Leaked from the Defense Dept. classified assessment of the Vietnam War revealing that senior gov’t officials had serious misgivings about the war. • Remember Credibility Gap… • Nixon Adm. sued the newspaper to not run the story but the SCUS ruled papers could be published Question: 3. Why was the leaking of the Pentagon Papers considered such a national scandal?

  6. Paranoid Politics- all about getting reelected - • Nixon created an ‘enemies list’ (list of people who objected to his policies who he was ‘out to get’) • Ordered tax audits on antiwar protestors and civil rights activists • Fired people in appointed position within the gov’t • The White House Plumbers • After the release of the Pentagon Papers, the White House created a unit to ensure ‘internal security’ (they stopped leaks) • The Watergate Break-in • June 17th72’ 5 men were arrested while attempting to bug the Dem. Party headquarters (1 man arrested was head of security for the Republican party) • Nixon campaign denied any involvement Question: 4. What lead to the Nixon Administration’s involvement in the Watergate Scandal? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh163n1lJ4M

  7. Watergate Scandal • Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein – investigate & publish in the Washington Post • Tapes – during the investigation it was revealed that there were audio tapes from the White House. • Nixon claimed executive privilege, but in US vs. Nixon the SCUS ruled that Ex. Privilege not applied to criminal cases • Tapes revealed widespread involvement, including Nixon Activity/ Question: 5.Read the US vs. Nixon summary attached. What is executive privilege and what are the limits of it’s use?

  8. Nixon Resigns – • July 27th 1974, the house Judiciary committee approved Articles of Impeachment against Nixon • August 5th, when the ‘smoking gun tape’ became public. • August 9th Nixon resigns / Gerald Ford (VP) becomes Pres. • Ford immediately grants Nixon a pardon Question: 6. Why do you think Nixon chose to Resign? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yf9vW8OM3o

  9. Impact Congressional Response Overall 1960s began optimistically with Kennedy, but ended in disunity and distrust Why? Vietnam war and a series of assassination and crises eroded public trust in gov’t and produced a backlash against liberal movements & the Democratic party • Congress pushed back against the abuses of the Nixon administration: • War Powers Act (1973) • Limited the president’s ability to deploy US forces without congressional approval • Freedom of Information Act (1974) • Protecting privacy and access to federal records • Sunshine Acts (1976-77) • Opened meetings of gov’t agencies to the public • Fair Campaign Practices Act (1974) • Limiting and regulating contribution in presidential campaigns • Ethics in Gov’t Act (1976) • Required financial disclosure forms from public officials • Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (1978) • Prohibiting domestic wiretapping without a warrant

  10. The Two Presidents Everyone Forgets… Gerald Ford (R) (1974-77) Jimmy Carter (D) (1977- 1981) Changing Economy Less manufacturing & more service jobs Foreign Policy Use moral principles as guide & committed to promoting human rights Continues with Carter Center Iran Hostage Crisis: Jan. 79’ revolution in Iran overthrow the shah with Ayatollah Khomenini Nov. 4th52 Amers. Taken hostage (see Argo) Outcome: negotiation for 444 days, release Jan 20th 1981 • Initiatives: • WIN (Whip Inflation Now) – Ford calls Americans to cut back use of oil and gas • Tight Money Policy – cut gov’t spending & higher interest rates • *Outcome = worst economic recession in 40 years • Continues Nixon Foreign Policy (Détente)

  11. ReaganThe Election of 1980 • Background: • Starts as a Hollywood Actor • governor of CA 1966 • becomes the hero of a movement called the New Right – promotes a conservative agenda • Reagan’s Platform • Strong Defense • Cut Taxes (read my lips) • Cut Spending • Balance the Budget (unless we can build a space laser…) • Conservative Agenda

  12. The New Right &Neo-Conservatism • Starts w/ Eisenhower and ‘Modern Republicanism’ and 64’ Barry Goldwater conservative Senator • Political Movement that helped Reagan win the 1980 Election • Promoted Strongly conservative policies • Opposed New Deal/ Great Society Policies (ex: Social Security) • Believe that overextension of what needs gov’t could or should meet • Opposed government activism • Opposed Federal Civil Rights laws (not necessarily local or state)Demand military buildup to defend against Soviet attack (refocus on Cold War)

  13. “The Time Is Now for Strong Leadership" • 1980 REAGAN VS. CARTER VS. ANDERSON Ronald Reagan’s television spots were not particularly artful. The centerpiece of the campaign was a conventional biographical ad tracing Reagan’s career and crediting him with reducing California’s deficit while lowering taxes. The ad’s main purpose was to show that Reagan—best known to the public as a movie actor—was also an effective governor. The rest of Reagan’s ads were simple but effective variations on the central question he put to voters: "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" Discussion Questions: How does the ad portray the candidate? Can you identify any bias? What is the main point of the campaign ad? How successful do you think the ad is at proving its point? http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1980

  14. Political Realignment New Deal Coalition • Democratic South • African-Americans • Union members • Urban North • Immigrant/newer ethnic groups • Farmers Reagan Coalition • Midwest small towns • Wealthiest Americans • Hawks on foreign policy • Blue Collar in North and Midwest (union and non-union) • White Southerners • Evangelicals • Yuppies

  15. Effect of Reagan on US Political Culture LeftRight Left-right defined as accepted level of government intervention in the economy: right = less intervention left = more intervention US Pre-1981; New Deal and Great Society era Reagan era

  16. Reagan’s Presidency Domestic Foreign Reignite the Cold War Arms Race with USSR Iran Contra Scandal Selling arms (to Iran) for the release of hostages to support Nicaraguan Contras Covered up Reagan admitted covering up No long term impact “Teflon” president. • Conservative Presidential Agenda: • Reduce the Federal bureaucracy • Deregulate certain industries • Cut Taxes • Increase the defense budget • Appoint conservative judges • *Reaganomics Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) = better known as Star Wars Neoconservatives (Neo-cons = Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Condoleeza Rice, Richard Armistead, Colin Powell, etc.)

  17. The Iran Contra Scandal Contras • Iran Contra Scandal • Selling arms (to Iran) for the release of hostages to support Nicaraguan Contras • Covered up • Reagan admitted covering up • No long term impact • “Teflon” president. Private US $ Foreign Gov’t $ Swiss bank accounts; controlled by North $$$ Iran Hostages weapons US Israel weapons

  18. Supply-Side Economics a.k.a“Reaganomics” • Cut taxes to put more money into the hands of businesses • Cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans • Lower taxes = more investment in the “supply side” of the economy • Would: • promote and create new jobs • encourage capital investment, and • lead to stimulated industrial growth

  19. Political Interpretation of Laffer Curve Recession and Recovery • Effects of Supply side Economics • 1981 & 1982 = Nation suffered the worst recession since the Great Depression. • Unemployment rose and government revenues fell. • Federal spending soared and the federal deficit skyrocketed. • ________________________________________________ • 1983 = Economic upturn sends consumers on spending spree • Stock Market surged and GDP went up 10% Maximum Revenue No revenue 0% Tax Rates 100%

  20. Reagan and the Cold War • Called Soviet Union the “evil empire” • Reagan - Cold Warrior • Lebanon • Libya • Grenada • El Salvador • Nicaragua (Contra rebels supported by US) *supported leaders that aided our fight against communism…

  21. End of the Cold War Activity How was the Cold War finally brought to an end? What was the significance of this for both countries and the world? What do you think the legacy of the Cold War is?

  22. Ending the Cold War JigsawQbj: Students will describe the main factors which led to the end of the Cold War How was the Cold War finally brought to an end through the efforts of Reagan and Gorbachev and what was the significance of this for both countries and the world?

  23. A New World Order The Main Idea In 1988 Reagan’s vice president, George H.W. Bush, won election to a term that saw dramatic changes in the world. Recession that began in late 1990 forced Bush to raise taxes. Unemployment & poverty rose significantly Despite his foreign-policy successes, economic troubles at home proved to be Bush’s political downfall.

  24. Chapter 32, Sec 2, 3 and 4 - The Cold War Ends, The New World Order The Cold War Ends Russia’s Boris Yeltsin, the leader of the Russian Republic, helped foil a hard-liners’ coup against Gorbachev in 1991. Beginning in 1990, Soviet republics started declaring their independence. Gorbachev resigned as president and the Soviet Union dissolved. Yeltsin now led the much weaker superpower. Bush and Yeltsin signed arms treaties in 1991 and 1993.

  25. The New World Order New World Order??? - US Involvement in Less Developed nations continue after the Fall of the USSR … but US motivations gets a bit murkier. - The Cold War shifts to the War on Drugs and War on Terror • New concerns • War on Drugs • War on Terror • Technological advancements & the impact of the internet • Impact of Globalization

  26. War on Drugs “America's public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive.” – Richard Nixon 1971 Define Connections to the Cold War US give aid/ allows drug trafficking if the administrations are Pro-US or assist in US foreign policy goals (Extension of Cold War policies – such as Truman) Ex: Noriega & Nicaragua The CIA supported Gen. Manuel Noriega, leader of Panama, who gave assistance to Contra groups in Nicaragua in return for the CIA leaving his drug trafficking alone 89’ US invasion of Panama & capture of Noriega, put him in jail in Miami • Campaign of prohibition of drugs, military aid (and $), and military intervention with the intention to reduce illegal drug trade. As part of the War on Drugs, the US spends approximately $500 million per year on aid for Colombia,largely used to combat guerrilla groupssuch as FARC that are involved in the illegal drug trade

  27. Impact • Mandatory Minimum Sentences & three strike rule – increase of the number of people incarcerated • Spending for the War on drugs increases – today US spends $51 billion yr. • Prices for illicit drugs rise but demand doesn’t = rise of cartels & violence

  28. War on Terror Define Connections to the Cold War Many assume the US is attacked b/c the terrorist ‘hated our freedom’ but Also connected to the Cold War Involvement in Less Developed nations during the Cold War due to foreign policy from 50s – 90s Similar use of fear to drive policy Greater expansion of US intervention and involvement overseas • Refers to the international military, political, legal and conceptual struggle against organization designated as terrorist & regimes accused of supporting them. Cold War vs. War on Terror Similar but very Different: http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/gerald-r-ford/videos/gerald-ford-cold-war-vs-war-on-terror

  29. US Foreign Policy Since WW1 • Prior to WW1 US is isolationists • Post WW1 US becomes world economic power • Post WW2 US 1 of the 2 superpowers in the world • Cold War prompts increase in foreign involvement • Rise of international organization (UN, etc.) • Fall of USSR leave US as sole superpower • US becomes part of a multipolar world & continues high level of involvement in foreign affairs • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC45TRP4lq0 Origins of the War on Terror Cold War Policies • Truman Doctrine – Reagan Doctrine • US will support any country that opposes Communism • US expands involvement world affairs to counter Soviet expansion • US involvement continues after fall of USSR. (shift in foreign policy goals) • Example: • Soviet war in Afghanistan • US CIA trains rebels (Mujahideen fighter) in guerrilla warfare • Soviets leave & US pulls out causing bitter resentment & extremist group the Taliban take control • Taliban seek to destroy ‘Western influence’ & ‘preserve Islam’

  30. Globalization Define Connections to Cold War Technology has increased the rate and distribution of information & ideas Cold War spending spurred technological growth & innovation • Tendency of businesses, technologies, or philosophies to spread throughout the world • Creates an increasing interconnected economy, trade, and communications • Implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world

  31. America – The Story of US • Major Topics: • Technological advancements in America • How has technological innovation impact the US? • US Political and Social changes • How has America continuously reinvented itself throughout its history? • 9/11 and the War on Terror • Reflection on the American Experience… Homework: Chapter 32, Sec 1 The Reagan Presidency and Neo-conservatism

  32. Review Of America, The Story of US Task: Reflect on the Entire Series by answering the following questions. Give at least two examples for each questions. Your examples can be taken from any time in American history: • How has technological innovation impact the US throughout it’s history? • How has America continuously reinvented itself throughout its history? • What is the American Dream (according to this movie)? And How has it changed throughout American History? • Write a Review of the Story of US series. You can include information on the following questions: • What was your favorite aspect of this series? • What was your least favorite aspect of the series? • Would you recommend this series for students next year? Why or why not?

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