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MANDIR NI MARYADA. Presented by Laxmi Group. What is Maryada?. Maryada is the code of conduct of behaviour which is only applicable to human beings.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MANDIR NI MARYADA Presented by Laxmi Group

  2. What is Maryada? • Maryada is the code of conduct of behaviour which is only applicable to human beings. • Mandir in maryada in our presentation refers to how we should behave within the vicinity of the temple so as to achieve our main goal of why we come to the temple. • Lord Swaminarayan left us shastras which guides to become a vituous person especially vidur niti which is a complete guide on how we should carry ourselves in this world.

  3. Maryada in the temple • There are various behaviours which are suposed to be followed when in the temple, but we discuss the main ones as follows: • When praying to God, we must have a chandlo on our fore head to identify ourself as the Devotee of Lord Swaminarayan. Without this it is very difficult for God to identify us as his disciple and hence our prayers might go in vain. • .

  4. Restriction of talking during sabha • We are also advised not to talk about wordly things while the MandirSabha is going on. This is for the benefit of all as you might be disturbing your neighbour by distracting them

  5. No physical contact with any one in the sabha • We should also make sure that when we are sitting in the sabha, we should not have any body contact with any person. For example, your knees should not touch the knees of the person sitting next to you. • This is a hindrance to your concentration of God as well as for the person sitting next to you.

  6. Leaving our Ego, Pride and Enemity outside the temple • We should leave our ego and pride and enemity with other fellow satsangis outside the temple. • For example, if you have some grudge against another person, you should not hold that grudge in the temple, once you are out it does not matter but in the temple you should be pure like Gold

  7. No talking or touching the Male • Also when you are in the temple, you should not talk or touch any male, irrespective of their relations to you. • This means that you should not talk or touch your husband, brother, cousin or any one related to you leave alone other men. • Shikshapatri Shloka No.40

  8. No Eating or Chewing • When the sabha is in session, one should not eat or even chew gum. • This distracts the person sitting next to you and they cannot concentrate in the Sabha. • If you are not able to pay attention to the sabha then be kind enough to let your neighbour do the Bhakti.

  9. Fixing Your gaze on God • You should fix your gaze at God and do not let your eyes wander here and there during sabha session. • If you are really interested in keeping up to date with the new people coming to Sydney or the new sarees worn by other ladies, you have the time after sabha.

  10. Covering our Head • Lastly, the main theme of our presentation; • All females irrespective of the age and status should cover their head while in the temple. • This is the hot topic for presentation as it is becoming a trend in every temple where the girls have realised that it is important for one to cover their head while in front of God.

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