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What might a church of Holiness and Justice look like?

What might a church of Holiness and Justice look like?. Revd Dr Roger Walton and Rachel Lampard. Developing ourselves and our churches for Holiness and Justice New monasticism & rules of life Over to you. Resources. New Monastacism?. Fountains Abbey. Features of Monastries. Prayer

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What might a church of Holiness and Justice look like?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What might a church of Holiness and Justice look like? Revd Dr Roger Walton and Rachel Lampard

  2. Developing ourselves and our churches for Holiness and Justice New monasticism & rules of life Over to you...

  3. Resources

  4. New Monastacism?

  5. Fountains Abbey Features of Monastries Prayer Rhythm of work and prayer Rules of living together Special place Sometimes special work Hospitality Ampleforth Abbey

  6. Monastic Communities established Christianity in England

  7. Monastics have renewed the Church Francis of Assisi • Poverty • Preaching • Care for creation God has consistently helped the church remember who it is through monastic movements Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove New Monasticism p22

  8. Early Methodism was form of Monastic Community • Do no harm. Do good. Love God. • Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can. • Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.

  9. Weekly Rhythm (Safe Space Telford) See and appreciate something new in Creation; Explore something about Jesus; Listen in silence to the Spirit; Bless and be blessed by someone; Listen to and share a God story with someone; Pray for and ask for prayer from someone; Rest.

  10. Iona Community • Daily prayer, worship with others, Bible and other material that nourishes us • Working for Justice and peace, wholeness and reconciliation in our localities, society and the whole creation • Supporting one another in prayer and by meeting, accounting for the use of our gifts, money and time, our use of the earth’s resources and keeping all aspects of the Rule • Sharing in the corporate life and organisation of the Community

  11. Be true to Christ Be kind to people Take the Gospel to the Nations

  12. What does it mean to be true to Christ? • We live prayerfully. • We celebrate creativity to His glory. • What does it mean to be kind to people? • We practice hospitality. • We express God’s mercy and justice. • What does it mean to take the gospel to the nations? • We commit ourselves to lifelong learning that we might shape culture and make disciples by being discipled. • We engage in mission and evangelism

  13. What might be in a rule of life? • Context • Convictions • Relationships • Values • Commitments

  14. In Groups What might a rule of life look like for Worship Leaders and Local Preachers?

  15. Feedback

  16. To listen in all places for God’s speaking • To nurture in myself and others a passion for God • To find fresh ways of telling the good news • To learn something new each week and share it • To pray at a set time for worship leaders, preachers, & churches • To study and pray together with other WL and LPs once a month • To encourage others to consider the calling to lead worship or preach • To acquaint myself with the local information and national issues • To attend a retreat, conference or study at least once per year.

  17. Thank you Please keep in touch! @racheljl @rogerwalton The President and the Vice-President of the Methodist Conference

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