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The Mystery of the Missing Clock. By: Jenni Rasmussen.
The Mystery of the Missing Clock By: Jenni Rasmussen
It was a quiet night in a city that knows how to keep its secrets. Private detective Peter Peterson was leaning back in his leather chair, throwing crumpled up pieces of paper at his wire wastebasket. All of a sudden, there was a loud knock at the door. BANG, BANG, BANG. Peter Peterson slowly got up from his comfortable chair and went to the door.
Oh please come quickly Mr. Peterson! It’s horrible! There has been a break in at Fredrick Von Switzenheimer’s watch shop. I think someone stole the famous Switzenheimer clock!! Oh please hurry! There was a frantic woman standing in the middle of the doorway.
Peter Peterson quickly grabbed his briefcase and magnifying glass as the woman yanked him out of his office and dragged him down to Fredrick Von Switzenheimer’s watch shop two blocks away. There was a crowd gathered around the shop.
As soon as they arrived at the scene of the crime, Mr. Switzenheimer ran up to him and, still sobbing, tried to explain what had happened. My watch! My precious watch is gone! Who would have done such a horrible thing? I know, it was that kid I hired to polish it yesterday. He took the watch and now I have nothing, NOTHING! I am ruined!
I will get on this right away sir. Don’t worry, I’ll find whoever stole your watch in no time! But I’ll need your help to solve this mystery! Let’s first go to talk to the police man investigating the crime. Maybe he found some clues that he could share with us!
We’re in luck! The police man found a clue. I found this on the floor. It’s the thief's ransom note. It was written on the back of a movie ticket stub for a show at 8:40 am.
Let’s go to the movie theater to see if anyone remembers seeing Wally Watch go to a movie at 8:40 am. What is a half an hour before 8:40 am?
That’s right! A half an hour, or 30 minutes, before 8:40 am is 8:10 am. Let’s see if the barista (a person who works at a coffee shop) remembers Wally coming in at 8:10 am. Oh I remember that fellow. I don’t think he needed any caffeine; he was crazy enough without it. He kept on talking about a ticking and said, “AHHH, the ticking never stops! Maybe I can outrun it!” He left for the gym at a quarter past 9 o’clock. When we are talking about time, a quarter means 15 minutes. What is a quarter past 9 o’clock?
Way to go! A quarter past 9 o’clock is 9:15 am. Rock Hard, Wally’s personal trainer remembers seeing Wally at the gym at 9:15 am. When Wally came to the gym, he asked me to come to his baseball game he was playing in thirty-five minutes from now. He mentioned something about getting some batting practice so he could smash some clock to smithereens. I think he has gone crazy! It is 9:15 am right now. What time will it be in 35 minutes?
Good job! 35 minutes past 9:15 am is 9:50 am. Wally is not there though. There are no smashed clock pieces on the baseball field, so hopefully that is a good sign that the clock is okay. Let’s see if any of his teammates knows where he went. Wally was a no show for the game. That’s twice this week that he has not shown up! He did call me beforethe game this time. He thinks someone is following him and needs to make an emergency visit to his hairdresser in twenty-five minutes. What time will it be in 25 minutes if it is 9:50 am right now?
Awesome! If it is 9:50 am right now, in 25 minutes it will be 10:15 am. Rip U. Off, Wally’s hairdresser, remembers seeing Wally this morning. It was the strangest thing. Wally is normally very particular about his hair, but today he asked me to chop it all of and dye his eyebrows blond. Boy, did he look weird. He was headed to the bank at five ‘till noon. He mentioned something about leaving town and needing all of his money. Oh no! We’d better catch Wally fast! What time is 5 minutes ‘till noon?
Great detective work! 5 minutes until noon is 11:55 am. Wally just left the bank. Let’s talk to his banker and find out where he went. You just missed Wally by 12 minutes. He took out his entire saving account worth $1,000,000. He was leaving for the airport in anhour and a half. Hurry! This is our last chance to catch him. It is 11:55 am right now. One hour from now would be 12:55 pm. Now, add 30 minutes to catch Wally before he boards his plane!
Congratulations! We caught Wally Watch red handed before he could board his plane to leave town. 11:55 am + 1hour and 30 minutes is 1:25 pm.
Now Wally is behind bars and Mr. Fredrick Von Switzenheimer has his famous watch back thanks to your help! THE END