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Agenda. Welcome Presentation Discussion Evaluation Closing. Biogas upgrading. Jos de Hullu Jenny Maassen Paul van Meel Siamak Shazad Jessica Vaessen Tutor: Laura Bini Project coordinator: Jetse Reijenga. Biogas Upgrading techniques Boundaries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda • Welcome • Presentation • Discussion • Evaluation • Closing Interim presentation MDP

  2. Biogas upgrading Jos de Hullu Jenny Maassen Paul van Meel Siamak Shazad Jessica Vaessen Tutor: Laura Bini Project coordinator: Jetse Reijenga Interim presentation MDP

  3. Biogas Upgrading techniques Boundaries Chemical absorption Water scrubbing Pressure swing adsorption Cryogenic separation Membrane separation Comparison Conclusions Outlook Questions Outline Interim presentation MDP

  4. Combustible gas mixture (CH4, CO2, H2S) Anaerobic fermentation preferred Upgrading biogas Increasing calorific value Stripping CO2 and H2S Input 250 m3/hr Injecting in gas grid What is biogas? Interim presentation MDP

  5. Biogas demands Interim presentation MDP

  6. Biogas Upgrading techniques Boundaries Chemical absorption Water scrubbing Pressure swing adsorption Cryogenic separation Membrane separation Comparison Conclusions Outlook Questions Outline Interim presentation MDP

  7. Simple model, only main parts are discussed Waste streams are not modeled but are considered The model starts with untreated biogas The total input of energy and materials will be investigated Costs of operating and investment will be estimated and be used to calculate the price per m3 of exit gas Boundary conditions Interim presentation MDP

  8. Chemical absorption PFD Interim presentation MDP

  9. Disadvantage Scrubber needed to remove CO2 Advantages Almost complete removal H2S H2S converted into S Chemical absorptionAdvantages & Disadvantages Interim presentation MDP

  10. Water scrubbing PFD Interim presentation MDP

  11. Disadvantages High amounts of H2S cannot be stripped H2S is corrosive and will damage the scrubber Advantages High purity of CH4 can be reached Removes both gases and particulate matter Neutralization of corrosive gases Water scrubbing Advantages & Disadvantages Interim presentation MDP

  12. Pressure swing adsorption PFD Interim presentation MDP

  13. Disadvantage H2S has to be removed prior to PSA Advantages High CH4-enrichment Low power demand Low level of emission Pressure swing adsorption Advantages & Disadvantages Interim presentation MDP

  14. Cryogenic separation PFD Interim presentation MDP

  15. Disadvantage A lot of equipment needed Advantages Large quantities with high purity produced No use of chemicals Easy scale up Cryogenic separation Advantages & Disadvantages Interim presentation MDP

  16. Membrane separation PFD Interim presentation MDP

  17. Disadvantages Membranes are expensive Fouling Advantages Compact and light in weight Low maintenance Low equipment costs Low energy costs Membrane separation Advantages & Disadvantages Interim presentation MDP

  18. Chemical absorption gives a total removal of H2S but requires a scrubber for CO2 removal. Water scrubbing is easy and has been proven profitable. PSA is a rather complicated process but gives good results in practice. Cryogenic separation will probably be very expensive and only profitable for high biogas streams. A membrane plant is very easy to operate but could be expensive. Comparison Interim presentation MDP

  19. Biogas Upgrading techniques Boundaries Chemical absorption Water scrubbing Pressure swing adsorption Cryogenic separation Membrane separation Comparison Conclusions Outlook Questions Outline Interim presentation MDP

  20. Overview different techniques Waste streams Maintenance Conclusions Interim presentation MDP

  21. Cost estimation CO2 footprint Cryogenic separation in model Comparison Outlook Interim presentation MDP

  22. Questions Interim presentation MDP

  23. Outlook Interim presentation MDP

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