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All things are possible

Fourfold Interpretation of Scripture. The literal sense The allegorical sense, which conveys something to be believedThe moral sense, which conveys something to be done The anagogical sense, which conveys something to be hoped for . Observation on the scribes. Scribes arguing with disciples (14)

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All things are possible

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Presentation Transcript

    1. All things are possible Mark 9:14-29

    2. Fourfold Interpretation of Scripture The literal sense The allegorical sense, which conveys something to be believed The moral sense, which conveys something to be done The anagogical sense, which conveys something to be hoped for

    3. Observation on the scribes Scribes arguing with disciples (14) Jesus’ enquiry and disciples’ silence (16) Argument arose out of boy’s possession and disciples’ inability to drive out spirit (17-18) Jesus did not join in argument Jesus cast out the spirit (25) Many thought boy died (26) Jesus lifted him up in the end (27)

    4. Interpretation (1) Arguments over the things of God are settled by deeds not by words.

    5. Application (1) Defend our Christian beliefs Avoid arguments Don’t just tell, show

    6. Observation on the adversary Father whose son was possessed (17) Spirit was powerful (18) Spirit did not seem afraid (20) Spirit had been around for a long time (22) Spirit put up a fight till the end (24) Spirit came out on Jesus’ command (25-26) Son looked worse off initially but in the end Jesus lifted him up (26-27)

    7. Interpretation (2) Adversary may struggle till the end but it will be still defeated by God No Adversary is too great for God

    8. Application (2) Ask not how big your adversary/problem is but how big your God is

    9. Observation on the father Family embarrassed/lost or desperate Father spoke up (17-18) Father disappointed (18) Father was unsure (24) Father’s doubt highlighted (19, 23) Father prayed for faith (24) Jesus casts out spirit (25-26)

    10. Interpretation (3) Not the size of our faith but where we put our faith All things are possible for those who believe that Jesus can

    11. Application (3) Approach Christ with Faith and Honesty no matter how difficult your situation is

    12. Observation on Jesus Jesus first knew about the boy’s possession from the father. (17) Jesus first saw the manifestation of possession only when the boy was brought to him (20) Jesus investigated further (21) Jesus cast out the spirit (26) “This kind can come out only by prayer.” (29)

    13. Interpretation (4) Some spirits require prayer to come out Some spirits do not require prayer to come out Pray in all cases but some spirits come out before prayer

    14. Application (4) Attitude may be hidden but it is indispensable Pray in all cases Be led by the Holy Spirit

    15. Summary Arguments Don’t argue Don’t just tell, show Adversary How big is your God Approach to Christ Faith and Honesty Attitude Pray and be led by the Holy Spirit

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