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People Transformation Programme The New Performance Management Framework

People Transformation Programme The New Performance Management Framework. Team Briefing 績效管理團隊簡報. It is clear, aligned and stretching objectives 它是清楚、一致且具張力的目標 With regular coaching and feedback 有持續性的指導與回饋 Based on quality discussions at the mid-year and year-end performance review

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People Transformation Programme The New Performance Management Framework

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  1. People Transformation Programme The New Performance Management Framework Team Briefing績效管理團隊簡報

  2. It is clear, aligned and stretching objectives 它是清楚、一致且具張力的目標 With regular coaching and feedback 有持續性的指導與回饋 Based on quality discussions at the mid-year and year-end performance review 期中與期末績效檢討時會進行有品質的面談 It is results driven, not activity based 它是結果導向,而非以活動為基礎 And differentiates individual performance based on evidence 並且以事證區別個人績效表現 What is performance management? 什麼是績效管理?

  3. HSBC’s business strategy is to deliver superior growth and earnings over time 滙豐的經營策略是不斷地實現最佳的成長與營收 Shareholders and external analysts have told HSBC that improved business performance is required 股東及外部分析師都建議滙豐需要改善經營績效 Our employees, via the Global People Survey, told us we need to improve performance management, specifically in: 從全球員工意見調查中發現,我們的員工認為我們需要改進績效管理,特別是: differentiating individual performance and reward 區別個人績效和獎酬 addressing underperformance more robustly 更加重視績效不佳的情況 providing more career coaching / counseling 提供更多的職涯指導與諮詢 Why are we changing our performance management approach? 為何改變績效管理方法?

  4. Group Management Board will approve a Group balanced scorecard with objectives aligned to our business strategy 集團管理委員會通過集團的平衡計分卡,將目標與我們的經營策略結合 Individual objectives will need to align and support the Group balanced scorecard 個人的目標需要連結和支持集團的平衡計分卡 Resulting in the sum of all employee contributions ensuring that Group objectives are achieved 所有員工目標的總合要能確保集團的目標可以被達成 How will the new performance management approach work? 新的績效管理辦法如何執行?

  5. Actively manage team and take accountability for performance management approach 積極管理你的團隊,負責執行績效管理流程 Define clear performance expectations and agree individual objectives 定義清楚的績效期望並與部屬針對目標達成共識 Provide direction, feedback and support 提供方向、回饋和支援 Hold mid-year and year-end performance review discussions 進行年中和年底的績效檢討面談 Assess and differentiate performance 評量和區別績效 What is expected of managers? 主管被賦予的期望是什麼?

  6. Play an active role in agreeing your objectives 主動與你的主管在目標上達成共識 Monitor and manage your performance against your objectives 以目標和被期望的行為來監督並管理你的績效 Actively seek feedback and implement development actions 主動尋求回饋與執行發展計劃 Reflect, assess and improve performance 反映、評估與改進績效 Own and manage your career 承擔和管理你自己的職涯 What is expected of employees? 員工被賦予的期望是什麼?

  7. The performance cycle runs from January to December andincludes the following key dates: 績效年度是從1月到12月,包含以下重要的日期: Setting Objectives (January to March) 設定目標 (1-3月) Managing Performance (relevant throughout the year) 管理績效 (全年的過程中) Managing Under Performance (as required) 管理績效不佳的情況 (如果必要時) Mid-Year Review (June to August) 年中檢討 (6-8月) Year-End Review (November to January) 年底檢討 (11月至次年1月) All supported by timely training for managers 會提供主管及時的訓練 What is the performance management cycle? 什麼是績效管理週期?

  8. Objectives form the basis of all activities relating to performance throughout the year 目標是這一整年所有與績效有關的活動 Use SMART objectives 設定(SMART)聰明的目標 Setting effective objectives at the start of each performance year provides the foundation for any successful performance management approach 在每個績效年度的開始設定有效的目標,是為成功的績效管理流程奠定基礎 What are objectives? 什麼是目標?

  9. Because it is a useful business planning tool that drives both behaviour and performance 因為它是一個有效的經營規劃工具,用來推動行為和績效 Scorecards can be used to generate improvement and business success 平衡計分卡可以用來創造業務的改善與經營的成功 Scorecards are made up of financial, customer, process and people quadrants 平衡計分卡由財務面、顧客面、流程面與人才面等四個象限所組成 Why do we use a balanced scorecard? 為何我們使用平衡計分卡? People (Learning & Growth) 人才(學習與成長) Customer 顧客 Vision & Strategy 願景與策略 Financial 財務 Process (Internal Business Systems & Processes) 流程(內部流程與系統)

  10. What is the new HSBC 5 point rating scale? 什麼是滙豐新的5個績效評等?

  11. What is the new HSBC 5 point rating scale? 什麼是滙豐新的5個績效評等?

  12. It is a robust distribution that is the outcome of good performance management 它是一個在良好績效管理方法下所展現之健全的績效分佈 At the heart of this is fairness. This means recognising people that outperform and being honest with those who are not performing so well 它的核心就是公平。它意旨要對表現優秀的員工給予肯定,同時對於表現不理想的同仁給予誠實的建議 A consequence of doing this effectively is that performance is more differentiated resulting in a normal distribution curve 有效執行的結果將更可以區分績效,進而產生常態分佈曲線 What is a target distribution? 什麼是指標性績效評等分佈?

  13. This is a process of ordering actual performance ratings against commercial outcomes and internal peer comparison. 這是一個將實際績效評等,按業務成果並與內部同儕排列比較的過程 Relative ranking helps ensure objectivity and differentiation of individual performance. After assessing performance on an individual basis it is then compared to others and ultimately the market to ensure the assessment is objective, commercial and meritocratic. 相對排名可確保個別員工的績效表現獲得客觀評估,同時適當區分不同員工的表現。每位員工被評等後,他/她的評等會再與其他同事比較,亦會最終與市場情況作比較,確保整個評核程序客觀,並符合商業和論功行賞原則。 What is relative ranking? 什麼是相對排名?

  14. Become familiar with performance management and your role and responsibilities 熟悉績效管理以及你的角色與責任 Brief your team 向你的團隊簡報 Access available training, information sessions, bulletins to stay up to date and well informed 參與訓練、簡報及注意相關公告,了解及時的資訊 Between June and August 2008 all employees need to have a mid-year review with their manager 2008年6-8月之間所有員工都需和主管進行年中績效檢討 What next? 下一步?

  15. TPM Form & e-TPM system 績效管理表格與系統 • e-TPM system will be ready in NJB after 3Q 2008 2008 3Q 之後原中華商銀分行的e-TPM系統才可使用 • Word document in both English & Chinese will be provided 無法使用e-TPM系統的同仁可先用中英文版本的TPM表格填寫

  16. TPM Forms & FAQ in English & Chinese can be downloaded from Intranet “Learning on-line” 中英文績效管理表格及相關問答集可從內部教育訓練網站下載 If you require HR support when delivering your team briefing, please inform Dorothy or Melody. 若您需要HR協助您進行新績效管理方法的團隊簡報,請通知Dorothy或Melody. HR will provide timely communication and training in line with ASP practice. HR會及時提供與亞太區一致的溝通與訓練。 HR Support 人力資源處的支援

  17. 2008 TPM Schedule 2008 績效管理時程 New Approach Communication (Team Briefing) 績效管理方法溝通 (團隊簡報) BAU Mid-year Review 年中檢討 Year-end Review 年底檢討 • A TPM pocket handbook will be provided to all NJS • 新加入的同仁將收到一本績效管理小錦囊 NJS (Training) Transition to be an HSBC manager (訓練) 滙豐主管的第一堂課 Goal Setting 目標設定 Year-end Review 年底檢討

  18. FAQs 問與答 

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