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What was the MAIN reason the First Nations were fed up with the British

How was the relationship between the British & First Nations following the incident at Fort Detroit?. What was the MAIN reason the First Nations were fed up with the British . Royal Proclamation. Chapter 4. Royal Proclamation 1763. Things were not smooth between the First Nations and British

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What was the MAIN reason the First Nations were fed up with the British

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How was the relationship between the British & First Nations following the incident at Fort Detroit?

  2. What was the MAIN reason the First Nations were fed up with the British

  3. Royal Proclamation Chapter 4

  4. Royal Proclamation 1763 • Things were not smooth between the First Nations and British • So the Royal Proclamation was issued by King George III of Britain • It effected all of Britain's colonies in North America (ie Quebec)

  5. Key Points • The boundaries of Quebec was confined to along St. Lawrence River • The rest of New France was to be First Nations territory

  6. All Canadiens in First Nations land had to leave

  7. What is Different about Quebec? • Where is the Ohio Valley?

  8. Key Points pt 2 • Only the Crown could buy land in First Nations territory • Anyone involved in fur trade in First Nations territory had to have a license

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