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Learn about quality assurance in UK higher education, the process of checking standards and ensuring the best possible education experience for students. Explore the role of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and the UK Quality Code.
Quality Assurance in UK Higher Education: Reviews and Accreditations Wendy Yip Director, International Development
What is Quality Assurance? • UK Universities award their own degrees • National threshold academic standards – set out a minimum level of achievement that has to be reached for students to succeed on the course and achieve the qualification • Academic quality is how well the University supports students in their learning: the quality of teaching, the support, the resources • Quality Assurance is the process of checking that the standards and quality of the education meet the agreed expectations. It is about raising standards and ensuring students have the best possible experience when studying
Why do it? • Having quality and standards means that students and employers and everyone else can have confidence in a student’s education and degree. Students have a better chance of gaining good employment or becoming successful researchers • Good practice can be identified and spread to other programmes and to other Universities (through peer review) • Public reports, press reports, league tables and student satisfaction surveys can enhance or damage a University’s reputation and affect a University’sability to attract the best students
How is it done? • The University checks that quality and standards are being met: • all new Programmes have to be formally approved • annual monitoring is carried out to make sure everything is on track and the courses stay up to date • more detailed reviews, with external staff involved, are carried out every six years: research degrees as well as taught • external examiners from other Universities advise on academic standards and how they compare to similar awards in other Universities
Who checks on the Universities? • The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) is responsible for upholding the quality and standards of Universities in the UK
National Level: Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) • Mission: to safeguard the public interest in sound standards of higher education qualifications and to inform and encourage continuous improvement in the management of the quality of higher education • They do this by • working with higher education institutions to define academic standards and quality • carry out and publish reviews against these standards • Established in 1997 • Independent body funded by subscriptions from UK universities and colleges of higher education, and through contracts with the main UK higher education funding bodies
QAA - responsibilities • Each university and college of higher education is responsible for ensuring that • appropriate standards are being achieved • a good quality education is being offered • QAA’s responsibility is to • safeguard the public interest in sound standards of higher education qualifications • encourage continuous improvement in the management of the quality of higher education • They achieve this by • reviewing standards and quality • providing reference points that help to define clear and explicit standards • In England, universities and colleges of higher education are reviewed through an institutional audit – now called Higher Education Review
UK Quality Code • Developed by QAA with the higher education community, and sets out the Expectations that all providers of UK higher education are required to meet. • The Quality Code is grouped into three parts: • Part A on academic standards • Part B on academic quality • Part C on information about higher education provision • To ensure that Aston met the expectations of the Quality Code, the University’s Learning and Teaching Committee established an expert group to consider each Chapter (13 Groups in total). • Each Group reported on meeting the Expectations of ‘their’ chapter, and to identify any actions the University should take. • Having submitted their initial reports the expert groups continue to meet as required to record progress on the actions they recommended.
UK Quality Code • Part A: Setting and Maintaining Academic Standards • Qualifications Frameworks • Characteristics Statements • Credit Frameworks • Subject Benchmark Statements
UK Quality Code • Part B: Assuring and enhancing academic • Chapter B1: Programme Design, Development and Approval • Chapter B2: Recruitment, Selection and Admission to Higher Education • Chapter B3: Learning and Teaching • Chapter B4: Enabling Student Development and Achievement • Chapter B5: Student Engagement • Chapter B6: Assessment of Students & the Recognition of Prior Learning • Chapter B7: External Examining • Chapter B8: Programme Monitoring and Review • Chapter B9: Academic Appeals and Student Complaints • Chapter B10: Managing Higher Education Provision with Others • Chapter B11: Research Degrees
UK Quality Code • Part C: Information about Higher Education Provision Public confidence in higher education relies on public understanding of the achievement represented by higher education qualifications. The Quality Code sets out an Expectation that higher education providers make available valid, reliable useful and accessible information about their provision.
Chapter B10: Managing Higher Education Provision with Others • Work and Study placements • UK and abroad, taught and research students • Student exchange agreements • Work-based learning in collaboration with employers • Articulation agreements offering entry to second or final years of courses • Dual/double awards of taught and research programmes • Joint awards
Chapter B10: Managing Higher Education Provision with Others • Importance of clear agreements • Who is responsible for what – especially: • Programme Management Team • Examination Boards • Assessment of what staff development might be needed • Regular reviews of collaborative provision are held and are based on: • admission and progression data • student and employer feedback • annual review and external examiners’ reports • Meetings are held with the programme team, students and, where appropriate, employers
QAA Higher Education Review (HER) 2015 • The Higher Education Review for Aston University took place in April 2015 • Had to demonstrate how it maintains its academic standards and quality and how it enhances the quality of learning opportunities for its students: • The submission, in January 2015, of a Self Evaluation Document (SED) to the QAA, accompanied by a detailed range of evidence sources to support the descriptions and reflections made in the SED on the Institution’s strategy, structures, policies and processes • A week long visit by the QAA Review Team in April 2015. The QAA met with students and a range of staff from across the University to gain first-hand information on the institution’s approach to quality assurance and enhancement • Following the Review visit, the QAA will write a report on the findings of its review which will include judgements, recommendations, features of good practice and affirmations. The University will have an opportunity to respond to the report before the final report is published on its website.
Institutional Level Aston University’s Approach to Quality • Aston University operates a tiered approach to quality assurance and enhancement in which: • Individual staff are encouraged to take responsibility to strive for high standards and quality of their own activities • School Boards (through Academic Groups, School Teaching and Learning Committees and School Research Committees) and Executive Deans of School are responsible for ensuring that academic provision and research continue to meet the quality thresholds and academic plans of the School and the University • Whilst the Senate and Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) establishes and monitors the effectiveness of University quality and standards policies, processes, procedures and regulatory frameworks, as well as approving codes of practice (Quality Team)
Institutional Level Aston University’s Approach to Quality • Programmes of study are monitored annually within the Schools, taking into account feedback from students, teaching staff, external examiners, placement providers and professional bodies • Each degree programme is subject to an internal review by the Learning and Teaching Committee every six years: Periodic review panels include academics from across the Schools, member of staff with expertise in learning and teaching and Students’ Union, and two external representatives. Subject areas and the Schools are required to respond fully and formally to the recommendations of the resulting review report
Quality Management Structure at Aston University KEY: Research Programmes UG and PGT Programmes SENATE (3 meetings a year) Research Committee (At least 2 meetings a year) Learning and Teaching Committee (4 meetings a year) Graduate School Management Committee (3 meetings a year) Collaborative Provision Strategy Group (3 meetings a year) 4 School Management Teams (Various) University Research Ethics Committee (1 meeting a year) Programme Approval Sub-Committee (6 meetings a year) 4 School Learning and Teaching Committees (Various) 4 School Research Committees (Various) Regulation Sub-Committee (3 meetings a year) School Research Ethics Committee (1 meeting a year)
School LevelAston Business School's Approach to Quality • ABS has a strong quality assurance and enhancement framework led by its own Quality Unit and Quality Group • The School’s procedures are embedded within those of the University and there is active engagement with University staff and mechanisms • The introduction of the Quality Unit and Quality Group shows the commitment of ABS to a quality agenda and to continuous quality improvement • Triple Accreditation for Aston Business School • AMBA: 2015 • AACSB: 2013 • EQUIS: 2011 • ABS has significantly increased the involvement of other groups in programme design and evaluation, notably the business community both local and nationally and alumni. This has added an invaluable external perspective to School's activities notably by the Advisory Board.
Students • Students also have a role in quality assurance and if they are not happy with their course they can: • make a complaint to the University • make a complaint to the national Office of Independent Adjudicator (OIA) • make a complaint to the QAA (the Concerns process) • Students are given • Student Charter • Student Handbook • Course Handbook • Students are encouraged to give regular feedback through • Satisfaction surveys • Course surveys • Leavers destination surveys
External Accreditation • QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) • EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) • AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business • AMBA (Association of MBAs) • Professional Bodies
Professional organisations • If students are studying for a professional qualification, such as engineering, law or pharmacy, their programmes are also looked at by professional organisations who approve the courses and monitor them
Where does the Bologna Process fit in? • The UK was one of the primary signatories in 1999 • Now covers 47 European and Eurasian countries • Much of the discussion takes place at a national level • European Ministers of Education meet every 2 years to discuss and build upon objectives • Essentially: • Transparent Quality Assurance processes • The Three Cycle System • Easier recognition of qualifications and periods of study • The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) • ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) • Diploma Supplement • Mobility /international exchange • Establishment of the EHEA as a common frame of reference
Where does the Bologna Process fit in? Transparent Quality Assurance processes • UK QAA certified as fully compliant with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance and has played an active role in promoting best practice at a European level The Three Cycle System • In 2008, QAA verified: The framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales & NI (FHEQ) to be compatible with the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (FQ-EHEA) • UK via UUK (+ France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland) contributed to Declaration on doctoral training in Europe, which makes the case against the regulation of doctoral degrees
Where does the Bologna Process fit in? Easier recognition of qualifications and periods of study • In 2008, QAA verified: The framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales & NI (FHEQ) to be compatible with the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (FQ-EHEA) • Credit framework exists: • Two UK credits = one ECTS credit • Full-time UK HE year = 120 UK credits (60 ECTS credits) • Diploma Supplement • Aston issues the Diploma Supplement, which incorporates information into a document which sets the student's course in the national context
What next for the Bologna Process? • In Bucharest in April 2012, the Education Ministers identified three key priorities for the future: • Mobility EU Ministers have agreed to double the proportion of higher education students completing a study or training period abroad to 20% by 2020 and support for mobility is a core focus of the EU programme for education and training • Employability • Quality • Continual work on ECTS • Continual work on Diploma Supplement
Useful Website • QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) www.qaa.ac.uk
EQUIS(European Quality Improvement System) • European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) is Europe's largest network association in the field of management development • EFMD operates the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) • Objective: To raise the standard of management education worldwide
EQUIS(European Quality Improvement System) • Assesses institutions as a whole - including research, e-learning units, executive education provision and community outreach • Looks for • a balance between high academic quality & the professional relevance provided by close interaction with the corporate world • the creation of an effective learning environment that favours the development of students’ managerial & entrepreneurial skills, and fosters their sense of global responsibility • innovation in all respects, including programme design & pedagogy • A focus on level of internationalisation; not a strict requirement by AACSB • So far all fully accredited EQUIS business schools applying for AACSB accreditation have succeeded, which has not been the case the other way.
Institutions with single, double or triple accreditations(outside North America)
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria 10 chapters covering the review areas Chapter1: Context,GovernanceandStrategy • Sets the School’s identity, mission and strategic objectives within the national & international context within which it operates • Mission: A clearly articulated mission that is understood & shared throughout the institution • Governance: An effective & integrated organisation for the management of its activities based on appropriate processes, with a significant degree of control over its own destiny • Strategy: A defined, credible and coherent strategy, realistically reflecting its market positioning, resources and constraints
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter 2: Programmes • Looks at the portfolio of programmes offered to ensure that they are well-designed with clear learning outcomes and an appropriate balance between knowledge acquisition and skills acquisition • Delivery methods should be diverse and reflect up-to-date educational practice • Strong emphasis on student learning and allow for practical work • Rigorous assessment processes for monitoring quality of students’ work • Regularly evaluated through feedback from students and other stakeholders • Adequately staffed, managed and administered
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter3: Students • Addresses the School’s management of its student population. • The School should demonstrate that it is successfully preparing students for potential careers in international management. • The extent to which the School is able to attract students from other countries, both as regular students enrolled in its degree programmes and as exchange students, is a major indicator in assessing the degree of internationalisation
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter 4: Faculty • The School should recruit, develop and manage its faculty in accordance with its strategic objectives and have sufficient core faculty to cover the major disciplines and constitute a viable body of distinctive expertise • Criteria includes: • Faculty size, qualification and composition • Faculty management • Faculty development • Internationalisation • Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability • Corporate Links
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter5: ResearchandDevelopment • The School should regularly produce original contributions to knowledge that are effectively disseminated. These should demonstrably make an impact on one or more constituencies that are strategically important for the successful development of the School: academic peers, management professionals, students, etc. Chapter6: ExecutiveEducation • If offered, the School should explain how this activity is integrated into their overall strategy and into their management systems
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter 7: Resources and Administration Demonstrate financial viability & institutional continuity, with physical resources & facilities to provide a high quality learning environment and with sufficient high quality administrative staff and processes to support the School’s range of activities • Criteria includes: • Physical Facilities and the Learning Environment • Financial Performance and Financial Management • Risk Management • Information and Documentation Facilities • Computing Facilities • Marketing and Public Relations • Administrative Services and Staff • Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter8: Internationalisation • The School should have a clearly articulated strategy and policies for internationalisation. • It should demonstrate its commitment to educating and preparing students and participants for management in an international environment. • This should be underpinned by active collaboration with international partner institutions in fields such as student exchanges, joint programmes, research activity and corporate connections. • The School should be able to attract students and faculty from other countries. • It should carry out research of international relevance and scope.
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter9: Ethics,ResponsibilityandSustainability • A clear understanding of its role as a “globally responsible citizen” and its contribution to ethics and sustainability. This understanding should be reflected in the School’s mission, strategy and activities. • There should be evidence that the School’s contribution is reflected in its regular activities, covering education, research, interactions with businesses and managers, community outreach and its own operations.
EQUISQuality Standards & Criteria Chapter10: CorporateConnections • The School should have a clearly articulated strategy and policy with regard to its corporate connections. It should demonstrate that it develops students and participants with a practical understanding of business and management through interaction with the corporate world. • Faculty should be involved with current management practice through research and consultancy undertaken in collaboration with corporate partners and through executive education. • Corporate input should be a key feature of the School’s activities.
Useful Websites • QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) www.qaa.ac.uk • EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) www.efmd.org • AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) www.aacsb.edu • AMBA (Association of MBAs) www.mbaworld.com • HEA (Higher Education Academy) www.heacademy.ac.uk