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Network Objects

Explore how network objects are shared and marshaled in distributed systems and learn about the concept of network object sharing and marshaling methods.

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Network Objects

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  1. Network Objects Marco F. Duarte COMP 520: Distributed Systems September 14, 2004

  2. Introduction • Distributed systems require data, process sharing among nodes • Object oriented programming appropriate for distributed systems • A. Birrell, G. Nelson, S. Owicki, E. Wobber (1993) • How to share objects in distributed systems? • Methods provide sharing interface – share methods? • Network Objects: Objects whose methods can be accessed by other programs

  3. Pickles • Solution to marshaling complex data types • Simple variable types marshaled in-line • Complex types (i.e. objects) marshaled by pickle package – which can be customized for each object type • Network objects are passed by reference • Non-network objects are copied to destination • Marshalling support for inter-process streams

  4. Network Object Sharing • Network object T, subtypes TImpl, TSrg • Surrogates are created by the unmarshaling code • Clients select a transport shared by client and owner • Clients select TSrg corresponding to TImpl

  5. Object Sharing • How to choose best surrogate for a network object? • Narrowest Surrogate: Choose TSrg which is the most specific and consistent with TImpl, and with stubs available both in client and owner. • Third Party Transfers: Obtaining a reference to a network object from another client

  6. Object Sharing: Example MODULE Server EXPORTS Main; IMPORT NetObj, FS, Time; TYPE File = FS.File OBJECT <buffers, etc.> OVERRIDES getChar := GetChar; eof := Eof END; Svr = FS.Server OBJECT <directory cache, etc.> OVERRIDES open := Open; END; < Code for GetChar, Eof, and Open > BEGINNetObj.Export(NEW(Srv), “FS1”); < Pause Indefinitely >END Server. MODULE Client EXPORTS Main; IMPORT NetObj, FS, IO; VAR s: FS.Server :=NetObj.import(“FS1”, NetObj.LocateHost(“server”)); f:= s.open(“/usr/dict/words”); BEGIN WHILE NOT f.eof() DO IO.PutChar(f.getChar()) END END Client … TYPE NewFS.File OBJECT METHODS close() END;

  7. Typecodes • Unique object identifier in a machine • Used for allocation • Typecodes are matched with supertypecodes (parent)

  8. Typecodes: Problem

  9. Fingerprints: Solution • 64 kilobit checksum dependent on object structure

  10. Network Object Marshaling • Networks Objects are marshaled through their wire representation: (SpaceID, ObjID) • If object is not known at client, a surrogate is found for it using the narrowest surrogate rule.

  11. Remote Invocation • Stubs registered in table with srgType, disp. • Obtain and release connections • Dispatcher: obj.disp(c, obj) – written by stub generator – unmarshals arguments and calls appropriate method • Methods identified by integers

  12. Garbage Collection

  13. Garbage Collection Dirty Set: List of clients containing surrogates for the objects

  14. Garbage Collection • When surrogate is collected, RPC removes it from dirty set • If there are no local references, TImpl can be collected

  15. Garbage Collection • Third party transfers as results require Ack message to protect both copies

  16. Explicit Import/Export MODULE Server EXPORTS Main; IMPORT NetObj, FS, Time; TYPE File = FS.File OBJECT <buffers, etc.> OVERRIDES getChar := GetChar; eof := Eof END; Svr = FS.Server OBJECT <directory cache, etc.> OVERRIDES open := Open; END; < Code for GetChar, Eof, and Open > BEGINNetObj.Export(NEW(Srv), “FS1”); < Pause Indefinitely >END Server. MODULE Client EXPORTS Main; IMPORT NetObj, FS, IO; VAR s: FS.Server :=NetObj.import(“FS1”, NetObj.LocateHost(“server”)); f:= s.open(“/usr/dict/words”); BEGIN WHILE NOT f.eof() DO IO.PutChar(F.getChar()) END END Client … TYPE NewFS.File OBJECT METHODS close() END;

  17. Bootstrapping • Objects passed as results to method calls • How to share an “original” object? • Forge original surrogate • Location, Object ID, Surrogate Type • Special Object w/ID = 0 • Methods implement network object runtime operations (Import, Export, Locate, etc.) • get, put operations • Specific TCP port assigned for location

  18. Performance doesn’t matter

  19. Linda: Basic Concepts • N. Carriero and D. Gelernter • Simpler, more powerful and more elegant than alternatives • Tuple: Unconstrained data structure • A tuple is a series of typed fields • (“a string”, 15.01, 17. “another string”)

  20. Tuple Operations • Four basic operations: • eval,out create new data objects • in, rd remove and read data objects • Operation syntax: • out(“a string”, 15.01, 17, “another string”) • in(“a string”, ? f, ? i, “another string”) • rd(“a string”, ? f, ? i, “another string”)

  21. Using Tuples • Live Tuple: Tuple whose data is to be determined by a running process. • Tuple space: Collection of tuples available to all programs • Implementing data structures as a collection of tuples: n-vector V • (“V”, 1, FirstElt), (“V”, 2, SecondElt) … (“V”, n, NthElt) • To read the jth element: • rd(“V”, j, ? x); • To modify the ith element: • in(“V”, j, ? OldVal); … out(“V”, j, NewVal);

  22. Advantages of Linda over Concurrent Objects • Communication, synchronization and process creation are two facets of the same operation • Tuples are persistent • Asynchronous communication between processes • Data structures can be expressed as a collection of tuples. • Live data structures are a collection of live tuples • Fine grained live data structure programs

  23. Linda and Objects • Can be used with object oriented programming • Generate passive objects using out • Generate active objects using eval • Communication with active object goes through tuple space • Parallelism-oriented, unlike other methods

  24. Conclusions • Network object simplifies communication in distributed systems, but introduces new complexities • Identifying objects consistently across computers • Network-based garbage collection • Communication between objects can be implemented in several ways • RPC conveniently implements remote method access • Object-oriented programming itself doesn’t implement parallelism

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